What a waste of Bandwith!!! Hmm JB maybe it's not us??


Chief Petty Officer
Jul 26, 2005
Ancient Mariner <br />Member # 1031 <br /><br /> posted 11-11-2005 08:57 PM <br />--------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />What a waste of bandwidth.<br /><br />--------------------<br />Red sky at night. . .<br />JB<br /><br />--------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />Posts: 18627 | From: The Hideout, Whitt, TX, USA | Registered: Mar 2001 | IP: Logged | <br /><br />Just thought I should open this up and I hope this doesn't stir up more issues. I have found that in my short time here at Iboats the one "GOD" so he thinks is able to make comments and remarks, delete, and lock posts as he pleases but never once looks in the mirror to find that him, going against Iboats regulations, makes rude and stupid comments himself, agrees with vulgar unless brought to his attention, and posts some pretty lame answers in all. I am not a female, I do not shave my legs(not that some here on iboats do) but I have just as much right to talk about my interests as do they, you, JB, or anyone else that decides to type in the little box. I get sick and tired of seeing GOD pick and choose who he is GOD to. I find him offensive, and ignorant at the least, as well as many of his topics, but the difference is I have no power to edit, delete and lock. I'm sure many of you here feel the same, and wether or not you'll admit it I will know that deep down inside you get sick of it as well. Besides, how many of us here have had topics deleted for ignorant reasons, just because they didn't fancy the "red sky at night" I for one am tired of it, equality across the board is needed. It doesn't matter if your female, male, new old, catholic, baptist, evinrude, mercury, bayliner, or sea ray.... Somewhere somehow someway any post will be of interest to someone and just because it's not any interest of JB's "red sky at night" gives him no right to delete, modify, or lock it... with his stupid ignorant remarks.....<br /><br />So I must ask you JB... who is the waste of Bandwith??? is it everyone on Iboats minus you... or is it just you??? I'll be looking forward to your answer... and everyone elses<br /><br /> TBAB Chat


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jul 24, 2005
Re: What a waste of Bandwith!!! Hmm JB maybe it's not us??

I'll be waiting for that too though I find this post getting deleted before there's any reply. along with your and my abilities to sign into iboats anymore.<br /><br />Thats how you keep the masses agreeable to you. Just shut out the ones you disagree with.


Sep 1, 2002
Re: What a waste of Bandwith!!! Hmm JB maybe it's not us??

Not with ya' on this one Dave.<br />JB's a mod and has earned respect from a lot of folks including myself. He doesn't proclaim himself as god. <br /><br /><br />Peace!


Chief Petty Officer
Jul 26, 2005
Re: What a waste of Bandwith!!! Hmm JB maybe it's not us??

Originally posted by magster65:<br /> Not with ya' on this one Dave.<br />JB's a mod and has earned repect from a lot of folks including myself. He doesn't proclaim himself as god. <br /><br /><br />Peace!
So becuase he is a mod.... that gives him the right to lock perfectly good topics, as well as leave a ignorant remark. I really don't think that was part of the mod's job. Throwing his stupid comments in the mix is not in any way earning respect from me or many others.... in any topic or post.


Rear Admiral
Jun 27, 2004
Re: What a waste of Bandwith!!! Hmm JB maybe it's not us??

magster- thats a pretty ignorant comment to make. we aren't complaing because we posted something supid or offensive or against the moral fiber of this site and it got locked. We had a thread about building boats. If anyone took the time to read it you would learn a lot about boat building, fiberglassing, painting, etc. We also had fun while doing it, but fun that is well within what is allowed on this site. JB has my respect for he is my fellow man, but I cannot respect him for summerizing 15 pages of information, fun, and friendship as "A waste of bandwith". The fact that that is the only explanation to the lock is ridiculous, and I am sure many would agree to that. JB you have to know you did the wrong thing this time. There was nothing in that thread to deem it lockable. I'm not going to call you names or anything like that, but i'm sorry this is by far the most ridiculous thing I have EVER seen on this site.


Aug 13, 2003
Re: What a waste of Bandwith!!! Hmm JB maybe it's not us??

As I said in the other thread, JB, I roll my eyes in your general direction.


Vice Admiral
Feb 24, 2002
Re: What a waste of Bandwith!!! Hmm JB maybe it's not us??

Gentlemen,<br />You are currently using bandwidth owned by a private company that has its own rules and enforcers thereof.<br />If you disagree or think that you have more rights than a guest,which you are,then go somewhere else.Good morning.


Oct 29, 2002
Re: What a waste of Bandwith!!! Hmm JB maybe it's not us??

Well guys I went and read some of the stuff you all were putting in that thread.<br />You three were carrying on a whole bunch of nothing. <br />You all were padding your posts to see who could turn the page and to me that is and was BS<br /><br /> So guys you are in Iboats world learn to live with it.<br />After all its not a chat room

brother chris

Jul 28, 2002
Re: What a waste of Bandwith!!! Hmm JB maybe it's not us??

I'm not sure what happened, but I sure to follow this topic and see what JB has to say. <br />Plus this helps with my post count. :D :p


Staff member
Apr 17, 2002
Re: What a waste of Bandwith!!! Hmm JB maybe it's not us??

Originally posted by bubbakat:<br /> Well guys I went and read some of the stuff you all were putting in that thread.<br />You three were carrying on a whole bunch of nothing. <br />You all were padding your posts to see who could turn the page and to me that is and was BS<br /><br /> So guys you are in Iboats world learn to live with it.<br />After all its not a chat room
Ayuh,...........<br />Exactly............<br /><br />Even though there Might be some Usefull info SOMEWHERE in those 15 Pages,..........<br />99% of it is Pure Bull$h!t........... Post Count driven Drivel...........


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Mar 25, 2001
Re: What a waste of Bandwith!!! Hmm JB maybe it's not us??

That's three threads on the same topic saying the same things. You guys looking for another record?

crab bait

Feb 5, 2002
Re: What a waste of Bandwith!!! Hmm JB maybe it's not us??

the only thing i'm pizzed at with JB,, he shoulda locked it at post 999.. <br /><br />it woulda killed 'um..!! :)


Staff member
May 29, 2003
Re: What a waste of Bandwith!!! Hmm JB maybe it's not us??

I gotta go with Bondo, Bubba, Crabby, AND JB on this one. The thread was interesting, till the post padding and BS came into play. Then it got pretty ridiculous.<br /><br />Remember, we are all guests here, and JB HAS been given, but the owners, permission to be the iBoats GOD. If we don't like that we are always free to leave. It is the owners place to discipline JB, if they feel that would be necessary, not the guests place.<br /><br />So, if you have a problem with JB, any of the moderators, or any of the other guests, take it to the administration in an email, not here on the forum.<br /><br />How many would have a job if they spoke so loudly at the workplace about their boss? If you have a problem, take it to the top in private and drop it. You are always free to leave.<br /><br />JB, I would suggest you lock all these threads that are complaining about what has happened. In fact, don't just lock them, ZAP them. This is not the place to air dirty laundry about iBoats and its representatives.


Supreme Mariner
Mar 22, 2005
Re: What a waste of Bandwith!!! Hmm JB maybe it's not us??

LOL @ crab<br /><br />I'm with aspeck too. ZAP the whole flippin' thing and these recent ones too. I think we took a vote not too long ago on a similar thread, and I think we overwhelmingly voted for JB as God, and a pretty darn good guy. Not that OUR collective vote ultimately means crud as pointed out by aspeck . . .<br /><br />I do have one beef though, is Tehcnospazzo gone or not? He's claiming that he has negotiated some special status, kinda like probation or sumpin'. I just need to know if I should stress about it or not. I don't sleep well knowing that there is a potentially offensive post being banged out while I'm sawin' logs . . .


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Mar 25, 2001
Re: What a waste of Bandwith!!! Hmm JB maybe it's not us??

Techno. . . whatever has had a conversation with iboats management and agreed to lighten up his postings.<br /><br />That is good enough for me, and I hope he doesn't get a lot of flak about past history.<br /><br />A fresh start, and welcome is what we owe him.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Sep 30, 2004
Re: What a waste of Bandwith!!! Hmm JB maybe it's not us??

I can't side with either side because I don't have all the facts and I only followed the first few post of that thread. I thought it was interesting, but I didn't keep following it. Calico's boat was super cool! By the way Calico, was that picture from the Fingers in Harmony Grove? Just curious. <br /><br />Post padding: If there's concern about wasted bandwith, then it might be a good idea to eliminate the ranking hierarchy. There's a fair amount of people on here who will post for the single purpose of raising their count to achieve a higher rank. I guess people consider it an achievement and it helps to keep people posting, but I think iboats has achieved enough respect and value to not have to rely on ranking to keep people coming back for more.


Fleet Admiral
Mar 25, 2001
Re: What a waste of Bandwith!!! Hmm JB maybe it's not us??

Originally posted by Dave J Z:<br /> Just thought I should open this up and I hope this doesn't stir up more issues. <br />---blah blah-blah---- deep down inside you get sick of it as well. Besides, how many of us here have had topics deleted for ignorant reasons, just because they didn't fancy the "red sky at night" I for one am tired of it, equality across the board is needed. It doesn't matter if your female, male, new old, catholic, baptist, evinrude, mercury, bayliner, or sea ray.... Somewhere somehow someway any post will be of interest to someone and just because it's not any interest of JB's "red sky at night" gives him no right to delete, modify, or lock it... with his stupid ignorant remarks.....<br /><br />So I must ask you JB... who is the waste of Bandwith??? is it everyone on Iboats minus you... or is it just you??? I'll be looking forward to your answer... and everyone elses<br /><br /> TBAB Chat
<br />You got a problem son?<br /><br />Like JB, I have been a member of this forum since a couple months after it's inception. I have come to know the moderators here, having never shaken their hand, nor sharing a brew (some day i fully plan to tho).. But this site has been an enjoyable gathering-place of a cross-section of mariners, regardless of religious,political, or social differences...They just like boats and exchanging opinions regarding every aspect of their lives.. In my term as member, i have only known of one person who was not welcomed here, and it was for a good reason ("MERCEY" was his chosen handle).<br />Speakin for myself, I like iboats.com just the way it is (thankyouverynmuch).<br />In my lifetime, i have never known of a more fair, consistant, gentle giant as i have come to know JB as.<br />If you have a problem with JB, you have a problem with this forum. And if that is indeed the case, you are in the wrong forum, not a kind founding member that has contributed more to the site than anyone else who enjoys the site, bar none!<br /><br /><br />I can't (nor would i assume to) opine for JB, the other mods, or the staff/admin of ibots.com, but as a member alone, i find your self-centered arrogant post to be a digusting troll. Why not just troll someplace else? It would make more sense, and less enemies.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jun 9, 2005
Re: What a waste of Bandwith!!! Hmm JB maybe it's not us??

My eyes are all teared up now.


Apr 10, 2005
Re: What a waste of Bandwith!!! Hmm JB maybe it's not us??

I went to that thread a few times but seeing as I have a rather slow dial up connection could not wait around for it to load. So maybe JB was right in his statement about bandwidth.