To baitcast or not


Lieutenant Junior Grade
May 27, 2009
Re: To baitcast or not

Well it going back to the store... Not for what you think..
Had it out fishing, Had a couple of bails, but nothing too severe, All I had to do is pull the line out to untangle. A bit more practice and I think I'll have it..
I did notice I could cast further with my spinning rod, but it's probably because I have the brakes set to tight right now.

But I need to take it back to the store.
I need a left handed reel.

Ithica DB

Apr 19, 2011
Re: To baitcast or not

With all the talk about reel, eyes and pole I think just need to buy a cane pole and sit on the bank. 100% of fishing is getting your bait in the water however you get it done.
My question is how do you know you need left handed reel is it you are use to a spinning reel or are you left handed?


Lieutenant Junior Grade
May 27, 2009
Re: To baitcast or not

With all the talk about reel, eyes and pole I think just need to buy a cane pole and sit on the bank. 100% of fishing is getting your bait in the water however you get it done.
My question is how do you know you need left handed reel is it you are use to a spinning reel or are you left handed?

That's the way my spinning reel is.

For some reason i thought I switched hands. But after having the bait caster out and my spinning. I cast with my right and reel in with my left. So the swapping is not what I'm liking.

As for the cane poles.. I remember using those when i was real young.


Vice Admiral
Apr 18, 2010
Re: To baitcast or not

Wow dingbat, you're a really smart guy..

Shimano America, Inc.

One Holland Drive
Irvine, CA 92618, U.S.A.

Telephone: (949) 951-5003


Gary and I beleive his brother, worked for Lamiglass before he started G-Loomis. He has since retired but still consults from what I understand.​

When you, if you, visit the G-Loomis site, take a few minutes to read about guides and different types of rods. You might be suprised at what you'll learn.

The relations of Lamiglass isn't as bold as the one with G loomis but it's quite clear in the SEC filings.​

There's a piece at Field and Stream about Loomis. Pretty neat.


Supreme Mariner
Nov 20, 2001
Re: To baitcast or not

Wow dingbat, you're a really smart guy..

Shimano America, Inc.

One Holland Drive
Irvine, CA 92618, U.S.A.

Telephone: (949) 951-5003


Gary and I beleive his brother, worked for Lamiglass before he started G-Loomis. He has since retired but still consults from what I understand.​

When you, if you, visit the G-Loomis site, take a few minutes to read about guides and different types of rods. You might be suprised at what you'll learn.

The relations of Lamiglass isn't as bold as the one with G loomis but it's quite clear in the SEC filings.​

What do any of those links, or the fact that Gary was once a designer for Lamiglas before we went into business for himself, have to do with Shimano owning Lamiglas as you stated earlier?

Lamiglas is owned by the Richard Posey. It's been in family owned since 1977.

Gary Loomis sold his stake in G. Loomis to Shimano in 1995. Since 2009, Gary is now the principal owner of North Fork Composites. Gary as been in court off and on with Shimano for several years now. Here is the latest in the saga.

As far as learning something about rods and guides, I know a bit about rod design myself. I think my customers would agree. ;)


Rear Admiral
Nov 13, 2008
Re: To baitcast or not

I'm very happy for you. Now back to the original post...

If you're new to baitcasting, nothing will push you further away from it than a cheapo setup. I'm not saying you have to spend 1000.00 on a bait casting rig like I do but you at least get out of wally world and go somewhere that will let you try them out in the store. I have an "Outdoor Pro Shop" nearby and the don't hesitate to let me try a few casts in the parking lot.

Some of the signature brands like Skeet Reese's line aren't too bad. I tend to stay clear of them because often they're actually relabled overstock from the manufacturer. Basically the same pole they couldnt sell last year with a new marketing scheme. In today's economy things might be a little different and you may actually find a darn good rod that way.

You can't beat the Shimano reals for price and durability, I just happen to be a die hard Diawa fan. I have a couple of Abu Garcia's and a few Penn's and Shimano's also but I always favor the Diawa's.

One other thing that a local sporting goods shop will offer is advice based on where and what your fishing for. There's no way I'd buy a walleye rig out here on the West Coast, I'd wait till I got somewhere where they fish for Walleye and then go on what the local anglers are using.

2 Eagles

Petty Officer 1st Class
Apr 4, 2011
Re: To baitcast or not

As for the cane poles.. I remember using those when i was real young.

My dad and I still have some and use them for fishing, along with all the othere rods & reels we have. I'm the same way when it comes to spinning reels. I try to get left &/or right hand reels so I can set them up for left hand, or if someone is barrowing mine and like right hand instead I can switch sides for them.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
May 27, 2009
Re: To baitcast or not

You can't beat the Shimano reals for price and durability, I just happen to be a die hard Diawa fan. I have a couple of Abu Garcia's and a few Penn's and Shimano's also but I always favor the Diawa's.

The one I purchased was at Fleet Farm.
Cheap Abu Garcia. But I no longer have it.
They refused to even look for a left handed unit for me. Just flat out said no.

So I did see a Diawa up at Gander Mountain when I was there. Going to travel hopefully tonight to get it.


Mar 13, 2011
Re: To baitcast or not

I was casting a pretty big lure today and got my thumb caught between the the fast spinning reel and top part of reel. boy did it hurt. First time that has happened to me. been using this same reel for years.


Fleet Admiral
Mar 19, 2011
Re: To baitcast or not

The one I purchased was at Fleet Farm.
Cheap Abu Garcia. But I no longer have it.
They refused to even look for a left handed unit for me. Just flat out said no.

So I did see a Diawa up at Gander Mountain when I was there. Going to travel hopefully tonight to get it.

So how's that baitcaster workin' out for you Buzz?.. got the hang of it yet?