UK sailors captured at gunpoint


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Aug 25, 2002
Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

Chill out some now fellows before it get's out of hand.


Nov 30, 2006
Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

SBN said:
Chill out some now fellows before it get's out of hand.

OK SBN, Your are correct. I should not have "name called". Sorry CJY. I will stand down. JR


Lieutenant Commander
Jul 29, 2002
Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

I thought I would never say this but at this moment in time I am ashamed to be British:':)'(

No thats wrong, I'm not ashamed to be British, I'm ashamed of the British government. Can you hear the whole world laughing at us!!:%

Please God let all of this PC bullsh!t go away and give me back a government who will stand up for what is right, say what needs saying and do what needs doing


Jan 13, 2006
Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

RPJS said:
I thought I would never say this but at this moment in time I am ashamed to be British:':)'(

No thats wrong, I'm not ashamed to be British, I'm ashamed of the British government. Can you hear the whole world laughing at us!!:%

Please God let all of this PC bullsh!t go away and give me back a government who will stand up for what is right, say what needs saying and do what needs doing

Dont be ashamed at all, this kidnapping was extremely provacative and calculated, i doubt very much if they would take such a risk unless there was a lot to be gained.

After a great deal of thought, i am beginning to suspect they want a direct confrontation, letting a large attack in some form of terrorism take place as retaliation, and i do not know how secure England is at this time, it would be fascinating to see what is going on behind the scene's, something is way out of line here.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jun 19, 2005
Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

"No CJY I don't want war"

You plan on causing Tehran to explode and smoke with words OMR?

"Nah Tom, You underestimate the profound shock a smolderin' Tehran, (5-20 fuel air explosives after a five day evacuation warning) would generate."

"Some MOABs, (large n' nasty fuel air explosives), maybe 5 or 10 could eliminate Tehran for starters."

Both statements are yours OMR. They appear to conflict with the "I don't want war," statement. Do you get that OMR? Let me guess, you want us to attack while receiving no retaliation? Google "Iraq." Let me know how that worked for you.

"The Liberals work closely with our enemies CJY. The enemies are the reason things have not been easy: not President Bush."

Just more worthless rhetoric propaganda OMR, unless of course, you have proof. How about something viable this time OMR? Not just hot air OMR.

Funny, as I read all of your responses to my post OMR, the ones you were unable to respond to with rhetoric or name calling, you blamed on "smoke." How very conservative of you OMR.

Furthermore OMR, how is it you are so well aware that libs are knowledgable in the area of homosexuality? And I only ask because you speak of it several times on this thread OMR?

You are not friends with Mark Foley, are you OMR? How soon we forget and then point our guilt ridden fingers at others. Do you get that, OMR? I listed your use of the word below, OMR. Just in the event you have forgotten OMR.

"do know a lot about every aspect of homosexuality"

"what's important is we know about and totally accept homosexuality"

"(but: take comfort in our knowledge and acceptance of homosexuality). "

OMR, the quotes below are yours also. "History" tells me when someone acts as though they are an expert and then begin to blog, they have just finished reading a book. Let me guess, it was something featuring Churchill and/or Chamberlain. Let me take another stab, Burying Caesar. As far as being a clown.....maybe. Weak tactic OMR, but as expected, none the less.

"That said: those of us aware of history"

"Most Americans can't name their vice President, and are very unaware of History"

"if Americans were aware of their own history"

"I suggest we all need to first: examine history of both Islam and Persia"

"Based on HISTORY"

"One thing I have learned in my studies"

"Some people, (most Americans) don't have much knowledge of history"

"Hope I'm wrong here but history cornvinces me I'm not"

"History, (not just American history but the history of the human species is"

"There aren't any examples from human history"

"I think you would recognize that history does not reward the "

"knowledge of history can and does save one"


"maybe they don't know history and the nature of aggressors"

No need to stand down, at least for my sake. I think I can handle myself.


Jan 13, 2006
Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

................................Ready the rooster's there's gonna be a broohaha coming.........................


Apr 10, 2005
Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

Hey TG, think it would be a good time to get a few shares of Orville Redenbacher's stock?8)


Jan 13, 2006
Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

treedancer said:
Hey TG, think it would be a good time to get a few shares of Orville Redenbacher's stock?8)



Nov 30, 2006
Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

CJY said:
"No CJY I don't want war"

You plan on causing Tehran to explode and smoke with words OMR?

"Nah Tom, You underestimate the profound shock a smolderin' Tehran, (5-20 fuel air explosives after a five day evacuation warning) would generate."

"Some MOABs, (large n' nasty fuel air explosives), maybe 5 or 10 could eliminate Tehran for starters."

Both statements are yours OMR. They appear to conflict with the "I don't want war," statement. [colour=blue]Yes, one could see that potential cornclusion, if you lack any critical thinking ability CJY. [/colour]Do you get that OMR?

[colour=blue]I understand the History of Homo Sapiens on this planet: CJY. When one power violates the territory of another and takes the other power's people hostage it is an act of war. This power: IRAN has prospered greatly with this tactic two times in modern history 1979 and again 2007. Indirectly through Hesbola they have prospered additional times with tactics of kidnap and suicide bombing. Every time this power ackomplishes an objective with this tactic, makes it much more likely the tactic will be used again and again both by this power and by other enemies of civilization. A strong semi public threat against a cherished enemy assett and deadline with absolute follow through would make the world a safer place for all of us, (even Barnum and Bailey). That's the history of Mankind. There are zero contrary examples. Agression is either crushed or it will flurish. If Tehran backed down under the threat, they would suffer a defeat and be less likely to try again. If they win, (higher oil prices more respect and fear), they will do it again maybe next time with nuclear weapons. I guess it is hard to understand this simple corncept; as ya need at least one functioning brain cell. [/colour]

Let me guess, you want us to attack while receiving no retaliation? Google "Iraq." Let me know how that worked for you.

[colour=blue]The threat would need to be staged so that the enemy understands first time one city second time five cities etc. It is possible Persia may not survive this WAR: CJY. WAR is not a bowl of cherries, but: when a hostile power takes hostages there needs to be a strong reaction, or history shows us that it only gets worse. Get that minor li'l point: CJY?[/colour]

"The Liberals work closely with our enemies CJY. The enemies are the reason things have not been easy: not President Bush."

Just more worthless rhetoric propaganda OMR, unless of course, you have proof. How about something viable this time OMR? Not just hot air OMR.

[colour=blue]How 'bout Nancy Pelosi goin' to Syria, (an enemy helping kill Americans in Iraq), during a time of war against the wishes of the person the Cornstitution specifically puts forth to conduct foriegn policy and command our military forces? Do you posess any critical thinkin' skills: CJY? How 'bout Tokyo Rossie O'Donnell taking the side of Iran? How 'bout Ted Kennedy claiming that GW Bush made up inteligence to take us to WAR under false pretences to in rich his oil buddies? (Stated in 2002 and carried world wide by all the media). How 'bout Richard '****' Durbin comparing our soldiers to Nazi Storm troopers? How 'bout John F Kerry comparing our soldiers in Iraq to terrorists? How 'bout the New York Times and Washington Post leaking valuable war time tactics during WAR? Have ya ever pondered why OBL's henchmen sound just like Democrats; or do you ponder at all: CJY?[/colour]

Funny, as I read all of your responses to my post OMR, the ones you were unable to respond to with rhetoric or name calling, you blamed on "smoke." How very conservative of you OMR.

Furthermore OMR, how is it you are so well aware that libs are knowledgable in the area of homosexuality? And I only ask because you speak of it several times on this thread OMR?

You are not friends with Mark Foley, are you OMR? How soon we forget and then point our guilt ridden fingers at others. Do you get that, OMR? I listed your use of the word below, OMR. Just in the event you have forgotten OMR.

"do know a lot about every aspect of homosexuality"

"what's important is we know about and totally accept homosexuality"

"(but: take comfort in our knowledge and acceptance of homosexuality). "

[colour=blue]My references are to the NEAs' strangle hold on public education. As a very effective pressure group that owns the Democratic party, they team up with the Gay Lesbean pressure group to encourage Democrats to dumb down children in public schools, with the objective of turning out good little victims without knowledge of history or critical thinking skills with the hope of them voting Democrat.[/colour]

OMR, the quotes below are yours also. "History" tells me when someone acts as though they are an expert and then begin to blog, they have just finished reading a book.

[colour=blue]CJY: stick to reading my words not my mind.[/colour]

Let me guess, it was something featuring Churchill and/or Chamberlain. Let me take another stab, Burying Caesar. As far as being a clown.....maybe. Weak tactic OMR, but as expected, none the less.

"That said: those of us aware of history"

"Most Americans can't name their vice President, and are very unaware of History"

"if Americans were aware of their own history"

"I suggest we all need to first: examine history of both Islam and Persia"

"Based on HISTORY"

"One thing I have learned in my studies"

"Some people, (most Americans) don't have much knowledge of history"

"Hope I'm wrong here but history cornvinces me I'm not"

"History, (not just American history but the history of the human species is"

"There aren't any examples from human history"

"I think you would recognize that history does not reward the "

"knowledge of history can and does save one"


"maybe they don't know history and the nature of aggressors"

No need to stand down, at least for my sake. I think I can handle myself.

[colour=blue]Why don't you get untra sensative n' label me a racist or something hot like that CJY?:}:}:}:} JR[/colour]

Haut Medoc

Supreme Mariner
Jun 29, 2004
Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

Botched effort of the US?.....
Oh my!....
The Iranians were only reacting to US 'oppression'!
Iran is the victim here, don't cha know?:|


Nov 30, 2006
Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

waterinthefuel said:
Looks like this might all be because of a botched effort on the part of the US.

[colour=blue]Hey WITF, leave it to the Domestic and Foreign Liberal Media to blame the good ol' USA. Now ya know why the Germans 'feel' we, (the USA) are much more of a threat then IRAN. The Iranians are inocent of doing anything but growin flowers' n' raisin' bunnies. If it weren't for America the world would be very peaceful place under the boot of Hitler, Stalin or Chairman Mao, or maybe all three. Oh Lord won't ya buy me a Mercedes Benz? Just remember we: (the US and the Brits, [our poor lackey friends], are the reason that children suffer n' cry) JR[/colour]

Haut Medoc

Supreme Mariner
Jun 29, 2004
Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

Hey Murky, ya gonna go see 'Lurch' tonight?
He's gonna be in 'Emerald City.....
Thought ya might wanna say, "hi'......;):)


Nov 30, 2006
Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

Haut said:
Hey Murky, ya gonna go see 'Lurch' tonight?
He's gonna be in 'Emerald City.....
Thought ya might wanna say, "hi'......;):)

[colour=blue]Oh yah, he n' Teresa were on the "Factor" last night promotin' their Algore type knock off global warmin' book. Rich Liberals luv ta lecture all us Peons, when is Babs Streisand commin' out with her lecture on usin' clotheslines? Didn't know 'bout the visit to Gods' Country, but guess I'll pass on the chance ta see my hero. JR[/colour]


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jun 19, 2005
Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

OMR, all those labels you place on must be like looking in the mirror.

Talk about hyper-sensative, touch feely, warm and fuzzy. You claim the left is the non-thinking emotional side of the fence. Like I said, take a good look in the mirror. You are still dwelling on something that happened more than a month ago and did not invovle you.. Try this, get over it. I am not taking back any of my words on that topic. You have certain beliefs, certain morals and ethical standards by which you live, as do I.

I don't ask you to compromise yours, don't ask me to compromise mine simply because you believe differently. Why must I see from your perspective....try looking from mine instead.

If you want to further discuss a particular topic and my thoughts/conclusions, feel free to PM me.


Jul 4, 2004
Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

Back to the TOPIC :)

Why did the big ship LET them get caught ?

It seems from what i have read there are a lot of rules about blowing up small vessels from iran ?

In breaking news some of the missing Iranians in iraq are not missing anymore or will be returned ?

A lot going on behind closed doors



Nov 15, 2003
Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

I think this is going to come to a head pretty quick. Within 48 hours they'll be released, along with the 5 Iranians we captured. *** for tat, everybody will be happy and the world will once again be rosey.

Yea right.


Nov 30, 2006
Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

CJY said:
OMR, all those labels you place on must be like looking in the mirror.

[colour=blue]We shall have to agree to disagree CJY. I rarely complain about the language others use when they debate me. I call 'em how I see 'em and I back up what I say. You jus' don't agree with my observations: CJY; simple as that.[/colour]

Talk about hyper-sensative, touch feely, warm and fuzzy.

[colour=blue]You are the one who took a relatively frendly exchange of ideas and labeled a good person with an inflamitory label. That lead to a crackdown by Mods here on DC. I don't like that type of approach, probably never will. That said: you do what you want when you want, that's the only issue I have with you: CJY[/colour]

You claim the left is the non-thinking emotional side of the fence.

[colour=blue]Your are correct in the fact that I think Libs emphasize emotions over rational logic. You think I do that: fine, think what you want. We will have to agree to disagree.[/colour]

Like I said, take a good look in the mirror. You are still dwelling on something that happened more than a month ago and did not invovle you.. Try this, get over it. I am not taking back any of my words on that topic.

[colour=blue]Fine, (you are right it did not involve me: still don't like that kinda conduct, and I can do what I wish as can you), I already said we can agree to dissagree. I'm over it, have been since the last time I got in your face many weeks back. Let's just leave it lay: CJY.[/colour]

You have certain beliefs, certain morals and ethical standards by which you live, as do I.

[colour=blue]To each his own CJY.[/colour]

I don't ask you to compromise yours, don't ask me to compromise mine simply because you believe differently. Why must I see from your perspective....try looking from mine instead.

[colour=blue]Weeks ago I asked you to appoligize to another for a false label you placed on that person. You have made it clear that is not in the cards, (that's your choice). I'm fine with your position. Leave it lay. Your perspective you say? I need some of Rolmops' or PW2s', smoke to see or more correctly: understand your point of view, 'cause my single brain cell lacks the intellectual capacity to understand such foolishness.[/colour]

If you want to further discuss a particular topic and my thoughts/conclusions, feel free to PM me.

[colour=blue]That's OK CJY, we can have civil discourse right here in the open. Maybe we can meet at an iboats get together. Doubt things would change. As you have succinctly stated: we have different points of view, likely irreconcilable but that's good too. Respectfully JR[/colour]


Nov 30, 2006
Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

tommays said:
Back to the TOPIC :)

Why did the big ship LET them get caught ?

It seems from what i have read there are a lot of rules about blowing up small vessels from iran ?

In breaking news some of the missing Iranians in iraq are not missing anymore or will be returned ?

A lot going on behind closed doors


[colour=blue]Spot on Tommays. The rules of engagement allowed the Iranians to take the Brits. The HMS Cornwall could have, (and should have sunk the Persians) when they approached the Brits' small craft. Hope they don't win this situation, (the Persians are getting more for their crude), but it looks like they will. JR[/colour]


Nov 30, 2006
Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

Re: UK sailors captured at gunpoint

waterinthefuel said:
I think this is going to come to a head pretty quick. Within 48 hours they'll be released, along with the 5 Iranians we captured. *** for tat, everybody will be happy and the world will once again be rosey.

Yea right.

[colour=blue]Jus' think of the Persian's potential leverage with nuclear weapons!! [/colour]:$:%