The texas maid rebuild! roll/tip question at the bottom. need help from the pros


Jul 29, 2009
I got this boat today in exchange for some tile work. I am replacing the deck and transom. Have gotten all the wood out and and am working on getting out the HD spray foam. It is a 16 foot aluminum boat closed bow with a hatch to climb through so you can get up on the bow. Does anyone know what this boat is? i have no idea what year or make it is. the transom was cut to accommodate a short shaft motor and they removed the plate with all the ID info. Here are a few pictures


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Petty Officer 1st Class
Jul 23, 2009
Re: new project! anyone know what it is?

Re: new project! anyone know what it is?

It looks like it was registered at some point. You could check with the state department that issues the registration.

What is the date of the last registration?


Supreme Mariner
Mar 26, 2007
Re: new project! anyone know what it is?

Re: new project! anyone know what it is?

Looks like a Texas Maid to me.

Johnny Too Bad

Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jul 21, 2009
Re: new project! anyone know what it is?

Re: new project! anyone know what it is?

It's definitely a Texas Maid. The portholes and bow hatch give it away. Looks like a late 50's or early 60's Fiesta.

Texas Maid's were made by the Texas Boat Mfg Co, Inc in Lewisville, Texas. Check for an HIN stamp on the starboard side of the stern just under the fin. It looks like it was probably painted over, so you may have to look closely. Mine was really hard to see under three coats of paint and primer.

Welcome to iboats and to the Texas Maid club. tmcalavy, redeye1962, kciv and a few others have Texas Maids, so feel free to ask questions.



Jul 29, 2009
Re: new project! anyone know what it is?

Re: new project! anyone know what it is?

Rock on, i am really excited at the moment. its cool to see the brochure and know what it was supposed to look like. I did see a number when i was yanking the transom out today and wondered what it was. I was really expecting a plate with hp ratings and whatnot but i guess if that works.

So today i didnt get a lot done due to crazy long hours at work, but i did manage a few things. I found my cone wire brush thing for my angle grinder and got rid of the few pieces of carpet that were left as well as the spray foam. Then i tackled the transom; 30 rusty bolts and a bunch of rivets later i had it out. It looks like 1 layer of 3/4" and 1 of 1/2" plywood, so its annoying that i have to buy two different sheets.


When the PO cut the transom shorter it looks like they unscrewed a panel and moved it down then cut the main sheet that is the back.


Can i just move it back up and cut the wood where it should be, or do i need to get another piece of aluminum welded in to fill the gap so i will have the two layers. Here is a pic from the inside and you can see where it would be missing a layer. the brown is where the rotten wood was so you can see how much of the bottom layer of aluminum was missing.



Rear Admiral
Aug 29, 2001
Re: new project! anyone know what it is?

Re: new project! anyone know what it is?

That's some creative engineering on the part of the PO. You do have a TM Fiesta, but can't pinpoint the year. Not familiar with the original transom configuration on Fiestas, but my 15-foot TM Impala has only one aluminum skin across the stern. How you proceed depends on what kind of motor you are going to put on it, short-shaft or long-shaft. The PO must have cut it down to take a short shaft...looks the the plate they cut and moved down is offset from the main transom/stern skin? Odd.
I've seen folks use aluminum plate on the outside stern skin to reinforce the stern/transom after they brought the transom back up to original height. Might consider that once you figure out which outboard you will use. You want the anti-ventilation plate on the outboard, the plate just above the prop/gearcase, to be even with the bottom/keel of your boat...give or take an inch. Measure straight down (not on an angle) from the top of the transom clamp on the outboard, the inside top of the clamp, to the anti-ventilation plate...that will tell you what transom depth it is designed for. My TM transom is 20 inches, so I run long-shaft OMC's on it...tried short-shaft and the props would cavitate and slip. The attached pix shows the stern of my perspective makes the outboards look longer than they really are. My anti-ventilation plates are 2 inches lower than the keel, so I'm actually considering shimming the motors up a little, about one inch, by putting shims across the top of the transom. Might try that this summer.
Nice find, keep us updated with pix as you go along. I was looking for a Fiesta, but couldn't find one, when the Impala turned up and it was too good a deal to pass up...wish I could figure a magic way to stretch it out to 17 feet...ha!


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Seaman Apprentice
Aug 6, 2009
Re: new project! anyone know what it is?

Re: new project! anyone know what it is?

I have a 64 TM Fiesta (16' long) and the back end does not look like yours. I have only the outside AL but the splash well supports the back side. Mine came with a 15" transom. I rebuilt it as original and then added a board to make it have a 20" transom for my 20" outboard. If I remove the board it will revert back to a 15" transom.


Jul 29, 2009
Re: New project! the texas maid rebuild

Re: New project! the texas maid rebuild

First off thanks for the advice. In the pics i am just holding the plate in place. it looks like it was bolted in originally up where there is no paint and later moved down. then they cut the stern skin. and drilled new drain holes in that extra plate.

I plan on using a 1960 75hp evinrude starflite and i guess it would be best to build the transom to fit it. I think i will scab an extra plate of Aluminum on there.


Jul 29, 2009
Re: New project! the texas maid rebuild

Re: New project! the texas maid rebuild

Well today i managed to get the floor cut out today. Talk about a pain in the butt. Everyone i read talks about it being hard it is to get it to fit and be level but i guess i never believed them. The third piece from the stern took me as long as the other three peices. I'm glad i did it last or i would have quit a long time ago.
I used the pink HD foam method and it seems to work ok. I made a 1' wide piece fit each side then measured how far apart they were and placed them on the wood that far apart and traced around just a little big. Then used a flapper sand pad on my grinder and it sanded enough to match the hull line pretty quick. The metal fins were a pain to get the cut around them right on the foam so i knew it would be impossible on wood. So i decided to just just the wood to each side of them and not worry about it.


You can see where the 3rd sheet sticks up on the left. This is because of one of the aluminum cross braces sticking up higher than the stringers. it goes flat if i stand on both corners so im assuming when i screw it in it will be ok.


Tomorrow hopefully i can get these sealed and let them dry while i spend the weekend up at the in-laws.


Rear Admiral
Aug 29, 2001
Re: New project! the texas maid rebuild

Re: New project! the texas maid rebuild

Lookin good...when I did my deck, I predrilled the holes and used stainless screws...went pretty fast. How are you going to seal the deck? Both sides? I used a premium latex exterior paint...two coats, but I live in a high & dry climate (15 inches rain/year) where lingering moisture and wet rot cannot survive. Your windshield looks pretty good. I had good results on my windshield using Meguiar's plastic cleaner and then plastic polish.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jul 5, 2009
Re: New project! the texas maid rebuild

Re: New project! the texas maid rebuild

Looks like you made some good progress the past few days. Keep up the good work and she'll be done before you know it.


Jul 29, 2009
Re: New project! the texas maid rebuild

Re: New project! the texas maid rebuild

Sealing the deck is what i have been wondering about. It doesnt rain here a lot. just lots at one time. then its hot and dry. I thought about using an oil based primer and then this porch and walkway non skid exterior paint i saw at lowes. but i dont know how much that will really water proof it.

Does anyone know if deck sealer.. the kind behind your house, not in the boat. would work? ive seen big beads of water on a deck sealed with that stuff and the wood there seems to stay good for quite a while.

I do plan on sealing both sides. and have seen most people using fiberglass resin, i really dont wanna mess with it but maybe i have to.

today i decided to skip sealing it while i figure out what to do and started stripping the paint inside around rivets so i can paint. got most of one side done when i realized most of the wire brush i put in my airtool had fallen out and it pretty much quit working.


Rear Admiral
Aug 29, 2001
Re: New project! the texas maid rebuild

Re: New project! the texas maid rebuild

Have you leak-tested the hull by putting some water in it? That will point out loose/leaky rivets that need to be re-bucked using a steel bar and big honkin hammer. I didn't Gluvit the inside seams/rivets on mine, but wished I takes on about a quart of water in 4-5 hours so there is a seep somewhere. I was going to used oil-based exterior paint to seal my deck panels, but went with premium exterior latex because it's easier to use and clean up after. When I was a kid, my uncle used to seal his home-built plywood skiff with oil-based paint...left it laying on wood skids at the lake and it outlived him...only went to ruin after he passed on, with no one maintaining it.


Jul 29, 2009
Re: New project! the texas maid rebuild

Re: New project! the texas maid rebuild

well back from the in-laws and aside from being a long weekend it turned out alright. Her grandfather has everything or at least is still trying to get it. He wanted a boat trailer (dont know why, but just the trailer) and unfortunately for him it came with a boat and a motor. So i got all the parts i wanted off the boat including the single cable steering system (i dont know what its called) which looks brand new. bunch of gauges and a 74 85hp mercury with power tilt and trim. As well as a giant aluminum plate that fits over the transom to a motor to. The motor needs the carbs put back together and who knows what else but "it was running in '05" so maybe a spring project.

Anyhow when i got the boat it had a lot of water in with the foam but not enough to get over the main seam around the edge. I suppose it would be a good idea to check that out before i put the deck in. Ill be back to her soon with some more updates i hope.


Jul 29, 2009
Re: New project! the texas maid rebuild

Re: New project! the texas maid rebuild

Well today i finally got my lower unit back from the shop and was able to put the motor back together. Found out it is just about 18 inches from the top of the clamp to the anti-vent plate, and with the standard for this boat being 21" i only needed to add a couple inches to what the PO had cut off. I traced around the old transom and added the inches i needed. When i set the mounting bracket on it there was no room to bolt through the bottom of the bracket. so i added an inch and pray that the motor doesnt sit to high. Cut it out and now am waiting on the resin to cure.

I have the inside almost ready to paint. waiting on the gluvit delivery then i can start on painting. Tomorrow i am sanding what i can reach on the outside. Ill try to post pics of the progress tomorrow.


Jul 29, 2009
Re: New project! the texas maid rebuild

Re: New project! the texas maid rebuild

So here are two picks of the sanding progress. the inside paint was pretty terrible with layers of glue between layers of paint. I used tal-strip II aircraft stripper and some places it was amazing others not so much. it did seem to eat the glue pretty quick which was nice. I tried using a scrapper as suggested by the package and found a wire brush on a die grinder worked much better. All that is left is the paint at the slashwell when i put that back together and a quick scuff before primer.


Today i sanded the outside The paint was at least a 2nd paint job and was done over a lot of scratches. I ended up having to sand to metal in many places which i had hoped to avoid. There are also a couple deep gouges on the bow that i dont think any amount of sanding will fix. is there a way to fill those? JB weld? i think i heard that bondo wouldnt work. any how I ended up dabbing stripper on the rivets then the die grinder for a few second and they are nice and clean. I had planned on installing the transom today but by the time i had the tools i needed it started raining. Tomorrow i will get it in and find some way to flip her over and sand the bottom. If the weather clears up its time to paint!


Johnny Too Bad

Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jul 21, 2009
Re: New project! the texas maid rebuild

Re: New project! the texas maid rebuild

Wow, that's some great progress, Bob! A little Gluvit and some paint and she'll be as good as new. Have you decided on a color/paint scheme?

Keep up the good work!


Petty Officer 1st Class
May 20, 2009
Re: New project! the texas maid rebuild

Re: New project! the texas maid rebuild

Nice progress man! You're rolling right along! Keep it up! Almost make me wish I had another one to work on! Lol O wait, my dad was looking at one, maybe I'll get one yet! ha


Jul 29, 2009
Re: New project! the texas maid rebuild

Re: New project! the texas maid rebuild

as far as a color scheme i think i am going to use the rustoleum paints if i can find a gallon of their primer. I want to put white below that huge seam of rivets that runs around the boat. then a border of about 4-5" above that in gray then make the rest of the side and the top blue. then maybe white on the sides insides and gray floor. not sure what to do in there yet. I have toyed with the idea of painting that rib that runs fore and aft on the side (no idea of the correct term) white or even just polishing it.