(UPDATE)dateing friends sisters, can it be done?

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Nov 16, 2002
I know this sounds funny, but I'm seriously looking for opinions from people who are removed from the situation.<br />I've been having a hard time with this for over a month now :eek: <br /><br />Have you ever dated or gotten involved with a good friends (could be considered my best friend) sister, and kept the same relationship with your friend?<br /><br />Can it be done, or is it just looking for trouble?


Rear Admiral
Apr 9, 2005
Re: (UPDATE)dateing friends sisters, can it be done?

If it works out with the sister, it works out with the friend. Go south with the sister, go south with the friend! Obviously, don't cheat on her or smack her around.


Seaman Apprentice
Jun 6, 2005
Re: (UPDATE)dateing friends sisters, can it be done?

i definately have to agree with rubberfrog on this one. the better you treat her the more likely you can maintain your relationship with your friend. of course it really depends on if you break up...how you break up. no matter how well you treated her if the break up is sour your likely doomed. and last of all since i'm blabbering anyways it depends on your friend. <br /><br />good luck


Chief Petty Officer
May 18, 2004
Re: (UPDATE)dateing friends sisters, can it be done?

It depends on what kind of brother he is. Are they close? Or could they care less about each other? I could write a book about this situation. My advice is if you think she is truly special, then go for it. If it's anything else, steer clear. There is a saying that me and my friends go by, but seeing as how I am already in the doghouse here, I'll just sum it up.<br /><br />If there is even the slightest, off-handed chance it could damage your relationship with the brother, don't do it, because it eventually will some way or another unless you end up marrying her and living happily ever after.


Rear Admiral
Apr 9, 2005
Re: (UPDATE)dateing friends sisters, can it be done?

One last consideration- is she hot? Post a pic and we'll let you know! ;)


Rear Admiral
Apr 13, 2003
Re: (UPDATE)dateing friends sisters, can it be done?

Hope your not asking advice from other Males! We arn't to smart ya know! However<br /><br />For the most part... TROUBLE! <br /><br />I made that mistake once...<br />Got involved with and married my best friend..<br />Don't know if its going to work out though as its only been 23 years.. will maybe have the answer in another 20 years ;) <br /><br />We were just lucky as most of the time I dont think it works that way.<br /><br />Might get some interesting replys here..<br />But for the record my reply is <br /><br />For the most part... TROUBLE! <br /><br />Mens Prayer:<br />I'm a Man<br />And I can change<br />If I have to<br />I Guess<br /><br /> :D :D :D

11 footer

Nov 16, 2002
Re: (UPDATE)dateing friends sisters, can it be done?

She is older then the brother by about a year and a half.<br /><br />Its kind of a screwy situation.<br /><br />When I first started hanging around with the brother, she really liked me. Of coarse I didn't know this at the time, but she would like tease her brother about how she wanted to hang out with me and to "bring ryan over" ect ..ect maybe she did like me, but I think a lot of it might have been to annoy him. <br /><br />One of the first times I ever talked to her, maybe around christmas she wanted to give me a ride home from school. She was a senior and the brother and I where sophomores. I would have been in her car with both of them, and I could tell it bothered my friend, so I didn't show up. Apparently, she still kept talking about me after that, unknown to me. Back then the brother and I weren't as close as we are now, so he didn't tell me any of this until just recently.<br /><br />After she kept asking about me, he finally had enough. She's VERY inti-racest, so the brother starts telling her I'm a raciest, I hate this I hate that and I'm a big bad raciest. She buys it and go's from liking me, to hating my guts. This was when I was still in school and would see her around, after a few scenes in the hall, making me look like a complete jerk off, with this crazy girl calling me names, and me trying to calm her down, I decided to stay the hell away from her.<br /><br />I stayed away for the last month of school, didn't talk to her at all, even took different routes in the hall to avoid seeing her. While this was going on, I'd gotten to be very close friends with her brother. Now that I've been over the house and stuff a lot, I know the whole family, the parents love me. So I called the daughter one day a few weeks ago to apologize and explain what happened, and how I'm not really raciest. I think it was a lot for her to take in. She didn't have much to say, and that's been the end of of.<br /><br />Since our phone call I've seen her around and been friendly, but haven't really gone out of my way for her, but we are on good teams, and I really do like her. Now she's left the country for a month, and I'm finding that I actually miss seeing her. So I'm thinking about asking her out when she gets back. I think when the brother sees that I'm attracted to her, and she's not just going after me to **** him off, he should be okay with it.<br />From what I know about her, she's kind of a nut, she showed me that by throwing fits when passing me in the hall at school. She is also unpredictable. These are the things the worry me about getting involved with her. Her brother and parents aren't like this. She kind of seems to be the “bad girl” in the family.<br /><br />So now that you guys know the whole story, is it too dangerous?

Winger Ed.

Chief Petty Officer
Mar 24, 2004
Re: (UPDATE)dateing friends sisters, can it be done?

Originally posted by Ryan T.:<br /> she's kind of a nut, she showed me that by throwing fits when passing me in the hall at school. She is also unpredictable.
Was married to one of those for 14 years. Never realized how misserable I was until I finally got away from her. <br /><br />She was also the Sister in Law of a very good friend. When the marriage was over, so was the friendship with my buddy. <br /><br />Its your deal, but I'd recomend you find a girlfriend a bit more level headed. Preferably one that has had a previous relationship where she was treated badly. That way, unless you're a total jerk-- she'll be more likely to appreciate you.


Mar 14, 2003
Re: (UPDATE)dateing friends sisters, can it be done?

Why date one when you can go out with them all?? :D ;) (Females, that is)


Lieutenant Commander
Aug 29, 2004
Re: (UPDATE)dateing friends sisters, can it be done?

Easy, talk to your friend. Go out for a beer and an afternoon fishing and just lay it out to him. Tell him how you feel about her and ask what he thinks. Tell him your concerns about losing his friendship and see what he says. Watch for the non-verbal cues as well as what he says. <br />Then ask her out if he approves. If it looks like it might get serious then talk to her about him. Find out what her feelings would be if it didn't work out. <br />When you talk to him be serious and ease into it. Make sure he knows you value his friendship and if he has any problems at all then decide what you want more, a friend or a girlfriend. Make sure he knows you are not asking permission, you are asking his opinion and feelings.<br />Kind of gay but it will mean a lot between friends.


Jul 4, 2004
Re: (UPDATE)dateing friends sisters, can it be done?

worked for me going to married 25 years in january<br /><br /> i will be going water skiing/camping with BOTH her brothers and all are children in a few days for are annual leave the wifes home trip<br /><br />its great when your wifes HATE camping ;) <br /><br />we have all been friends for at least 35 years in fact i think we get along better now <br /><br />tommays

Ralph 123

Jun 24, 2003
Re: (UPDATE)dateing friends sisters, can it be done?

Ryan, run, don't walk away... at the very least, wait a while and make sure you really know her better.<br /><br />
she's kind of a nut, she showed me that by throwing fits when passing me in the hall at school. She is also unpredictable. These are the things the worry me
She thought you might be a racist and started smacking you around in public. Image what she'll do when (not if) you really **** her off!


Apr 6, 2003
Re: (UPDATE)dateing friends sisters, can it be done?

"Be Afraid be very afraid"


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jan 20, 2002
Re: (UPDATE)dateing friends sisters, can it be done?

<br />Have you ever dated or gotten involved with a good friends (could be considered my best friend) sister, and kept the same relationship with your friend?<br />
Unfortunately my answer is yes and no. It was a long time ago - I dated my best friend's sister for about a year. When that relationship ended, it didn't take long for the strain to start showing up in the friendship... It's a complex situation you're in - harder to get a clean break if/when things go wrong...for example, to keep your friendship, you might at times have to be around her and her next boyfriend...(just one of a number of possible difficulties). You just have to decide whether it's worth taking the risk. <br /><br />Like a lot of things in life - it comes down to choosing whether the risk warrants the reward. Only you know that :rolleyes: :) Good luck!!


Vice Admiral
Jun 8, 2002
Re: (UPDATE)dateing friends sisters, can it be done?

my older sis. willingly fed me "sleep<br />over friends"...<br /><br />the good old days :p


Lieutenant Commander
Sep 14, 2003
Re: (UPDATE)dateing friends sisters, can it be done?

Hey Deputy you're not endorsing underage drinking are you???? :) :) :)

Kenneth Brown

Feb 3, 2003
Re: (UPDATE)dateing friends sisters, can it be done?

I was thinking the same thing. DD probably doesn't realize that Ryan is 17 (maybe 18 now Ryan?). Heck a beer would probably do him good, everyone needs a beer now and then.


Lieutenant Commander
Aug 29, 2004
Re: (UPDATE)dateing friends sisters, can it be done?

Didn't know the age. A beer here and there doesn't hurt anyone, but since that is the case, maybe a coke would be better. ;) <br /><br />Such serious relationship issues for such a young man. Surprised you are so considerate of others at your age. Don't see that often. Go with your feelings on this one.

brother chris

Jul 28, 2002
Re: (UPDATE)dateing friends sisters, can it be done?

Originally posted by Ryan T.:<br /> <br />From what I know about her, she's kind of a nut, she showed me that by throwing fits when passing me in the hall at school. She is also unpredictable. These are the things the worry me about getting involved with her. Her brother and parents aren't like this. She kind of seems to be the “bad girl” in the family.<br />
Okay....Ryan T....you said it yourself. <br />This is the first sign Ryan. STOP right where you are. Back off and find yourself a nice girl. No nutty women. <br />Mark my words Ryan, if you think she is a nut NOW, just wait until you go out with her. She will show you what nutty is all about. Trust me on this. <br />Just my 2 cents.<br />Good luck at whatever you decide bro.