The E-tec ones make you gag!so what is going on with spark plug$$ some kits go for 35$/8pack
l 78v permagaps 16$ cdn each ???
To maintain my original 5 year warranty I went ahead and replaced them at 300 hrs and just used the benchmark the whole time I used it.ETECs... can't say if I changed them once maybe twice in 18 years and not because I had problems just because I fugured they should not have lasted so long... i'll lok them up just to get ready for the big shock thankfully I have a I3 .
Plug wires for a Porsche in the late 80's were close to $400 buckaroonies!Wait until you buy them for your hi tech electronic controlled engine in your car !! Neighbor had a tuneup on his hemi....plugs, wires, etc....over 300 bucks in plugs and wires labor !!