(UPDATE)dateing friends sisters, can it be done?


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Aug 25, 2002
Re: (UPDATE)dateing friends sisters, can it be done?

Ryan, we don't see eye to ey about a lot of stuff, but all I can tell you is to run, run as fast as you can away from her. Sounds like she has a real problem. Just my .02 worth.


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: (UPDATE)dateing friends sisters, can it be done?

oooh boy, Ryan. Tuck it back in and run as far and fast as you can. You got a first class manipulator on your hands. Just when you think you've got her figured out, she'll do a 180 on ya. I guess the fact is she already has. What would it be like when she's really got you hooked. Huh??

11 footer

Nov 16, 2002
Re: (UPDATE)dateing friends sisters, can it be done?

Its not like shes this really hot girl teasing me. I hope this doesn't make me sound stuck up but ,I'm "above" her. I have a lot more friends then she does, and I'm much better known at school and stuff. I play on the varsity hockey team! She really has nothing. Even though she's older, I'm out of HER leauge. The few people who I've mentioned her too think I should be able to do better, and they are right I know much better looking girls then her that I talk to, and could get involved with. For some messed up reason I care for her or I wouldn't be wasting all this time one her.


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: (UPDATE)dateing friends sisters, can it be done?

Originally posted by Ryan T.:<br /> I'm out of HER leauge.
All the more reason to stay away. From all that you have said, if I may play Dr Laura here, you have other more apt opportunities that you choose not to persue. Why not and why Sis? <br /><br />I think you view her as a challange and are not all that interested in the end game. You are too young and not driven to be interested in a commitment that some of the other girls might require.<br /><br />Just hang loose and be friends with the ones that are in your league both emotionally, intellectually, academically and socio economically.<br /><br />In the end it would be a mess.<br /><br />Good luck. Do the right thing.


Lieutenant Commander
Sep 14, 2003
Re: (UPDATE)dateing friends sisters, can it be done?

Dude, you're too young for something that complicated. Trust me (and all the other replies here) and let her go f**k with someone else's head. Nothing good will come of this except maybe a quick lay sometime down the road but who knows what that will end up causing if she is really as screwed up in the head as she's sounding. <br /><br />My .02. I've been there before. Just leave it alone.


Mar 18, 2003
Re: (UPDATE)dateing friends sisters, can it be done?

After hearing more Ryan, I say stay away. I would ask her why she is playing mind games with you though, or at the very least tell her to stop it and bug off, you're not interested. It seems to me right now you're curiosity is getting the best of you. Don't let it.<br /><br />Let her find another sucker.

one more cast

May 6, 2002
Re: (UPDATE)dateing friends sisters, can it be done?

Ryan, She sounds just like my ex-wife.DON"T get sucked in. Run,Run I say and don't look back!


Lieutenant Commander
Sep 1, 2004
Re: (UPDATE)dateing friends sisters, can it be done?

Originally posted by Ryan T.:<br /> <br /><br />I say she's unpredictable just because of a few times overheard things. Their was one time my friend and I are in his car in front of their house, just pulling out, she comes pulling up next to us, all in a happy mood. She's asks us if we are going somewhere my friend says we are. "well I have this camera, do you think you could drop it off to be developed for me?" my friend: "well, where does it have to go, we are kind of on our way somewhere"- - - - her: "Jesus Christ!!" she throws her car in drive and peels away.<br /><br />So what would you call that, unpredictable or bipolar?<br />
Your not going to listen but I'll say it anyway. STAY AWAY FROM THAT NUT. Those personalities don't improve with age.I wasted the best years of my youth on one exactly like her, and trust me, it WILL get worse. Stop thinking with things other than your brain.


Lieutenant Commander
Dec 12, 2004
Re: (UPDATE)dateing friends sisters, can it be done?

Originally posted by Ryan T.:<br /> (UPDATE)<br /><br /> her and her cousin took a shower TOGETHER!!! I couldn't believe it! It it wasn't like they where in and out real quick, they where in the bathroom for a while! I don't know about other people, but I don't find this normal at all,
errm.... that's just plain WRONG...<br />Does she have a sloping forehead, do her knuckles drag on the floor when she walks and does she have no thumbs?<br /><br />RUN. Don't stop,don't look back and leave a sign on your door saying "I've moved to Brazil".<br /><br />Or alternatively you COULD set her up with my housemate... :eek:


Aug 12, 2003
Re: (UPDATE)dateing friends sisters, can it be done?

dude...everyone is saying the same thing. i'm beginning to think YOU'RE nuts!!<br /><br />sounds like you have a few things going for you....go enjoy what life has to offer. there's so much out there to choose from, why get caught up in that non-sense????? <br /><br />i'd ask another girl out and start forgetting about this one. although, i doubt you're done with her cause she's already started playing the game.


Rear Admiral
Jul 13, 2002
Re: (UPDATE)dateing friends sisters, can it be done?

Ryan, many a man has been victimized by girls like her.<br /><br />You have two options:<br /><br />1) Tell her you are not interested, and never see her again.<br /><br />2) Play along with the game and enjoy what you get out of it, just dont forget its a GAME and take NOTHING serious. Just remind yourself that when she does something, its all part of the game.<br /><br />Depending on how bored you are, I kinda like #2. Try to turn the tables on her, see how much fun that will start. :D <br /><br />Ken


Mar 14, 2003
Re: (UPDATE)dateing friends sisters, can it be done?

Ryan, put that truck in 4 WD and get away from the psycho as fast as you can!


Supreme Mariner
Mar 22, 2005
Re: (UPDATE)dateing friends sisters, can it be done?

Originally posted by Boomyal:<br /> Just hang loose and be friends with the ones that are in your league both emotionally, intellectually, academically and socio economically.
There is a lot of good specific advice in this thread, but Boomer is all over it. I also like Warhorse's first sentence, but we are talking about dating here, not gettin' hitched I hope.<br /><br />This is what I have told my 16 year old. Dad (me) "Do you plan on marrying this girl?" Son "NO!". Dad "Then this is just the first day of a breakup . . . relax". ;) She may be crazy, but that doesn't mean you have to let her make you crazy.


Chief Petty Officer
Feb 9, 2003
Re: (UPDATE)dateing friends sisters, can it be done?

Everybody is telling you to run away, but sometimes that's easier said then done. When we look back at life, we often reflect more on the opportunities we missed rather than the one's we took advantage of. <br /><br />Let's face it, at 16, any girl throwing herself at you is an opportunity.<br /><br />The thing I am MOST curious about is your friend. Why would he tell his sister that you are a racist, to deter her advances? If he's not comfortable with you two dating, why isn't he approaching YOU about it, and warning YOU to stay away, rather than detering her?<br /><br />Likewise, what kind of person slanders his own friend to his family?<br /><br />If you had to guess your friends motives, where do you think his loyalty is coming from? Is he loyal to his sister and trying to save her from you? Or do you think he's loyal to you, and he's trying to save you from his crazy, nut-job sister? Or perhaps, he's afraid of public perception, and he's just trying to cover his own butt to avoid his own embarrassment, and really doesn't give a lick about either one of you?<br /><br />Much of your course of action should be determined by the specific relationships between your friend and his sister, and also between you and your friend.