Vessel Boarding

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Terry Olson

Chief Petty Officer
Aug 20, 2005
Re: Vessel Boarding

The world's full of "Patriots" concerned about their constitutional rights - who also complain about rampant crime and ineffective law enforcement. You can be one, you can be the other, but you can't have it both ways. What protects you from an overzealous government also protects criminals from the best efforts of the police. You're a legitimate patriot if you're concerned for everyone's rights, but not so when your only concern is your own rights. <br /><br />I'm not saying that we have too many protections - just reminding everyone that those protections are THE most significant factor in the government's inability to reduce crime. <br /><br />The idea that we should never sacrifice any of our liberties is great in theory and easily said and agreed with but it's simplistic and can't be seamlessly applied in the real world. Your liberties compete with mine - where do yours end and where do mine begin? This is why we have courts and judges and as we all know even they can't agree when applying the principles of the constition to real world circumstances.<br /><br />I have no argument with you so long as you aren't grousing about overzealous law enforcement while at the same time complaining that the police aren't getting the job done. I don't agree with those who believe the police are routinely and consistently violating citizen's rights. This just isn't the case. Moreover, I find that most who make these claims aren't anything more than casually familiar with the constitution and more to the point unfamiliar with specific court rulings which are examples of the court's most recent interpretations of the constitution as applied to specific circumstances. You can't know what the constitution allows or restricts according to the courts (which is where the rubber meets the road) when you don't know the caselaw. All too often police critics just don't know the material they need to in order to have an informed opinion. <br /><br />This is apparent in some of the previous posts in this thread and in other anti-police threads we see routinely on this site.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jan 20, 2006
Re: Vessel Boarding

It's really pretty simple - no paranoia or anything else. They are welcome to stop and search me, my house or my car whenever they have probable cause!


Rear Admiral
Apr 9, 2005
Re: Vessel Boarding

I don't care what the "case law" says- I don't want some jack booted thug climbing all over my boat just because I go floating by while he's bored.

Haut Medoc

Supreme Mariner
Jun 29, 2004
Re: Vessel Boarding

Especially when I am well within coastal waters......<br />The newest craze for them here is to chase the ferry back & forth from Bremerton :rolleyes: <br />I am curious to know what a zodiac will accomplish against someone who would have enough chutzpah to attack a ferry? Again :rolleyes: ....JK


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jan 20, 2006
Re: Vessel Boarding

This is not and was not intended to be an anti-police thread - only a chance to vent against search and seizure without probable cause! Anyway, I'll take it up with the scroundrel that started this thread.

Lieutenant Junior Grade
Oct 10, 2004
Re: Vessel Boarding

As far as I'm concerned my rights end when I ACTUALLY DO SOMETHING that infringes on someone else's rights. Going along, minding my own business and not breaking any laws and not disturbing anyone is NOT competing with anyone elses liberty. If your idea of liberty is that everyone must be stopped and searched because they MIGHT POSSIBLY do something to you, then I would have to say it is your idea of liberty that is intruding on others.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jan 20, 2006
Re: Vessel Boarding

RF: My response was to the posting that was made on April 14.


Petty Officer 1st Class
May 21, 2005
Re: Vessel Boarding

I see nothing wrong with the coast guard doing thier job, or the way they do it. I fish Lake Michigan on a weekly basis and it the past 4 years have been boarded for inspection twice. On one occaision I had electrical trouble in 4 to 7's on one of the nastier days out and alerted them of my psoition and situation. I came in on my kicker @ 4mph and it took quite a while to get in as I was almost 20 miles from my port. Through my journey back to port they checked on me from time to time by radio and offered to call for a tow if needed. When I arrived at the channel they were present and chaperoned me to the launch as a courtesy. I apperciated thier intrest in my saftey and if I'm boarded by the CG again I would be more than happy to show the respect due and cooperate as necessary. (Just so long as they don't bug me when I'm trolling) And to be totally honest I figured as long as I could only go 4mph and basically stuck with the weather dealt that day I bumped the kicker down to 3mph and trolled on my trip back into


Senior Chief Petty Officer
May 27, 2002
Re: Vessel Boarding

WHILE LIVING IN WPB. FLA. I USED to get boarded on my little 16 ft run about way to often during the week while no one was around...lots of times pulling up to the ramp trying to put boat on trailer they would check the boat complete for false floors gas tanks that could be fake??it really is not right 100% legal not drinking and when they ask to board say no...but if you live in a small area you are screwed because next time they see you they will find a legal way to give you a ticket...check you fish etc..its like getting pulled over in a car be nice...last season i forgot my floation custion..they were watching me leave the creek i keep my boat, from about a mile away...bottom line a ticket no warning, state myself first trip of the year up north p.a.. 3 guys in a boat 1 retired, 1 nice 1 jerk,,,i asked for a break way..when they were done i told them if you are thought...leave because i am not thanking you for giving me a fine you could have let me go...tons of times i see weekend boater with boats over loaded with kids...jon boats with 2 adults and 3 kids..YOU WILL NEVER WILL...BOATS COST YOU ONE WAY OR ANOTHER 44 Y/O BOATING 25 YRS..BUT ITS STILL WORTH IT<br />BOB


Petty Officer 1st Class
Apr 13, 2003
Re: Vessel Boarding

board my boat anytime, just bring lots of beer


Senior Chief Petty Officer
May 27, 2002
Re: Vessel Boarding

here on the river they watch from far away if they see a green or brown bottle you are getting pulled over, so you have to make sure you have someone else drive your boat if you have a few,,also at the ramp the state police are always testing for dwi


Feb 17, 2010
Re: Vessel Boarding

If all of you folks are against being boarded too much, don't take it out on the people out on the water doing the boarding. Law enforcement personnel are, for the most part, hard working individuals that are trying to carry on the mission statement and policies of their parent departments. The problem, if there is one, is with those in command, not the workers. I was a Coast Guardsman back in the day. We did some boarding and we were given quite a leeway for how we operated, with the expectation that we were always aware we were working with the general public and were expected to treat them with respect. Later I became a corrections officer with the local sheriff's office. There we worked with "the others". Those people that are not as nice as the general public. Once again we were expected to treat the prisoners with as much respect as they would allow. Enough rambling. I just want each boater to remember who will be there to rescue those in trouble; Coast Guard, Police, Sheriff any and all of them. Yes I am pro law enforcement and pleased to be. I do not, however, welcome any personal slams...Thanks
Nov 11, 2009
Re: Vessel Boarding

I don't believe that anyone commenting is not pro-law enfrocement. I'm sure not, but I am pro-constitution. I am pro-rights as well. I really like the quote that was thrown out there by Benjamin Franklin. The whole point is that if there is no probable cause then why can they board and search? We are United States citizens, and we are all supposed to be guaranteed rights because of this status. We are not living in Russia or Germany. We don't need someone asking to see our papers at every turn.

Secondly, law enforcement is not usually around when they are needed anyways. I believe that all of us that live in states that offer concealed carry liscenses should take advantage. It should be more about helping each other and watching out for our neighbors than huddling in fear for minutes until the police arrive. Several patrol boats in one short stretch is just overkill and wasted tax dollars.


Rear Admiral
Sep 17, 2007
Re: Vessel Boarding

I have to say that I must be the minority in this case. I live in Fl, with more shore line than any other state, and have never been boarded.

I had a FWC boat approach while fishing 2 miles offshore and ask if we were catching anything. I answered "No, just feeding them" and fully expected to be checked. He wished us good luck and left. Never checked our licenses or fish boxes.

I have been pulled over twice in the inland waterways for two seperate reasons. On both occasions, they were courteous and explained what I was doing was wrong. They supplied me with a sticker and pamphlet on the rules of waterway navigation and wished me safe afternoon.

Of course, I was always polite and courteous to them as well, and maybe that's part of it. Both times I was approached, I had a visible open container which they obviously saw. There was no mention of the beer, but then again, I don't ever over-indulge so apparently I did not appear under the influence to them.

I appreciate all of the law enforcement and understand they have a dangerous job to do. I have nothing to hide and if they want to board my boat to make sure I'm keeping within the law, I probably wouldn't have a problem with that either.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Sep 18, 2009
Re: Vessel Boarding

I was boarded and had everything in order. Yes a waste of time, but they did not break balls in any way. The local commision seem to be a time wasting organization, but the Coast Guard really do put thier lives on the line when we are idiots and get stuck in a storm.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Sep 12, 2009
Re: Vessel Boarding

I live in Fl, with more shore line than any other state, and have never been boarded. :redface:

The state with the most shore line is Alaska which has 6640 miles.;) Florida
has 1350 miles. :eek:


Chief Petty Officer
Jul 3, 2007
Re: Vessel Boarding

My daughter is in the coastguard on the east coast. She told me her station must do 6 boardings a day to keep federal funding for that station, and must do no less then 4 hrs every 12 on patrol. They need no reson to stop you because they are federal. The State needs a reson LOL thats why they like to patrol with the coasties....I always get into arguments with her but its true when the coastguard stops you, you basicly have no rights because you are now under federal juristriction, they can strip search you if they want, tow you into port and rip your boat apart for fun, not that they actually do this but this power was given to them because the goverment uses 911 as a exuse to take our rights away. They were switched over to homeland security from being actually military.

The coast guard does get the crappy end of he stick though...they have a quota to fill every shift and if they dont do it they loose money... she has 3boats at her station if one breaks down and the funding isnt there they dont get the parts plain and simple and then they are down to 2 boat then a few coaties get up-rooted and mooved to off coast ship untill funding is availible.
Its not the coasties fault it the way the govenment handles things.

If you dont like it you should write your congressman like I did but they seem not to care cause they are to buisy cheating on their wives, getting arrested for DUI, or haveing sex in airport bathrooms with men!
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