When or what age to pitch in and pay room and board....or not.


Supreme Mariner
Nov 20, 2001
Re: When or what age to pitch in and pay room and board....or not.

And I shouldn't have to work to the grave to support my adult children either.
With few exceptions, kids are the product of their environment and upbringing of their parents.

With few exceptions you get what you put into it. If your kids are lazy, lack ambition, or disrespectful there is no one to blame but yourself.

First wife, first kid, it was all about us. We got what we put into it.

Second wife, second and third daughters, day and night. Being recognized as the parents of two national honors society members beats filing police reports on a runaway...
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Vice Admiral
Apr 22, 2008
Re: When or what age to pitch in and pay room and board....or not.

Can't say I disagree. 4 out of 5 turned out well. Problem child was A-B student until 10th grade. Then imploded.