What a waste of Bandwith!!! Hmm JB maybe it's not us??


Supreme Mariner
Mar 22, 2005
Re: What a waste of Bandwith!!! Hmm JB maybe it's not us??

JB,<br /><br />I even said I would take the guy to lunch. If he is monitoring, I still mean that. Anyway, welcome to I boats Tehcnosuperdude :p :p :D


Aug 23, 2001
Re: What a waste of Bandwith!!! Hmm JB maybe it's not us??

Love it or leave it. It is there house and you are a guest. Follow there rules or its there right to say see you later. Most of us have had a run in with a MOD in the past. Get over it, lick your wounds and lets get back to business.


Sep 1, 2002
Re: What a waste of Bandwith!!! Hmm JB maybe it's not us??

Originally posted by Pony.:<br /> magster- thats a pretty ignorant comment to make.
Read Dave's original comments again and you'll see what true ignorance is. That's a personal attack, not a complaint. It's JB's call if he feels a thread isn't suitable... plain and simple. If you have a problem with that do what Aspeck said and email the administration. BTW, this thread is also another waste of bandwidth.
Jun 1, 2005
Re: What a waste of Bandwith!!! Hmm JB maybe it's not us??

Well, with the addition of all the new foerimms it appears that the admins are not as worried about the wasted bandwidth as some others. AS you said, it is JB's call. Further comment is moot.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Oct 8, 2004
Re: What a waste of Bandwith!!! Hmm JB maybe it's not us??

I say "let 12Footer deal with the problem'? Other than that Mods rule! Always found JB and others more than fair with forum posters! AND, I followed the problem thread with interest (I like boat building) until it disintegrated.<br /><br />TO quote techno "further comment is mute"; but, when did that stop anyone, including me, from putting in our $0.02.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Nov 23, 2003
Re: What a waste of Bandwith!!! Hmm JB maybe it's not us??

i'll have to side with the hierarchy on this. i do believe, however, that if there is going to be a "poof" than the mod, whoever it is should not reply, just "poof" the topic, then start a new thread as to why the previous was "poofed", but, not alow any postings to said new thread.<br />just my 2 cents.
Jun 1, 2005
Re: What a waste of Bandwith!!! Hmm JB maybe it's not us??

Originally posted by Hang'n In:<br /> I say "let 12Footer deal with the problem'? Other than that Mods rule! Always found JB and others more than fair with forum posters! AND, I followed the problem thread with interest (I like boat building) until it disintegrated.<br /><br />TO quote techno "further comment is mute"; but, when did that stop anyone, including me, from putting in our $0.02.
Actually, the point is moot. Would that it were mute. :eek: :eek: :p :p


May 17, 2001
Re: What a waste of Bandwith!!! Hmm JB maybe it's not us??

Anyone that has way over 18K posts has spent many hours at this forum. JB has been here from the beginning, and he will be here even longer. Everyone bangs heads with the ancient one, but ya just gotta chalk it up as your limits. <br /><br />Padding posts? I figure if you can't say something, don't post.


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Mar 25, 2001
Re: What a waste of Bandwith!!! Hmm JB maybe it's not us??

Alumistar, locking a thread is a temporary or permanent measure used only when a thread does not clearly violate the rules but is using the board inappropriately.<br /><br />A ZAP is the deletion of a thread or post that does violate the rules. We don't call that a poof anymore, not since we found out what a poof is in OZ slang. :) Once ZAPPED a post or thread is history.<br /><br />This thread is using the board inappropriately, and so are the two other JB bashing threads. The only reason they are still here is that if I ZAPPED them people would whine about censorship on a personal level.<br /><br />One More time:<br /> If you have a question, concern or complaint about iboats policy or board moderation, use the "Contact Us" icon to address your comments to iboats management. Do not start a bashing contest on the forum. You will only end up making a fool of yourself and getting a lot of people upset. <br /><br />Now, I agree with TechnoSuperDude. Further comment is moot.


Rear Admiral
May 29, 2004
Re: What a waste of Bandwith!!! Hmm JB maybe it's not us??

JB agreeing with TechnoSuperDude. Wow!!


Apr 24, 2005
Re: What a waste of Bandwith!!! Hmm JB maybe it's not us??

I doubt iboats gave this title to JB to attack people on their personal opines (which he does as a mod not just member) and threaten to zap a thread as it does not meet his personal beliefs. However, some people can never handle a little power especially if it is not earned i.e. George W. You are totally onesided on opinions JB. Maybe a note to iboats by a few that you are running off potential customers might not be met so kindly. Good day.


Jun 14, 2005
Re: What a waste of Bandwith!!! Hmm JB maybe it's not us??

I hate to respond to this since the point is now moot,and the issue is no longer an issue.Let it go guys.The ones of us who were locked from our post have moved on and so should you.<br /><br /><br />QUOTE by txswinner:However, some people can never handle a little power especially if it is not earned i.e. George W. <br /><br />Thats pretty good txs, you can take a rant and turn it into a troll :rolleyes:


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Sep 29, 2004
Re: What a waste of Bandwith!!! Hmm JB maybe it's not us??

I doubt if JB needs an ego trip at this stage in life. Suspect he has seen and done more than most on here and in more responsible roles. Come on now, endless step by step boat building! About as exciting as watching grass grow and a practical as a weather vane on an outhouse. Bet iboats is trembling at the thought of losing all the "customers" JB is running off. Yeah, Right. :eek: :eek:


Rear Admiral
May 29, 2004
Re: What a waste of Bandwith!!! Hmm JB maybe it's not us??

What's wrong with a weather vane on an outhouse?


Apr 10, 2005
Re: What a waste of Bandwith!!! Hmm JB maybe it's not us??

Now lets discuss that weather vane. How would a person go about building one? :D


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jul 24, 2005
Re: What a waste of Bandwith!!! Hmm JB maybe it's not us??

The one thing I find to be the most interesting is that, you the people whom are complaining against it, all took the time to read enough of it to come to these infantile conclusions. <br /><br />How many of the people whom are a part of it complain about the many posts you people discuss, weather we find them interesting or not?<br /><br />Just by the length of the topic I would say there was plenty of people interested or it would never have reached the length it did.<br /><br />Everyone involved in the topic let this argument go as soon as it was unlocked showing more respect than you folks are right now.<br /><br />Every topic I ever opened and found it to lack entertainment to me.... I CLOSED IT. Easy.<br /><br />JB I never had anything personal against you and still dont. I did however have my opinions about your actions with my topic that had nothing against the rules contained within. We had our conversation about it on here. You saw fit to reopen it and I expressed my gratitude. Case closed. I have no resentment against you and I posted twice in my post that you can feel free to zap that post as I saw the issue as being finished.<br /><br />Even after it was agreed that the topic should remain a boating topic, one of your many groupies saw fit to post his opinions within, degrading those of us who enjoy our "dribble". Even then I replied with no resentment.<br /><br />"quote:<br />Originally posted by Laddies:<br />And you dummies wondered why you were shut down before, this is the first time, in some time I wasted my time looking at this tread, but after all your crying and whineing earlier I had to ck it out to see if JB really wronged you, the only mistake he made was turning it back on and not takeing away your privileges all to gether--Bob <br /><br />Replied to by myself:<br />I believe this thread is for boat building. Please keep your comments elsewhere if you dont like it here. You have the option to not visit here. Thanks"<br /><br />And this is allowed though our friendly nonhateful banter is seen as offensive to you folks, and entirely because you dont "enjoy" reading it.<br /><br />And to end my rant, I find it funny that the only people that are complaining that we are trying to "pad our post count" (which by the way I have absolutly no interest) are the people with giant post counts. Are you for some reason proud of your post count and hoping noone catches up to you? <br /><br />Infantile at best.<br /><br />JB I hold no resentment towards you, but I will voice my opinions in situations like that, pretaining to my topics unless they of course violate the terms of agreement. I am intelligent enough to know when I've posted something lacking in morality and would understand why you would have to zap it.<br /><br />Give it up people. Grow up.


Rear Admiral
Jun 27, 2004
Re: What a waste of Bandwith!!! Hmm JB maybe it's not us??

I think Wimps comments express the sentimants of all of us in TBAB VERY well.


Jun 14, 2005
Re: What a waste of Bandwith!!! Hmm JB maybe it's not us??

You said it dink. ;) <br /><br /><br />QUOTE by agitator: Come on now, endless step by step boat building! About as exciting as watching grass grow and a practical as a weather vane on an outhouse.<br /><br /><br />Shall I remove the gun fom your head so that you dont have to read our thread anymore?Im sorry that I foreced you to read it.