What? State/Lake you fish in


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Oct 17, 2005
This post could be a guide to help a person new to a area or looking to fish in a different State where to fish <br /><br />Please list your top three best fishing lakes or rivers in the state you live .Best place to put your boat in.Type boat you use<<<this will help person in knowing if there boat will be all right for that body of water.<br /> :cool: A little foot note about the areas, if you have time to post that information.<br /><br /> :) Iboats provides all kinds of information. The fisher person needs to know where to fish. This could be a sevice we all could provided each other. :D Thank You for reading this and posting


Petty Officer 1st Class
Sep 7, 2003
Re: What? State/Lake you fish in

hey your from STL as well. I fish all over the state along with ILL. Some places I cant mention on here cause I dont want more people to frequent them. I have a skeeter strada with a 50 merc that runs in the 30s to low 40s. But I pretty much fish everywhere within a 2 hour drive on the weekends.


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Oct 17, 2005
Re: What? State/Lake you fish in

Skeeterboy...yes you in ST.Charles county...I'm in Franklin County<br /><br />Last weekend test my boat first time...fixed up 1965 15' Starcraft


Seaman Apprentice
Feb 3, 2006
Re: What? State/Lake you fish in

I notice not very many replies are forthright about their favorite fishing spots! Personally, I like Lake Michigan for salmon and smallmouth bass. Any big river in Michigan is good for steelhead. And, gee, there are bass ponds all over the state--you can't miss. Just be sure to leave your money behind when you come here, please! :p


May 10, 2006
Re: What? State/Lake you fish in

Depends on what the family is up for most times:<br /><br />Long trip (several days or more) and when it's relatively cool: <br /><br />Lake Powell, about 3 hours away, abundant stripers, any boat will do but 18 ft and up is a plus. I use my cuddy.<br /><br />Overnight trip: Blue Mesa Reservoir, 2 hours, cool weather (and water), best kokanee fishery in the Rockies (maybe country?), great Laker fishery, a cuddy or boat with camper canvas is good, frequent showers and cold fronts, and a near 30 mile lake make it a trek to the ramp soemtimes.<br /><br />Day trip: Vega Lake, cold (@ 8,000 ft), good rainbows and occasional cutts and browns, pretty much any boat as you can be off the lake in minutes.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Apr 29, 2006
Re: What? State/Lake you fish in

I live in Tennessee, my home lake, so to speak, Old Hickory.


Aug 24, 2004
Re: What? State/Lake you fish in

The mighty Ohio river. Has almost every species that you would want to catch. Cleaned up a lot over the last 20 years. Ramps at every town on the river. Nice islands to fish for stripers and whites, deep holes and grain loading facilities for catfish. Lots of riprap and eddies for largemouth, stumps and deadfalls for spring and fall crappie, and below the dams are great for sauger (almost just like a walleye, could be brothers) in the winter when the river is down.


Aug 20, 2003
Re: What? State/Lake you fish in

The communist wealth of Virginia. Spend most of my time banging rocks and chasing smallies, or muskies in the New River. With an occasional trip to the James, Chickahomney, and rappahanock thrown in for variety :)


Fleet Admiral
Oct 13, 2003
Re: What? State/Lake you fish in

The lakes I visit most and my favorite launches, these are just the lakes within 100 miles of home:<br /><br />Lake Ray Hubbard 23k acres, free launch at John Paul Jones Park (Garland, TX), white & hybrid striped bass, LMB, catfish, crappie. Unmanageable in a strong south wind.<br /><br />Lake Lewisville 30k acres, launch at Arrowhead Park (Hickory Creek, TX) - great white/hybrid fishing but high traffic summer weekends - some good water accessible even in north or south winds.<br /><br />Joe Pool Lake 7k acres, Cedar Hill State Park, white bass, LMB, crappie - not the best fishing lake but it is the most convenient. A good lake to go to in a strong north wind.<br /><br />Richland Chambers reservoir, 41k acres, launch at Oak Cove Marina south of Corsicana, excellent whites/hybrids/crappie/LMB lake. Very rough in strong winds.<br /><br />Lake Texoma, 75k acres, Cedar Mills Resort(west end), Highport marina (mid-lake), Catfish Bay (Oklahoma side) - one of the only inland self-sustaining striped bass populations - best striper fishing south of Arkansas. Some good fishing protected from prevailing west wind...but stay off the main lake in winds over 15mph unless you can handle 4 to 5 foot swells.<br /><br />Cedar Creek Reservoir, 33k acres, great LMB & hybrid lake, launch at Don's Port (midlake) or Fisherman's wharf (south end). Unmanageable in a strong north wind, in south winds just stay on the south side.<br /><br />Other area lakes I fish less often: Grapevine, Bridgeport, Fairfield, Arlington, Fork. Any questions just ask.


Rear Admiral
Jun 27, 2004
Re: What? State/Lake you fish in

Wisconsin, which has more lakes than anywhere else. Lots and lots of options no matter where you are in the state. <br /><br />I choose a few lakes that I am familiar with when I go fishing.<br /><br />1. Rock Lake which is 50 miles from me and is my favorite lake for bluegills (26 miles East of Madison)<br /><br />2. Monona or Mendota, The two biggest lakes in the Madison chain that puts the city on an Ithmus. Fish there for bluegill or perch.<br /><br />3. Nagawicka which is 20 miles from me is where I go for a night bit or for just fooling around fishing for anything. Its close and easy to get to.<br /><br />4. Pike lake, which is 10 minutes from me is where I go for Pike and Walleye.<br /><br />5. Big Cedar, which is just as close, is where I go for crappie etc.

Ron G

Apr 28, 2005
Re: What? State/Lake you fish in

hard to say,mostly woods,but i fish all over TN and Alabama.


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Jul 19, 2004
Re: What? State/Lake you fish in

Fish all over northern Indiana and Illinios...<br />I like the Cal River...<br />The Big Lake ( Lake Michigan) when the water is good enough for my little boat...<br />Lake George...though it is way too popular these days...<br />Potato Creek...<br />Giest Resv.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Oct 22, 2005
Re: What? State/Lake you fish in

waterinthefuel said:
5th biggest freshwater lake in the country, Toledo Bend.

I thought Lake Champlain was the fifth biggest lake in the country.

CN Spots

Lieutenant Commander
Oct 19, 2005
Re: What? State/Lake you fish in

Anywhere there's gar. Lots and lots of gar. And maybe bowfin, but mostly gar.

I'm after largemouth, but I seem to only fish where there's gar.:|

spots hates gar


Vice Admiral
Feb 24, 2002
Re: What? State/Lake you fish in

I like the lakes where the lake trout still naturally reproduces.That means that there are less than 3ppb,yes billion not million,PCBs in the water.Of course these lakes have warm and cold water fishing.
Last week I went out and came back with a catch of 3 lakers,one landlocked salmon ,one brown,5 largemouth and a bunch of crappies.Only in the finger lakes.


Seaman Apprentice
Jun 9, 2006
Re: What? State/Lake you fish in

Wheeler Lake, its part of the Tennesee River in Northern Alabama, my backyard is the waterline with lots of access. boat lauches that I use are cowford and first creek boat ramps they have plenty of space and are great for boats up to twenty eight foot, the main body of the river can support small shipps as this river has its share of barges and tugs that push and pull them for several hundreds of miles on a 24 hour clock, the bigger marinas can launch your vessel with lift or you can drag it in your self. we got fresh water drum, crappie, perch, carp, brim, sauger, walleye, gar, sturgeon, paddle fish or (spoonbill) rock bass, three types of catfish including channel cats or blues, rainbow trout, black bass, yellow bass, smallies (small mouth bass) large mouth bass, white bass, stripper bass, and my favorite hybrid stripper bass. kinda got a little of it all, not like my home town in

"Jackson Hole" Wyoming on the "Snake River" where the big "Browns" are a fever like the "Cutt-Throat" trout runs in the late spring-early-summer.

Wheeler lake has about a hundred miles of shoreline with tons of inlets slueths, marshes, lilly flats, as well as industrial lighted areas like, nuclear power plants, shipping locks, ship yards, dry docks, dams, multiple marinas, lots of lauches, picknicking, swimming, water skiing as well as full fledge camping and rv overnite areas, tons of different activities for the whole family or the championship tournament bass pro user, lodging abounds in this paradise where when you go up-stream or down-stream it continues from Georgia all the way to Nashville Tennesee as this mighty river cross's many States with something for everyone....



Nov 11, 2005
Re: What? State/Lake you fish in

Is somebody digging up bones?? the post #s are wierd.