"Unfit For Command"


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: "Unfit For Command"

Originally posted by gonfishn:<br />...Stay with the facts..Judge him on his political stance not what he had to do more than 30 years ago..
We'd love to do that, gonfishn but he keeps changin his 'politcal stance'.


Chief Petty Officer
Jun 9, 2003
Re: "Unfit For Command"

I am still trying to figure out how a person who hid from Vietnam service can still have these combat veterans figure out he is so good. <br /> He should of been out ther leading you not hiding. <br /> Oh, I was wrong(I am still waiting for GW) to say that. I guess his daughters are in the military. I guess Cheney's son's and daughters are there. <br /> Through History their is a fine line between the miltary and the civiian. Usually it comes to play when the have nots are in the front lines and the haves are hiding. Eventually the have nots say why.


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: "Unfit For Command"

Originally posted by telmanmn:<br /> I am still trying to figure out how a person who hid from Vietnam service can still have these combat veterans figure out he is so good. <br /> He should of been out ther leading you not hiding. <br /> Oh, I was wrong(I am still waiting for GW) to say that. I guess his daughters are in the military. I guess Cheney's son's and daughters are there. <br /> Through History their is a fine line between the miltary and the civiian. Usually it comes to play when the have nots are in the front lines and the haves are hiding. Eventually the have nots say why.
I guess that was the way you felt about Bill Clinton too. Hmmmm?


Chief Petty Officer
Jun 9, 2003
Re: "Unfit For Command"

He was at least smart enough to get to Cambridge(Rhodes Scholar) not from his old mans affiliations. Also during that time how did he get into the NG? there was a two year waiting period to get in. I guess Texas had a different waiting period than anywhere else.


Lieutenant Commander
Aug 15, 2003
Re: "Unfit For Command"

Carphunter wrote: <br />
Pretty simple really, I believe every word from the link Guageguy posted.................I don't believe anything from the link mrbbrbscotty posted. <br /><br />..........of course I'm votin Bush too. <br /><br />
I couldn't have said it any better. <br />Bassy :D <br />Go Bush!!


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: "Unfit For Command"

Originally posted by telmanmn:<br /> He was at least smart enough to get to Cambridge(Rhodes Scholar) not from his old mans affiliations. Also during that time how did he get into the NG? there was a two year waiting period to get in. I guess Texas had a different waiting period than anywhere else.
So I guess what you are saying, telmanmn, is that a 'smart' cheater is better, hmmmm? Typical of 'progressives', they are just so much smarter.


Chief Petty Officer
Jun 9, 2003
Re: "Unfit For Command"

No, I am saying a person that makes it on his own is better than one that has a silver spoon in his butt. GW can stick it. <br /> No progressive here, just a poor boy from a three times wounded father in ww2 and a draftee from vietnam. Sorry, didn't lose a limb.


Apr 21, 2004
Re: "Unfit For Command"

You notice that McCain called this stuff BS. It is being reported that this stuff is being funded by the same group that launched a character attack against McCain in the 2000 South Carolina primary.<br /><br />And the Bush campaign, while disassosiating themselves from it, refuse to condemn it even though they know these ads are false.<br /><br />At least we know that the Bushies will do anything, say anything, and go to any lengths whatever to get elected.<br /><br />It also shows, as it is starting so early, that the are afraid of Kerry.<br /><br />I'm betting these tactics are going to backfire on the Bushies, however, as people are beginning to see a pattern to theses lies and smears.


Jun 19, 2002
Re: "Unfit For Command"

Does anyone realize that not a single person who is attacking Kerry in that book even served on his boat? I would think the people that served with him on the boat would be a little more credible. But thats just me I guess.<br />
If I was on the boat of an officer that had the time to go back re-enacted all of its engagements I would have fragged him when he went after the sole injured kid in the loin cloth. ;) ......maybe thats why he got the early release (3monthtour). <br /><br />Films himself as a hero, then goes home and denounces his brothers who are there for real and fighting for their lives. Yeah, I would have personaly awarded HIM a purple heart if I were a vietnam Vet. <br /><br />His service record is much like his senate record. " I was for that, before I was against it." :D :D :D :D :D :D :D


Jun 19, 2002
Re: "Unfit For Command"

PW MCcain is a dem hack. get out of here with his BS...he has no weight with the right...next!<br /><br /><br />BET ME!........since when does a dem pay up or own up.....sounded good though when you said it,huh? :p


Aug 11, 2002
Re: "Unfit For Command"

........well telmanmn, My vote will just cancel yours out, so why waste your time. ;) <br /><br />
Besides, if you were in the military remember, you salute the uniform, not the person.
........I would sure be saluting the brave person that wore the uniform,.............unless that person turned his back on his brothers in arms. There are many brave soldiers that were decorated with medals for their war time efforts. I would go out on a limb and say that the majority of these folks are proud of those medals. To toss those medals in the river is a slap in the face to each and every person that has ever been decorated. Those medals mean something very important. Kerry doesn't deserve to to be mentioned in the same breath with these hero's.<br /><br />This is just one of the MANY reasons Bush will be getting my vote.<br /><br />Kinda hard to vote for a trader like Kerry.<br /><br />...........oh, its true, Kerry is a grade-A Idiot.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jun 18, 2001
Re: "Unfit For Command"

telmanmn,<br /><br />
How many are lifer's(people who could not make it in the real world)?
Politics aside, sorry you feel that way about career military officers and NCOs. I proudly served in the Air Force for 25 years and have been quite successful in your "real world" for the past 12 years.<br /><br />tcube


Chief Petty Officer
Aug 7, 2003
Re: "Unfit For Command"

mrbscott19. I took that IQ test. It says I out scored Einstein. I guess you will have to accept that I find your stuff nothing but BS. After all, it was a site you recomended I visit.


Jun 19, 2002
Re: "Unfit For Command"

Does anyone realize that not a single person who is attacking Kerry in that book even served on his boat? I would think the people that served with him on the boat would be a little more credible. But thats just me I guess.<br />


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: "Unfit For Command"

I for one have no ax to grind except that based on truth and reality. In that vein I have to process all claims to arrive at my conclusions. <br /><br />This new bit of information would not totally change my impressions of John Kerry but would certainly cast some doubt on the depth of that impression and unfortunately the strength of the Swiftboat organization's claims. I absolutely hate to be deceived or misled by either side of an arguement. <br /><br />Does this really mean anything or not? I'm not sure yet. In the case of John Kerry, even if this is true, would not change my view of John Kerry's politics.<br /><br />"One Veteran retracts criticism of Kerry"<br /><br /> http://www.boston.com/news/nation/articles/2004/08/06/veteran_retracts_criticism_of_kerry/


Jun 19, 2002
Re: "Unfit For Command"

Veteran retracts criticism of Kerry<br />By Michael Kranish, Globe Staff | August 6, 2004<br /><br /><br />Guess what?<br /> Mr. Elliot has just denounced this Kranish artical as untrue and reafirms his statement in the original affidavit.<br /><br /><br /> Michael Kranish of the Boston Globe is the official staff reporter to the Kerry Campaign. He also wrote Kerrys biograghy and the Kerry/Edwards campaign book. Now hes writing articles for the Globes front page getting out what ever message Kerry wants. He and the Globe are nothing more than an extension of the Kerry campaign headquarters. Talk about a conflict of interest in journalism...<br /><br /><br />ANDDDDD!<br /><br /> <br /> John McCain , former prisoner of war in Vietnam, called this ad dishonest and dishonorable, urged the White House on Thursday to condemn this ad as well. Swift Boat Veterans for Truth has responded to Senator McCain with this statement.<br /><br />quote: <br /><br />"Swift Boat Veterans for Truth has more than 250 members, many of whom were wounded or highly decorated in Vietnam. We purchased with our blood and service the right to be heard, to set the record straight about our unit, and to tell the truth about John Kerry's military service record. We respect Senator McCain's right to express his opinion, and we hope he extends to us the same respect and courtesy, particularly since we served with John Kerry. We knew him well, and Senator McCain did not."<br /><br />Furthermore:<br /><br />This is exactly why the media was all for John McCain and his Campaign Finance Reform. (he new what he was doing) So the the media likes of the Globe can continue to camplaign for Kerry and other Liberals 60 before an election while the candidates are sensored of their consitution right to free speach.


Jun 19, 2002
Re: "Unfit For Command"

John Kerry himself. April 18th, Meet the Press, 1971. <br /><br /> KERRY quote: Yes, I committed the same kind of atrocities as thousands of other soldiers have committed in that I took part in shootings in free fire zones. I took part in search-and-destroy missions, in the burning of villages. All of this is contrary to the laws of warfare. <br /><br /><br />But now he says I'm a hero, look at my record according to my re-enactments.


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: "Unfit For Command"

Originally posted by oddjob:<br /> Veteran retracts criticism of Kerry<br />By Michael Kranish, Globe Staff | August 6, 2004<br /><br /><br />Guess what?<br /> Mr. Elliot has just denounced this Kranish artical as untrue and reafirms his statement in the original affidavit.<br /><br /> Michael Kranish of the Boston Globe is the official staff reporter to the Kerry Campaign. He also wrote Kerrys biograghy and the Kerry/Edwards campaign book. Now hes writing articles for the Globes front page getting out what ever message Kerry wants. He and the Globe are nothing more than an extension of the Kerry campaign headquarters. Talk about a conflict of interest in journalism...<br /><br /><br />ANDDDDD!<br /><br /> <br /> John McCain , former prisoner of war in Vietnam, called this ad dishonest and dishonorable, urged the White House on Thursday to condemn this ad as well. Swift Boat Veterans for Truth has responded to Senator McCain with this statement.<br /><br />quote: <br /><br />"Swift Boat Veterans for Truth has more than 250 members, many of whom were wounded or highly decorated in Vietnam. We purchased with our blood and service the right to be heard, to set the record straight about our unit, and to tell the truth about John Kerry's military service record. We respect Senator McCain's right to express his opinion, and we hope he extends to us the same respect and courtesy, particularly since we served with John Kerry. We knew him well, and Senator McCain did not."<br /><br />Furthermore:<br /><br />This is exactly why the media was all for John McCain and his Campaign Finance Reform. (he new what he was doing) So the the media likes of the Globe can continue to camplaign for Kerry and other Liberals 60 before an election while the candidates are sensored of their consitution right to free speach.
Here is a link to the denial of Kranish's claim.<br /><br /> http://humaneventsonline.com.edgesuite.net/unfit_aff.html <br /><br />The faith in my original assessment of this group is restored.


Fleet Admiral
Mar 25, 2001
Re: "Unfit For Command"

They sure are dragging thier feet getting the spin and the truth out there, both pro and con for the book, that aint even out yet. It's still too early for any rational opinion to be formed on anything but speculation,which really bitez as a decission-maker.<br />If even a small portion of what has been leaked, or what any one item of the commercial that aired is true, Kerry might as well hang-up his campaign. (hooya!!)<br />But if it's not, there are some real snakes in the grass.