This is where State Socialism will lead you!


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Now the state determines what you can name your child.

Personally, I think it is a stupid name for a child, but if you want your decisions preempted by the State, you just keep voting for liberal Democrats.

...and if you don't think that is the case, you have failed to connect the dots. We have here the vast stage of Socialist Europe as a window to our future.

And BTW, did you hear that Belgium has proposed a 20 Euro a year tax on Barbequers? All in the name of Global Warming. Just keep voting for Democrats folks and that will be the next nutty revenue enhancing/behavior control vehicle that they will propose.

Don't think so? Take a real close look at Algore. You hear me Australians. Today it is your light bulbs, tomorrow it will be your barbeques. Just keep drinking the Kool Aid that they keep pouring into the cups. You swallow one cup, you'll swallow the next one.


Mar 7, 2002
Re: This is where State Socialism will lead you!

I feel your pain Boom.

The worst pain of all is it seems we are sliding farther and faster towards socialism.

Until I see mass deportations of illegal immigrants, out -lawing our involvement with the UN, and we quit buying oil from our enemys, I'll continue to think we've lost it at this point Boom.


Rear Admiral
Apr 9, 2005
Re: This is where State Socialism will lead you!

Is this our socialist future?



Apr 10, 2005
Re: This is where State Socialism will lead you!

Quote RubberFrog

Is this our socialist future?



Jun 19, 2002
Re: This is where State Socialism will lead you!

Hey is that a water savin type mode>?8)


Apr 10, 2005
Re: This is where State Socialism will lead you!

Looks like the frog is eligible for some carbon credits.....or by the looks of that commode he has already collected them.:%


Apr 21, 2004
Re: This is where State Socialism will lead you!

Boomie, don't you have anything better to worry about?

It was the lefties of the flower generation in this country that popularized offbeat names, like Chastity, or Flowerbud, or Pikabo, or who knows what else.

We somehow seemed to survive that, and I'm sure we'll survive this somehow.


Rear Admiral
Jun 27, 2004
Re: This is where State Socialism will lead you!

What a ridiculous thread......liberals (and anyone for that matter) have always named their children odd things like PW2 has just noted. I kinda always thought that liberals clammor for government control of things that have the potential to harm like smoking, greenhouse gases, and welfare. What you name your kids has nothing to do with any of that. But then again I guess you can see government interaction of any sort and see socialism...........


Jun 19, 2005
Re: This is where State Socialism will lead you!

Seriously, the governments shouldn't interfere with naming people. Now names have to be PC? There was a time when people where known by names such as Skull Splitter, the Bold, the Lame, etc.
Names are just names. Wouldn't a unique name make it easier to identify somebody?


Apr 10, 2005
Re: This is where State Socialism will lead you!

Quote ricksrter

Names are just names. Wouldn't a unique name make it easier to identify somebody?

Sure makes it rather easy to identify Stone Phillips doesn’t it?8)


Jul 4, 2004
Re: This is where State Socialism will lead you!

I think in the USA it has and will lead to worse things like a New Orleans type city with a huge wellfare class ?



Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: This is where State Socialism will lead you!

Pony said:
What a ridiculous thread......liberals (and anyone for that matter) have always named their children odd things like PW2 has just noted. I kinda always thought that liberals clammor for government control of things that have the potential to harm like smoking, greenhouse gases, and welfare. What you name your kids has nothing to do with any of that. But then again I guess you can see government interaction of any sort and see socialism...........

Hey Pony, connect the dots. If the liberals can tax your barbeque, remove references to the Holocaust from text books, reposition all the toilets in the prisons and force you to use stupid little expensive, environmentally unsound, poor quality, short lived compact flourescent bulbs, then they sure as heck could extend that control to what you name your child.


Aug 24, 2004
Re: This is where State Socialism will lead you!

Let that be a lesson to all the folks on this forum trying to convert the USA into a socialist government.

Boomy, I'm worried about ya buddy. You're gonna give yourself an ulcer. 8)


Rear Admiral
Jun 27, 2004
Re: This is where State Socialism will lead you!

Boomyal said:
Pony said:
What a ridiculous thread......liberals (and anyone for that matter) have always named their children odd things like PW2 has just noted. I kinda always thought that liberals clammor for government control of things that have the potential to harm like smoking, greenhouse gases, and welfare. What you name your kids has nothing to do with any of that. But then again I guess you can see government interaction of any sort and see socialism...........

Hey Pony, connect the dots. If the liberals can tax your barbeque, remove references to the Holocaust from text books, reposition all the toilets in the prisons and force you to use stupid little expensive, environmentally unsound, poor quality, short lived compact flourescent bulbs, then they sure as heck could extend that control to what you name your child.

I understand how easy it is to connect the dots when you put your "liberal hatred" glasses on, but when you get down to actual critical thinking, you will see that light bulb regulations, toilets, and taxing your BBQ have absolutely nothing in common with regulation what you name your child. Sure other socialist leaners in other countries may see it as so, but do you honestly think the liberals in America do? Liberals here want government control when it is "helping" (I put that in quotes because I dont agree with their methods) the general masses. We don't live in Sweeden........this isnt going to happen here. I wont go out on a limb to connect dots hat realistically have no business being connected. Sure they "could" as you say do that here in America, but they wont. Sorry that you can't see that.

Do I think regulation on what you can name a child is right......absolutely not. Its silly, and pointless.

Do I think that OUR government should force us to use certain light bulbs................nope, but offer tax breaks to people who choose to as incentive

Removing the Holocaust.........I say keep it in there. We learn from the past.


Apr 10, 2005
Re: This is where State Socialism will lead you!

Yah next thing they will try to convert us to the metric system.8)


Nov 30, 2006
Re: This is where State Socialism will lead you!

[colour=blue]Pony, I think yer overlooking the obvious. Boat owners on another thread are welcoming the increased regulation of EVERYTHING that produces CO2. Boom is just showing you the canaries in other "more progressive" mine shafts then we reside in, (but he is right the elites here wanna be jus' like Europe when they grow up). I am now a old man, and can reflect back on how it was when I grew up, (with far less government nanny state). I have never been to jail, had a DWI, I did have to struggle to pay child support for many years. I don't know if you have kids Pony, but kids staying out of Government control or jail due to nanny regulations is a real challange for today's parents. So far my three kids are OK, but: many of my friends have real problems with the track record of their kids who are just like me when I grew up. (OK I never really 'grew up' or I'd be jus' like ol' Jacque Chirac)! Remember a little over 200 years ago some very bright people gave us freedom and a 20 page document to limit one real important thing: THE GOVERNMENT. Are we keeping the government under the people's corntrol: PONY? I think the answer is real clear, how 'bout you? Moral of this story: be carefull of what you wish for 'cause ya jus' might get it. My $.02. JR[/colour]


Rear Admiral
Jun 27, 2004
Re: This is where State Socialism will lead you!

IMHO I'm just not as quick as some of you to jump to conclussions.......its a pretty big leap to assume that what Swedish liberals do is going to have some profound effect on American Libs. Let the Swedish do whatever they what, I couldn't care less.

If you are referring to Froggy's thread, you are being a bit "liberal" with your interpretation. Despite what you may think, forcing automakers to utilize technology they already to have to reduce emmissions is NOT the same as increasing regulation on everything that produces CO2. No one is talking about making cars and boats illegal, just ensuring that the new models are cleaner for the sake of everyone. Maybe I care about that because well me and my kids (when i have em) will have to live with the consequences of not doing so.

All respect to ya OMR, I respect both you and your opinion......but I have to stand my ground.

Regulation can be bad, in fact horrible, but without it, we wouldnt have many fish to catch or woodlands to enjoy. Without regulations someone without common sense was bound to destroy it.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Apr 20, 2006
Re: This is where State Socialism will lead you!

treedancer said:
Yah next thing they will try to convert us to the metric system.8)

You don't want that...its' been here for over thirty years and I still convert to imperial. I was in the last year of high school when the Feds forced it on us...a bunch of the guys got some teeshirts made up that read F%#k Metric I just want to killogram. ( I don't want to anymore.)


Nov 30, 2006
Re: This is where State Socialism will lead you!

Pony said:
IMHO I'm just not as quick as some of you to jump to conclussions.......its a pretty big leap to assume that what Swedish liberals do is going to have some profound effect on American Libs. Let the Swedish do whatever they what, I couldn't care less.

[colour=blue]The American Libs, (including Justices on the US Supreme Court) look to Liberal Europe, (where their low birth rates assure Muslim dominance within 50 years) for their future plans for you and I. Ignore this simple fact at your and your future children's peril: Pony. I can see where it is a 'big leap' for you, but experience will teach you what the old guys, (I think Boom may be an old guy), have learned. Good news is that people like Boom and I and many others here and all over this Great Country will resist as long as possible to try to keep what is left of our Founding Father's gifts to all of us. We are loosing the battle to Algore and his army: Pony. Hope the rest of you folks wake up and help in the 'culture war'.[/colour]

If you are referring to Froggy's thread, you are being a bit "liberal" with your interpretation. Despite what you may think, forcing automakers to utilize technology they already to have to reduce emmissions is NOT the same as increasing regulation on everything that produces CO2.

[colour=blue]How is my rant Liberal? Pony: my man, I don't like to 'force' any private segment of our great economy to do anything, (unless it is REAL IMPORTANT DUE TO THE SERIOUS DOWNSIDE). When ya "force" ya need police, courts n' prisons, (please remember that). After ya kill the industry yer pickin' on, (with the 'force' yer talkin' 'bout) and the Chinese are doin' what ya used ta do before the ol' 'force' forced 'em outa business, ya then need unemployment, retraining n' welfare. Simple progression: Pony.The market actually works, (shocking: I know). All matters of big but not critical importance can be addressed by taking advantage of the market NOT SOCIALISM! The government is the least efficient segment and the private sector is the most efficient. Have you noticed the dire health of America's once great Auto business? Do you think that is an accident? Nanny government has real cornsaquences, (some would call 'em profound). That is a fact, and facts do in fact matter. So stand yer ground n' vote to pass second hand smoke laws n' CO2 laws, (what ever floats yer boat), others have their 'favorite' issues, (which the cummulative effect could result in the USSR, if all of us are not vigilant). That all said: the growth of government in scope n' power n' technology really is contrary to what the Founding Fathers handed ya a little over 200 years ago. Somethin' ta ponder my friend. REAL HEAVY CORNCEPT FOR ALL AMERICANS TA PONDER DON'T YA THINK?[/colour]

No one is talking about making cars and boats illegal, just ensuring that the new models are cleaner for the sake of everyone.

[colour=blue]Oh really, I beg ta differ. The track record of do good nanny government is a little different then ya might think: Pony. If I fill in a swamp on RR island, ya think I don't go to jail or pay a huge fine if I get caught by a eco cop Pony? Please think this out my friend. How 'bout killin' a seal or eagle. Ya think I could get away with that if I wanted to, (which I don't)? Big government is much more powerfull then you think, and the TREND, (as a former stock broker I have this thing with trends), IS UNMISTAKABLE TO THOSE WITH EYES n' a brain cell or two.[/colour]

Maybe I care about that because well me and my kids (when i have em) will have to live with the consequences of not doing so.

All respect to ya OMR, I respect both you and your opinion......but I have to stand my ground.

Regulation can be bad, in fact horrible, but without it, we wouldnt have many fish to catch or woodlands to enjoy.

[colour=blue]It is a mixed bag. The number of regulations has expanded exponentially over the last fifty years, (same about the fifty years prior too). STOP NOW! THINGS ARE STILL WORKING, (barely). Worship GOD or yourself NOT THE GOVERNMENT.[/colour]

Without regulations someone without common sense was bound to destroy it.

[colour=blue]Then why do we even exist? This massive regulation is fairly new, and dramatically accelerating: don't ya know that? PLEASE THINK ABOUT WHAT YOU JUST SAID! If ya set up all laws, courts, cops, n' prisons there will be little left to produce. Why do Liberal societies have a negative birth rate? Please think. Respectfully, (and I mean it to you Pony, and to the rest too) JR[/colour]
