What were you doing last year on 9/11


Fleet Admiral
Mar 25, 2001
Re: What were you doing last year on 9/11

I was in the middle of an intersection,with a crew digging up the street. My truck has a computer/monitor/tv in it, (it's like my rolling office). I heard on the truck radio about the first strike.I then,went aboard the truck,turned on the tube, and watched ,updating the crew as events unfolded. I reflect on that day evry time I pass that patch of different colored asphalt.


Apr 16, 2002
Re: What were you doing last year on 9/11

Greetings,<br /><br />I was on a road crew, building a road. What I remember most is I was NOT doing. I wasn't running up a smoke filled stairwell trying to save innocent lives, or flying a jet fighter looking for more rogue planes. I wasn't doing anything heroic....just operating a back hoe/front-end-loader building a road, and praying.<br /><br />Blessings,<br />SoulWinner


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jul 19, 2002
Re: What were you doing last year on 9/11

I was in the elevator at work when the person I was riding with told me. We turned one of the TVs on in our breakroom and saw the second plane hit. I wen to my office and found a live on the street broadcast from a local New York Station. They were there first hand for the collapse and the smoke. I called my wife and got no answer at her work. She was in training for the DOT. Ther person teaching the class had associates in the towers. No one got anything done, we were all in shock. I listened to the NYPD police scanner over the internet the next couple days, but it really did not have any of the rescue, just some regular calls. A few days later, I got an email forwarded from a friend that had been at work across the street. He was fine, but dusty. He said he had to walk home a long way. Part way home, he sat in a deserted park and thought about everything he experienced. It is a day none of us will ever forget. Our response to the terrorists was totally justified and needed to be done. Turning the other cheek does no good. It will never be done until they are gone.