Wally World on wellfair day.......


Vice Admiral
Mar 30, 2005
Man there's got to be a better way. Seeing the kind of food some of the food stamp spenders choose to spend the resources on blows my mind. On one end they buy the sugar waters, candy coated cereals and empty calorie snack crap. The other extrema is top shelf, brand name cuts of beef, pork and chicken, apparently without regard for the more for your money brands, or on sales items. I admit never having been forced down the hand out road, so I don't know all the rules. But it seems to me there should be a way to insure the food stamps are used to purchase healthy food, obtaining the most food for your stamps.


Rear Admiral
Apr 9, 2005
Re: Wally World on wellfair day.......

They should just hand out cheese.

CN Spots

Lieutenant Commander
Oct 19, 2005
Re: Wally World on wellfair day.......

There is a way, it's called common sense. Unfortunatly, it eludes many-a-folk.



Petty Officer 2nd Class
Feb 20, 2007
Re: Wally World on wellfair day.......

I got involved in a verbal joust with a woman at WallyWorld a few years back after watching her 1st pay cash for over $70 worth of Bud Ice, then whipped out her Lone Star card (food stamp card in TX) to square on what appeared to be fixin's for a major bar-b-que. She heard me mutter to myself "you have got to be kidding me" when I saw the card and whirled on me like a pit bull. I don't remember the exact words, but I remember her telling me to mind my own fu**ing business while her 2 year old sat in the cart and I remarked what a wonderful, intelligent mom she must be. It went downhill from there and she left shouting over her greasy shoulder with the store manager guiding her out.

I was just glad Cletus and Billy Wayne were not out pulling crow bars from their Ford Fiesta as I walked out.


Vice Admiral
Oct 12, 2003
Re: Wally World on wellfair day.......

If it were called a "LOAN STAR" card perhaps they would use it more judiciously.

Typical, save their cash for booze and lottery tickets.

Oh, yea... It's George Bush's fault. :(


Rear Admiral
Jun 27, 2004
Re: Wally World on wellfair day.......

Its the same people whose kids are blowing $800 on a pair of jeans while working part-time minimum wage at Burger King.


Vice Admiral
Mar 30, 2005
Re: Wally World on wellfair day.......

Upon further review, maybe there is no need to value shop. If I were given enough food stamps to purchase all the groceries I needed without being frugal, why bother. Then again if, as a food stamp provider I thought I could help more people by dolling out less stamps per family that would be my goal.


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Mar 25, 2001
Re: Wally World on wellfair day.......

The ability to make wise life choices may have a lot to do with why she is on welfare and you aren't.


Supreme Mariner
Mar 5, 2006
Re: Wally World on wellfair day.......

My wife and I have two acquaintances that board two horses where we board ours...this in California. They get food stamps while they are able to pay for the board for their two horses at $300 per horse a month.

Is something wrong here or what?


Staff member
May 29, 2003
Re: Wally World on wellfair day.......

They should just hand out cheese.

Froggy's cutting the cheese again, I thought there was a strange odor in the air - usually is when the wind blows from the south east ...:)

Drowned Rat

Jan 20, 2004
Re: Wally World on wellfair day.......

This story sounds like one of those myths you hear about, but I assure you it happened. I had a friend who worked at the local grocery store bagging groceries. He was helping a woman out to her car who had just purchased about $100 worth of junk food on her food stamps. As she was opening the trunk to her newish Caddilac, he cracked open a sleeve of Pringles and started eating them right in front of her. So she asks him, what the h*** are you doing? He answers, I'm paying for them I may as dam well eat them! Obviously it was his last day as an employee at Ingles Grocery, but I think he smiled the whole way home. I was proud of him. :)


Fleet Admiral
Mar 25, 2001
Re: Wally World on wellfair day.......

I got involved in a verbal joust with a woman at WallyWorld a few years back after watching her 1st pay cash for over $70 worth of Bud Ice, then whipped out her Lone Star card (food stamp card in TX) to square on what appeared to be fixin's for a major bar-b-que. She heard me mutter to myself "you have got to be kidding me" when I saw the card and whirled on me like a pit bull. I don't remember the exact words, but I remember her telling me to mind my own fu**ing business while her 2 year old sat in the cart and I remarked what a wonderful, intelligent mom she must be. It went downhill from there and she left shouting over her greasy shoulder with the store manager guiding her out.

I was just glad Cletus and Billy Wayne were not out pulling crow bars from their Ford Fiesta as I walked out.
Just be glad you didn't call her one of these;


You might end-up getting fired :D


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: Wally World on wellfair day.......

Its the same people whose kids are blowing $800 on a pair of jeans while working part-time minimum wage at Burger King.

It's also the same people, who if they vote, vote for the same party as PW, rolmops, WillyB, CJY and oh, lest I forget, Blu lunch.

You are known by the company you keep, how does that make y'all feel?:rolleyes:


Moderator & Unofficial iBoats Historian
Staff member
May 19, 2001
Re: Wally World on wellfair day.......

It is sad.

Here in VT the same stuff happens and the same people have new cars, snowmobiles and still smoke. If I had the power to pass a law it would require all recipients of welfare to report weekly on how they tried to improve their situation. I would not give welfare to smokers because we have to cover the health care too. What do cigarettes cost now? $4-5/pack? That would be better spent on good food.

When the system is abused (or not used with common sense) and the recipient is not guided properly it only gets worse.

We are not going to change it. We can not blame Bush or Clinton ..... these violations started a long long time ago.

Now if we are to focus blame.......... blame Bill Gates. He has enough wealth to give every person 1 million dollars...... my theory is that even if money was distributed that way it would return to the same people in less than 5 years and we would be right back where we started from.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jul 12, 2006
Re: Wally World on wellfair day.......

If you don't earn it. You don't respect it.


Vice Admiral
Feb 24, 2002
Re: Wally World on wellfair day.......

If it were called a "LOAN STAR" card perhaps they would use it more judiciously.

Typical, save their cash for booze and lottery tickets.

Oh, yea... It's George Bush's fault. :(

According to boomyal,it is all part of a big democrat plot to destroy America.
The two of you should get together and straighten your message out,you really are getting me all mixed up.


Seaman Apprentice
Mar 31, 2007
Re: Wally World on wellfair day.......

Yes, after a recent trip to Wally World, I have conluded that I have definitely taken a few wrong turns in my life. For some odd reason, I thought it would be a good idea to go to college; albiet it put me in a tremendous amount of debt and took me 8 years to finish. (I didn't have any support so I had to work full time and go to school at night)

When I was checking out at Wal Mart the other day, buying some cheap things because I can't afford the good ones (I'm buried under a mountain of student loan debt and I am just starting out in my career) I saw somebody pay for over $200 of groceries with the food stamp card, and then proceed to spend 40 bucks on cartons of cigarettes and an additional 50 or so on beer, in cash. Now I realize that maybe they had a big family, but they were buying some of the more expensive things available! I was always taught if you can't afford it, don't buy it!

So I paid for my things, and low and behold the aforementioned party is loading their two full shopping carts worth of stuff into a car I could not afford.

Yeah, I definitely made some mistakes along the way. If I had known I could have gotten my groceries for free and not had to work, I think I wouldn't have bothered going to college or working my arse off for so many years!


Vice Admiral
Oct 12, 2003
Re: Wally World on wellfair day.......

It's not the message that is confusing you Rolmops, its your bleeding heart, It is the inability to react to programs that not only do a disservice to those it intends to assist, it is the intentional ignoring of the governmental enslavement of the poor and knowingly allowing their conditions to reamain as is for political purposes. Nothing wrong with a hand up, its the hand out that perpetuates ones negative condition.

The masters include, Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton. But the democratic party has taken excellent notes on the correct way to create class envy, entitlement, and race baiting.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jun 19, 2005
Re: Wally World on wellfair day.......

It's also the same people, who if they vote, vote for the same party as PW, rolmops, WillyB, CJY and oh, lest I forget, Blu lunch.

You are known by the company you keep, how does that make y'all feel?:rolleyes:

Just more BS. If you detest gov programs so much, get your majority together and put an end to it. Stop pointing fingers and correct it. You know, get off your hypocritical keyboard typing azz, and go make a difference. Otherwise you are no better than those taking advantage of any government program.

You may be correct in regards to whom I vote for. I can tell you that if I am on the fence regarding candidates from both sides, your yapping will weigh heavily. Just not in favor of the right. The more self-righteous yapping you do, the less I even have to hear from the candidates to make up my mind. How does that make ya feel.

You are known by the company you keep.........hmmmmm. Should I start naming names of the company you keep?