Re: Vessel Boarding
I was going to start a thread, then saw this is my "rant". Skip it if you wish.<br />Boardings by the coast guard and "local law enforcement" is going up and up. It used to be, that you had to do something wrong or at least do something to make you stand out to get stopped or boarded. That is no-longer. And it is time for boaters to say enough is enough.<br />Let's face it, we are a minority, the majority of people do not care about what life on the water has become. If we do not stand together, no-one will come to our rescue. Our rights and freedoms are being erroded and no-one seams to care. The old idea that we love the coast guard and whatever they want to do to us is ok, is....well, old-fashiond. They are no longer just protecting us, they are harrassing us. IF, you were driving to work, and a police officer stopped you, entered your car, checked every nook and cranny including your safety belt and air bags then opened your trunk and checked your spare tire and jack then said....have a good day, I was doing a safety inspection....I can guarrantee most people would be outraged and the ACLU would get involved. Why is the search of your boat any different ? Yes, there are laws dating back hundreds of years giving them the right to do this, then again, slavery was legal a hundred years ago....was that a great idea?<br /><br />Money and manpower have been increased....again which translates to more boardings and more harrassment of law-abiding citizens.<br /><br />Think of it this way, you can drive a car at 60 MPH just inches from a car doing the same speed going in the other direction, seperated by only two yellow lines painted on the road, yet no-one is pulling you over to check your tires, brakes, front-end alignment, etc.<br /><br />Yet, you, your wife and children are on the boat, minding your own business, not plowing through a no-wake zone or driving like an idiot, and a boat puts on the blue lights, ties off and boards you. You have to show your "papers" they can look anywhere they want to on the boat and keep you as long as they want to, yet you have not been charged with any crime, nor have you provided any "just cause". From what I hear, the same thing is happening to boats that are docked, in a marina, on private property.<br />If you love the coast guard and feel they can do no wrong....I'm happy for you. I have never been boarded, or ticketed, nor has my house ever been searched......but I am really upset to know that it can happen at any time, without me doing anything wrong. Does this sound like America ?