Re: transom seperatiing
You can thin out some poly laminatin resin w/ acetone, 20% and keep pouring it in the top, it'll soak down and harden, clamp, bolt or screw it .
Cap with finish resin and tape.
You can use git rot, but you say its not rotten.
Epoxy would work but its pricey for my budget.
But in the end it'll make ripping it all out a beeach of a job because it will need doing sooner or soon enough.
Been through that, its actually less work doing it right than fixing cobble jobs.
The hard part is just getting past the mental resistance to tearing it out.
For me...rule of thumb is if its delaminating its shot, whether rotted or not its not much use because it still failed.
I just came in from pouring a new seacast transom, its hot already so its working, I'm poor but I can afford that sort of peace of mind.
Maybe ponder on it a while.