They drive among us....

Tim Frank

Vice Admiral
Jul 29, 2008
A Barrie teen caused $100,000 in damage when she careened through the suburbs at high-speed while simultaneously driving, texting and trying to hold her pet cat.

The 17-year-old exhibited exceptionally poor judgement. How she could even hold the steering wheel remains a mystery.

Among her victims was a neighbour's front yard, two parked cars, a boat and a house - the later was a home daycare where the National Post reports a woman was carrying her child to the door at the time of the incident. Thankfully, nobody was injured.

The teen has been charged with careless driving.


Oct 13, 2008
Re: They drive among us....

I just had someone come in the office who was rear ended by a teen. Turns out the driver and his buddy, who just happened to be sitting right next to him in the passenger seat, were texting back and forth. What ever happened to good old fashioned conversation?


Lieutenant Junior Grade
May 27, 2009
Re: They drive among us....

It takes all kinds..

My wife was at a stop sign waiting for traffic and a semi rear ended her. Causing less then 500 bucks in damage.
I took the car to a body shop of a buddy I know. Got me a smokin deal of 230 bucks fix the cracked quater panel, tail light and touch up.

I contacted the company to see about putting a claim in.. But the Semi Driver told his company that she backed into him at the intersection. So with them being self insured, they took the word of their driver and not my wife, certinally wasn't enough to go to court for.

Another one...

On the end of our street, when I was going to work last summer I seen a car that had T-boned a street sweeper. The sweeper wasn't even in the other road yet. Sure enough I thought this had to be a drunk driver. Nope.
The gal was texting while driving. Didn't pay attention and the car swerved into the cross street and hit the sweeper. The sweeper operator went to the hospital with minor injuries.


Nov 17, 2005
Re: They drive among us....

The daughter of and employee where I work, riding down the road with her two small children in the back seat, texting, crossed the center line into the path of a Freightliner which ran over the front of the car, engine area, did not cause any serious injury, this all happened at the end of the drive where I work.


Chief Petty Officer
Jul 4, 2007
Re: They drive among us....

Looks like texting while driving will be outlawed in Texas effective Sept 1. Of course some people will continue to text, but if they get into an accident they are totally hosed. Any time a text is sent a record is made of the date and time of the text. Pretty hard to argue that "I wasn't texting" when there is a clear record that a text was sent. :rolleyes:


Supreme Mariner
Mar 26, 2007
Re: They drive among us....

I've texted while driving. I'm pretty terrible at it. I think I'll refrain from this activity in the future.


Oct 25, 2009
Re: They drive among us....

In Saskatchewan they banned cell phone use in vehicles period in January this year. After almost six months they now think it may have made the texters more dangerous. The texters are now holding the phones in there laps and looking down as well as texting. At least before they held them up or on the the steering wheel so the could glance at the road once in a while. DUH


Chief Petty Officer
Apr 24, 2011
Re: They drive among us....

i believe michigan has a no text law. doesnt mean people dont still do it every day. i dont get texting if i want to know something from some one i will call them or 2-way since i have nextel. recently i've been getting text messages from people and i dont have a plan so, deleat deleat deleat. not always the best thing to do since my aunt texted me my grandma died, never read it but my sister told me few hours later. occasionally i will talk to my mom on my drive home for 15 minuites or so but i talk not text so i can still watch the road and still keep a hand on the wheel.


Jun 13, 2007
Re: They drive among us....

Yep, they drive among us....and they'll be down in a few minutes whatever...borrow some money because they are heading out with their friends.
We raised 'em...and this is simply part of the new social media connection that is typical of youth (primarily). They live in very short increments of communication sometimes seconds and usually within 5 minutes...much shorter than an average car ride and their is no way the average teen or youth or younger person is going to just sit there and drive while there device is calling no way, unfortunately.
They want to be always connected and communicating and if that means not paying attention to other while doing be it.
We built, we bought it, we facilitate it......we can't complain much.;)
Hand held devices while driving are illegal here in if they catch you it's a ticket and a fine. 90% of the people they catch (and they catch them all the time) are.....well young people.:)
Oh well......that is what is insurance is for I guess but who'd have thought that you are actually and statistically putting your child/teen in danger by giving them a cell phone rather than depriving them of one!! :eek::eek:
All Good


Chief Petty Officer
Jul 4, 2007
Re: They drive among us....

Looks like texting while driving will be outlawed in Texas effective Sept 1. Of course some people will continue to text, but if they get into an accident they are totally hosed. Any time a text is sent a record is made of the date and time of the text. Pretty hard to argue that "I wasn't texting" when there is a clear record that a text was sent. :rolleyes:

Well, I guess I have to print a retraction. The Govenor of Texas vetoed the bill today. Take cover my fellow Texans.


Master Chief Petty Officer
May 6, 2010
Re: They drive among us....

Saw a sticker in the back window of a 'yota last night...

HONK if you love Jesus
TEXT if you want to meet him




Apr 21, 2004
Re: They drive among us....

Well, I guess I have to print a retraction. The Govenor of Texas vetoed the bill today. Take cover my fellow Texans.

Why don't you text it to us, since you still can ;)

TX veto make perfect sense, right? :(

IN outlaws texting on 7/1, up to $500 fine and prohibited for CDL drivers nationwide, already in place.