The texas maid rebuild! roll/tip question at the bottom. need help from the pros


Supreme Mariner
Mar 26, 2007
Re: New project! the texas maid rebuild

Re: New project! the texas maid rebuild

You won't need a gallon. That paint goes a LONG way.....


Jul 29, 2009
Re: New project! the texas maid rebuild

Re: New project! the texas maid rebuild

Well today i got the transom in, the sides and splashwell riveted back together. and i got the 20 something bolts back in. filled the seams and holes in the transom with that 3m 5200 junk. I hear everyone talk about how good it is, but they dont say what a mess it is. i went cheap and bought the metal tube not the caulk gun tube (saved 3 bucks).. big mistake.. once that tube got a hole in it, it was everywhere. Oh and i would recommend wearing gloves, might seem obvious, but its not.



it says you can cut off the excess when it cures so i am hoping to make it look cleaner inside and obviously i have yet to get the back of the boat sanded so hopefully the mess i made will clean up. I dont know if you can tell from the pics but i havent put the cap on the transom. all i have from the PO is a bunch of misfitting pieces, how important is that cap for waterproofing? i used tons of that 3m stuff will that suffice? i do plan on covering it somehow just how well do i need to.

Oh and thanks for the heads up about not needing a gallon, i thought i had read about someone using a ton of it. I guess since lowes is only 1 mile away ill just buy a quart at a time.


Rear Admiral
Aug 29, 2001
Re: New project! the texas maid rebuild

Re: New project! the texas maid rebuild

Looks good. You could probably get a sheet metal shop to bend you up a top cap for not much $$$. Are you gonna take the top of the back plate on the transom down to where it's level with the new wood? It's gonna look sharp with that 85 hp Merc on the back.


Jul 29, 2009
Re: New project! the texas maid rebuild

Re: New project! the texas maid rebuild

yea i was debating on cutting it off or cutting it and folding it over the top. For now there itll just be the '60 75hp evinrude. I hear its a gas hog but maybe itll be tolerable. itll be cool. i just found out what year the boat was made today and its a '60 as well.


Jul 29, 2009
Re: New project! the texas maid rebuild

Re: New project! the texas maid rebuild

finally the rain stopped for long enough to get something done. I managed to flip her over and get some paint prep done. Very exicting the gluvit showed up a day early so tomorrow is gluvit and sanding and maybe... some paint

one side got stripped and sanded.

one side only got stripped

and here is a link to a movie of me flipping it over if anyone needs a laugh.

Johnny Too Bad

Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jul 21, 2009
Re: New project! the texas maid rebuild

Re: New project! the texas maid rebuild

I watched your video, and that is one way to do it. Pretty ingenious, actually. I would've enlisted the help of a few friends, but it would've cost me quite a bit in beer money. So, you were able to flip it by yourself AND save money in the process. Nice work.

Just one question. How do you plan on getting it back on the trailer??


Rear Admiral
Aug 29, 2001
Re: New project! the texas maid rebuild

Re: New project! the texas maid rebuild

Nice video...good use of a deadman and come-along, not to mention scout knots. Love the natural sound...someone's dog wanted to be out there helping you. As for putting it back on the trailer, get the trailer in place, raise the tongue with the tongue jack, hook up the winch cable and have at it...the cable/strap should pull the trailer up under the boat as you crank the winch...make sure you wet down the bunk boards if your trailer has them.
If you ever have to de-trailer the boat to work on the trailer, lower the trailer tongue to raise the stern, the put some blocks under the stern and raise the trailer tongue so the stern is clear of the trailer, then move the trailer out from under the boat a little at a time...use some old tires to support the bow...Bob's your uncle.


Jul 29, 2009
Re: New project! the texas maid rebuild

Re: New project! the texas maid rebuild

glad you liked the video, i actually hate that dog it does that the entire time you are out there.

Rain is still being a big problem for me so progress is slow, i feel like its gunna take forever. I got the other side sanded and went back around making sure everything was well feathered. I crawled under to try and clean a seam i want to gluvit while the boat is upside down. Sunshine in the forecast is always just one more day out, it moves till day after tomorrow over and over so i went and bought a tarp, tomorrow im using my boat lifter as a tarp holder and making a tent to paint under. Paint with pics to follow tomorrow!


Rear Admiral
Aug 29, 2001
Re: New project! the texas maid rebuild

Re: New project! the texas maid rebuild

I've never used Gluvit, but if I remember correctly from other posts...most apply it inside the hull over/in all the seams. May be wrong, though.
We've got a dog like that a couple of houses down...thought I was the only one who found his vocals annoying till I was out in the backyard one day...bark, bark, bark...bark, bark, bark. After awhile my old Chocolate lab got up and mosied over to the fence...gave one loud, deep WOOF! and the other dog shut up. Guess dogs get annoyed too. He got an extra treat at dinner that day.


Jul 29, 2009
Re: New project! the texas maid rebuild

Re: New project! the texas maid rebuild

as far as gluvit i have been crawling inside, i am hoping itll seep down into the seam that goes around the edge and then i can go back and hit the rest later.

So now for the update.

Today i woke to more rain, was comin down good. finally stopped about 10 and so i hurried out and started puttin up my tarp. had almost figured how to do it and it started sprinkling. worked through that got it up and tied down then the rain stopped and it started to shine. Then the wind picked up and threatened to rip the grommets out of my tarp. It seamed as through the world was against me. I loosened some of the ropes and moved where they tied to so as to even the strain on the tarp. Beautiful. Then came the paint

Used self eching primer, luckily it has a short dry time.
Then 1 quart of rustoluem clean metal primer. It took me almost 2 hours doin roll and tip. I feel like i cant hold the brush light enough, but as it dries i think it is starting to be ok. It is definately going to take more than 1 coat. not sure how many i will need before i put some color on. what sucks is i only had one quart figured it would do the whole bottom, well i have about 8 sqft without primer on the back corner.





That sure feels good dont it :)


Rear Admiral
Aug 29, 2001
Re: New project! the texas maid rebuild

Re: New project! the texas maid rebuild

Nice work...thanks for posting pix as you go along. I used several wide disposable foam brushes when I painted my tip touch was too heavy with other brushes. Don't get too ambitious when you are painting that way, do small sections at a time...learned that one the hard way on my project. You're making good progress. I wasn't brave enough to remove my windshield, but I only painted the topsides...still have to tackle the hull later on. Was it tough getting the windshiled off?


Jul 29, 2009
Re: New project! the texas maid rebuild

Re: New project! the texas maid rebuild

mine had something like 5 bolts coming though the bow deck from the windshield, little rusty but soon as the nuts were off it lifted right up.


Jul 29, 2009
Re: New project! the texas maid rebuild

Re: New project! the texas maid rebuild

Well coat number two today, most the pics i took turned out really blue from the tarp. here are the two whitest. HUGE difference from yesterday. The paint seems to level itself pretty well or i am getting better at tipping. There are a few spots that ran and if they sand smooth without going through the primer around em i think i can start the color coats. which is very nice.




Rear Admiral
Aug 29, 2001
Re: New project! the texas maid rebuild

Re: New project! the texas maid rebuild

Nice work. Hopefully you will get 2-3 days of warm/hot and dry weather after you are done to let the paint cure, before you flip her back over. A vid of putting the trailer back under her would be way cool.


Jul 29, 2009
Re: New project! the texas maid rebuild

Re: New project! the texas maid rebuild

Well after a crazy long day hanging sheetrock yesterday its back to work today. It is finally sunny and i took the opportunity to pull back the tarp and have a look at her in primer from a distance. Sanded those brush marks down and gave her a good wash before the paint then let her dry in the sun. The tree kept dropping branches, bugs and even had a bird poop on the boat so i figured i had to cover her back up before i painted. Before i covered her up i taped out the area where i plan on painting the gray strip. I had hoped to use the green all the way around top and bottom and fill in with yellow, but i didnt realize i was almost out and didnt feel like going back to the store so i hope yellow will be ok.




So its crazy to me how different the three different rustoleum paints have been the primer was kinda like latez paint, the white really thin and runny and the blue was thick and stringy and hard to get to cover. leaving huge streaks no matter how light you apply the brush. luckily it seems to have sorta oozed down flat.

So my question is, how is this roll and tip supposed to work. after i finish a section (rolled and tipped, looks good) then go and roll another section. when i go to tip it the part of the paint that overlaps the last section always seems to streak. I have tried to use more paint (dry to fast on thin coat), less paint (only top dry and skinned over) and even doing smaller sections. it doesnt seem to make much difference. I had hoped you could see what i was talking about in the pic below but you cant. You can see how big of a section i am doing though the darker spots indicate the overlap. Its only about 1.25 feet. Any suggestions from the pros?


And lastly the reason you should paint in a garage or somewhere sealed.


Paint was still very tacky found a moth stuck upside down glued to my paint. THAT will be a mess to fix..:mad:


Jul 29, 2009
Re: The texas maid rebuild!

Re: The texas maid rebuild!

Well, long time since an update. finished two coat of color on the bottom, painted my stripe. and decided while it was off the trailer i would go ahead and do a quick and dirty trailer rebuild. lightly sanded and then painted it. knocking the rust off and replacing the hardware. I cant find rollers to replace the nasty looking ones in the bunks so for now they stay that way. I had hoped to sand and prime the top today but one of the weld on the roller bunk broke and i spent 1/2 the day improving the design and welding it back together. Anyhow here is a pic of her as she is now.



Senior Chief Petty Officer
Aug 5, 2009
Re: The texas maid rebuild! roll/tip question at the bottom. need help from the pros

Looks great! Can't wait to do mine, I am scared to death tho.


Supreme Mariner
Mar 26, 2007
Re: The texas maid rebuild! roll/tip question at the bottom. need help from the pros

Your paint job looks great. I really like the colors. Nice job on the trailer. I know what a pain that job can be.


Rear Admiral
Aug 29, 2001
Re: The texas maid rebuild! roll/tip question at the bottom. need help from the pros

Yep, nice work. Don't know why there is a big difference in the consistency of Rustoeum paints. I opted for Petit EzyPoxy and it rolled/tipped pretty well even though I was painting in the garage with one door open for ventilation...still had a few small hickeys to deal with due to bugs. Might check an Academy store if you have them up there in the Indian Nations...they carry rollers. I need to replace my old rollers with the newer, self-centering rollers. Boat and trailer looks good. I couldn't get my TM off the trailer, so I spent a lot of time crawling around on my back repainting my trailer with a brush and roller using Rustoleum rust-killer primer and paint. Went on a little thick and it's ugly in spots...mostly the inside frames, but it's wearing well. That's a cool color's gonna look really nice after you get the topsides done and the windshield back on there. The Iboats store also has rollers...but never checked the price.