thoughts on Randy Moss



Re: thoughts on Randy Moss

Profesionalism, class, respect,...News Flash, It's about football and win's and that happens to be what he's good at. As for getting rid of him, that is no threat to him he don't care, he would have 15 job offers on his message machine before he got home and one of them would be from your team.<br />
'Profesionalism, class, respect'. Unfortunately, those three words do not always go together.<br /><br />Pro sports is pretty much broken, to my way of thinking. Yet, I know what y'all think about my way of thinking.<br /><br />Whats his names stunt was nothing short of childish and doesn't belong anywhwere but on an elementary school playgound. Not even there. <br /><br />The mentality of these overgrown children playing these games is just that-childlike. The stupid "toilet humor" is lost on me.<br /><br />Yet, the American public seems to keep paying the big bucks to support it. Just not me.


Supreme Mariner
Oct 30, 2002
Re: thoughts on Randy Moss

I don't much give a poop what he does or says.<br />I will forget about Moss long before he gets into the Hall of Fame.<br /><br />What ticked me off, was what some of the Viking fans did before the game.<br /><br />During the "moment of silence" for reggie White, several Vikings fans were shouting out things like "the Packers su*k" and F*** the Packers. This was picked up by the microphones and went out over the radio broadcast, and possibly over the tv.


Jan 22, 2002
Re: thoughts on Randy Moss

<br />Pro sports is pretty much broken, to my way of thinking. Yet, I know what y'all think about my way of thinking.<br />
DJ you're right bud, as far as i'm concerned... but i probably wouldn't of posted it here, since most posters so far like football, but have a prob with certain players. :)


Aug 14, 2004
Re: thoughts on Randy Moss

The Eagles may have T.O.<br />But, the Viqueens have...<br /><br />
<br /><br />O.Tay!


Lieutenant Commander
Mar 1, 2003
Re: thoughts on Randy Moss

Hmmm, turns out it may have been him making a statment about the Green bays fans longstanding tradition of mooning the visiting teams bus upon there departure.<br /><br />The NFL will surly slap him with a huge fine later this week, Perhaps he will get two weeks notariaty out of this yet.<br /><br />DJ, I am not saying moss has any of those three. I am saying he can play ball and that is why it is allowed to continue his antics, wins have precidence over class and profesionalism so long as it does not interfere with the teams ability to preform. If he didn't have great ability they wouldn't tolerate it, but in this scenerio his ability exceds his liability.


Jun 4, 2003
Re: thoughts on Randy Moss

People should be talking about Minnesota going into Green Bay and handing them a loss, in January, in under 30 degree temps. Instead we are talking about this fool, just adding to his notoriety.


Lieutenant Commander
Mar 11, 2003
Re: thoughts on Randy Moss

gg.. I don't think we could add much of anything to his nota-whatever.<br /><br />This is his first season with less then 1200 yds @ 800 and missed 6 games, played the last 1/3 of the season on a bad wheel and still finished tied for fourth in TD recepts w/13.. most by a reciever this year was 16TD's. <br /><br />no one comes close to the guy as far as impact .. <br /><br />It was the packers fault for taking cover-2 defense off him they blew it and with a bad ankle he beat Harris to the endzone by 10yds for that 4th quarter td recept.. <br /><br />not like he probably wouldn't have caught it anyways ..<br /><br />anyone else notice that in all three of the packer viking games the Vikes scored 31pts in each game this season .. hmmmmmmmmm..


Jun 4, 2003
Re: thoughts on Randy Moss

Al Harris is so over-rated it makes me sick. He couldn't cover a casserole, let alone one of the best recievers ever.<br /><br />I don't understand what the D was thinking. Harris played up on him all afternoon. Moss tweaks his ankle and they decide to have Harris play off of him. WTF???<br /><br />BTW, I have a buddy that absolutely hates the Pack and Farve. When the Minnesota quarter came out we told him it had Farve on it, he freaked :D :D


Lieutenant Commander
Mar 11, 2003
Re: thoughts on Randy Moss

Definately over rated GG .... LOL @ Casserole and quarter :D <br /><br />I wish I knew what they were thinking.. it makes no sense .. almost like it was rigged.<br /><br />WHAT!? profesional sports rigged...!?!? i didn't say that..<br /><br /> :D

crab bait

Feb 5, 2002
Re: thoughts on Randy Moss

whatta they gonna do when he simulates 'swingin'-it-in-a-circle' after his 4th touchdown this weekend..


Master Chief Petty Officer
Mar 17, 2003
Re: thoughts on Randy Moss

randy moss is a butthead who couldn't even hold a job fliping burgers were he should be. i have no respect for a team who keeps someone like him just to win games and i don't think he's that good just lucky


Oct 6, 2003
Re: thoughts on Randy Moss

Moss is the prototype of todays team sport players. He and many many others have taken away the focus on the game, the stragedy, and physical accomplishments of the athlete. I was a die hard NFL fan for 35 years, and frankly now I have little interest at all. Self promotion has replaced self respect. Bring back the Ron Mc Doles, LC Greenwood's, Art Monk, Andre Reed type players. They went out and did the job. Check out Marvin Harrison. All he does is catch balls, score and leave the field. Thats FOOTBALL.


Lieutenant Commander
Mar 1, 2003
Re: thoughts on Randy Moss

Just for the record I do not condone this era in sports nor am I even a "sports fan" let alone a Vikings fan. I do have a tendancy to watch baseball and football once it is playoff time if I have nothing else to do that day. Yes I admit I usally do make it a point to watch the superbowl and the world series once the title is on the line. Truth is although it is nice to have a "Hometown" team in contention that by no means that I even care if they make it all the way. Truth is I don't care who plays in the super bowl all I really want is whoever is playing to be within one score of each other in the final minutes of the game.<br /><br />Just thought I should add this being from minnesota, I don't take the views I do of him because he plays in my state...I take these views as a sad reality in todays "atmosphere" regardless of what team it involves.


Lieutenant Commander
Mar 11, 2003
Re: thoughts on Randy Moss

Something sent into a sports media company from a fan...<br /><br />" I remember when football used to be fun. When players danced in the end zone and it was exciting to watch. Now we are so worried about being politically correct that we seem to be missing the whole point. It is a GAME, and games are fun . Lets quit overanalyzing every incident and enjoy the game. I found the whole incident humorous and the game enjoyable. I say let the players dance, sing, show excitement, anger, frustration and pain . --Michelle Anderson