The deed is done!


Apr 10, 2005
Re: The deed is done!

Quote rogerwa

<<In fact, I believe more conservatives can articulate their opinion (their own) more conscisely without referring to putting down the opposing viewpoint with condescension and name calling.>>
Quote rogerwa…in the same post..:%

The vast majority of people out there are clueless to the daily news of the political and foreign issues.

A bit inconsistent there aren’t ya Roger?8)


Nov 29, 2000
Re: The deed is done!

Not at all, I didn't associate the clueless with any political leaning. I also didn't use the word clueless to put down someone elses argument.

Do you disagree that their is a significant portion of our population that cannot describe at a basic level how our government operates, much less be in touch with the issues and current events. if it makes you more comfortable, use the word uninformed.

Haut Medoc

Supreme Mariner
Jun 29, 2004
Re: The deed is done!

Most of the world's heads of state do not pay $25,000.00 to the families of homicide bombers for training their children to strap on explosives to blow up other

No, but it is acceptable practice to put $25 M bounties on the heads of whomever......

That depends on if your asking for it or if your balls are big enough to take it. The US has balls that ARE big enough, now if the wussy's would just get out of the way and let the soldiers do their jobs.........

So, might makes right.....
Adolf Hitler shared the same philosophy....
So, America needs some "Elbow Room"?
Or just some oil for the elbow?

c'mon, kenneth, are you really the type to just take whatever you want from whoever is weaker than you?

Well, he is a prison guard......

I believe the election that just took place is a good example of the sheeple of the country following the blistering agenda of the liberal media. They have conspired with the democratic party to win at all costs.

The vast majority of people out there are clueless to the daily news of the political and foreign issues. They see what they see on TV and it influences them. That is what scares me

I agreed with you up until this point, but then I found that this fit:
I believe that makes me an Rush-made robot

No. I can see how you came to that conclusion, but it is less simple than that. Defining right and wrong requires that someone proclaims someone or something as right (or wrong). It is the arrogance of a given that liberals resist, not necessarily the proclaimed right or wrong. In other words, liberals believe that confirming a right or a wrong requires that someone wins and someone else loses. This is what they find unacceptable. The concept of anyone's philosophy being a "winner" or a "loser" insures conflict. Without the defined right (or wrong), we have no conflict and hence peace. The goal is honorable, the method is wrong.

I don't believe that liberals (choose whatever label you like, try "holders of this philosophy") are bad or stupid, I just believe that many of their solutions are flawed.

Drivel Mr. C......

Not at all, I didn't associate the clueless with any political leaning. I also didn't use the word clueless to put down someone elses argument.

Do you disagree that their is a significant portion of our population that cannot describe at a basic level how our government operates, much less be in touch with the issues and current events. if it makes you more comfortable, use the word uninformed

Go on say it! Clearly the the fruition of a commie, leftist plot designed for the overthrow of democracy & the demise of the American way.....
I needed a good gut-busting gaffaw this moring to get the smell of spent gunpower outta my sinuses!



Fleet Admiral
Oct 13, 2003
Re: The deed is done!

rogerwa said:
Why is it that conservatives are always referred to as zombie walking robots that take orders from talk radio. ...

It's because so many of the more vocal "conservatives" seem to take the attitude that "you can't be ' a conservative' unless you agree 100% with me on every single issue'" which of course most people don't (except for the actual "Rush-made robots").

And if ya say otherwise, you are labelled as "a liberal." Because the Rush-made robots can't deal with anyone who doesn't fit into one of their ready-made compartments.


Supreme Mariner
Mar 22, 2005
Re: The deed is done!

Mr M,

Drivel? I thought it was reasonably well articulated . . .

Why then is the most often response I read here when discussing right and wrong, good and evil etc. Is "Who decides?" Seriously. If our friends who ask that question believe it is a good thing to define, then why always block the attempt with that question? Give me another, un-drivelous, rational reason for that question if it is not to reject the idea of actual definitions? You could take the simple approach and claim that it is because those same people do not know the difference, but I took a longer route to answer jtex's challenge that it sounded like I believed "liberals do not attempt to distinguish right from wrong".

I think the sum total of my response was that liberals resist defining right and wrong because some definitions may offend (edit: or descriminate against) someone. I'll give you an example from an otherwise extremely liberal Netherlands. They have recently determined that wearing a Burka should be banned i.e. wrong. It is wrong because women are openly discriminated against, and it is a terrorist security threat. I absolutely guarantee that the ACLU would have a conniption over that here. It would be denying religious freedom or the "right" to dress as you may. They frankly would end up wrapped around their own liberal axle but would resist simply because the definition of the Burka as wrong is in itself, in their opinion, wrong. It is a "who decides" argument. The Netherlands has determined that it is more "right" to protect the Dutch culture and their safety and lead Muslims to assimilate than it is to allow their Religious freedom and hence perpetuate discrimination against women and risk terror. I think they have this one "right". The beginning of the solution is a definition of a wrong. And for jtex the definition of the problem is included.

And for Skinnywater, the framers of our Constitution did not consider ideologies that would include suicide/homicide bombings.


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: The deed is done!

QC said:
And for Skinnywater, the framers of our Constitution did not consider ideologies that would include suicide/homicide bombings.

I think it would be safe to add that the framers of the Constitution considered that they would be existing with those that, at least, professed to be guided by Judeo/Christian ethics and values. A set, which I might add, have a very strong sense of right and wrong.

The exact reason that the secular progressive Liberal Critical Thinker detests and eschews the source of that ethic as well as anyone who holds it dear.

Haut Medoc

Supreme Mariner
Jun 29, 2004
Re: The deed is done!

Defining right and wrong requires that someone proclaims someone or something as right (or wrong).

Generally, in a Democracy, the majority decides that.....
Though I really don't totally agree with that idea....

What may be "wrong" on one day.....
Might be "right" on another day.....

The Volstead Act, & Roe V. Wade jump up immediately as examples of this.....

What makes something truly right or wrong is when a vast preponderance of the people agree on a principle.....
Or I should say a super majority of the people agree on a principle......

IE. Most 'normal'people would agree that baby raping or murder is bad......

There will always be shades of grey when it comes to right & wrong as well, because there are some things that will have that nearly 50/50 split........

Your post wasn't drivel, BTW......
I was just on a roll with my first troll of the new year :)

I think the far left goes too far in failing to define right from wrong most of the time.....
Conversely, I think the far right goes too far by pretending that everything is either black or white.....
I personally find the far right position just a little more scary.......
I'd rather recognize 'grey' than embrace black & white.....
To me that is erring on the side of caution.....
To others it is a plot to overthrow democracy & the "American Way"......
Happy New Year!......JK


Nov 30, 2006
Re: The deed is done!

It's proper for me to hold the administration responsible for mistakes and miscalculations. I believe it's irresponsible to ignore "embellishments", mistakes and miscalculations.
At the very least it isn't an honest position during debate and at worst, it makes for difficult warfare and a longer list of enemys

Yes the administration has been understandably held responsible for mistakes and miscalculations, as they lost both houses in 2006. The 21st century is very different then the 1930s and 1940s, as the western liberal media, (largely anti American) got a lot of milage out of the defeat of the US in Veitnam, (and the sebsequent slaughter of over 3,000,000 SE Asian inocents); and one of our domestic political parties also got a lot of political benifit from that particular defeat as well. That same political party used their power to severly disable our national ability to gather reasonably sound inteligence, and crippled our military. Remember how we could not get 50% of our fighters airborn, due to lack of spare parts durring Jimmy Carter's term in office? Thank God Carter lost in 1980, or we would have a very different world today. The fact of the matter is: that even good "inteligence" is more like a set of probabilities then scientific proof. Once our elected officials, (who have much more access to then current information then you or I) weighed the facts and educated guesses based upon all sources: they made a collective decision to invade Iraq, (that still seems to have merit if one apolitically and logicly considers all of the known facts: even today). It is a shame the people of Iraq have not taken our gift of treasure and blood to better themselves, but there is still hope that they will rise to the occasion over the next few months. If those in positions of power and influence in our country who wish to reap benifit from our defeat in this new century succeed, my prediction is: we will likely pay a very heavy price in such a defeat. We will also increase the likelyhood that we get hit far worse then 9/11, and our eventual response will be much less politically correct, and most likely far more brutal. Maybe somewhat similar to our response to Pearl Harbor, (if you get the picture I am painting here). Some Democrats and liberals want to use their favorable position in the media and their recent victory in congress to trump up charges against the proponents of the Iraq war and make sure we suffer a defeat in Iraq and "impeach" those who "embellished" the lousy intleigence we had. Very bad move for America, the civilized world, and all Americans in my not so humble opinion. Respectfully JR Sorry for the spelling errors.

Freedom is never Free.

Haut Medoc

Supreme Mariner
Jun 29, 2004
Re: The deed is done!

If those in positions of power and influence in our country who wish to reap benifit from our defeat in this new century succeed, my prediction is: we will likely pay a very heavy price in such a defeat. We will also increase the likelyhood that we get hit far worse then 9/11,
Once again, the fear factor rears its ugly head & i see another individual who still believes that 9/11 & the Iraqi invasion have a real connection, though all evidence points to the contrary.......

and our eventual response will be much less politically correct, and most likely far more brutal. Maybe somewhat similar to our response to Pearl Harbor, (if you get the picture I am painting here).

Maybe that is what it will take........
The Afghanistan invasion was warrented....
The Iraqi one not....IMNSHO........JK


Nov 30, 2006
Re: The deed is done!

Once again, the fear factor rears its ugly head & i see another individual who still believes that 9/11 & the Iraqi invasion have a real connection, though all evidence points to the contrary.......

Maybe that is what it will take........
The Afghanistan invasion was warrented....
The Iraqi one not....IMNSHO........JK

I guess you are trying to say that we would have invaded Iraq regardless of 9/11 or no 9/11? Garbage! The fact of the mater is that in today's world with America possessing so much relative power, the likelyhood of a State attacking us in a frontal assualt as the Japanise did 60+ years ago is unlikely. The Iranians used proxies in Lebenon in 1983, and that set the mold for the future of modern warfare. I'm obviously not as smart as you, but enemies of America and Western civilization are quite difficult and inconvenient to pigon hole into one small backward country without many resources for people like me who lack the inlightened knowlege you and other Seattle liberals have somehow aquired. That is why "Bagdad Jim McDermott" wins 90% landslides in Seattle. What you label as "fear factor" I consider a sober dose of the real world situation we face. The internet allows you and I to gain usefull knowlege that helps us play with our boats or do our business much more efficiently. It also gives those who wish us ill knowlege to enable their nasty activities to cause us real harm. That said, we have a wonderful country, and I hope we can prevail in our nobel efforts in Iraq, as it will be good for all Americans if we do. Respectfully JR Sorry again as I can't spell

Haut Medoc

Supreme Mariner
Jun 29, 2004
Re: The deed is done!

With that philosophy why don't we invade North Korea ?
They have all ready developed nukes & a delivery system.....
Although the effectiveness of their weopons is questionable, at best.
I guess you are trying to say that we would have invaded Iraq regardless of 9/11 or no 9/11?...
9/11 just made it easier to mobilize.......JK


Nov 30, 2006
Re: The deed is done!

With that philosophy why don't we invade North Korea ?
They have all ready developed nukes & a delivery system.....
Although the effectiveness of their weopons is questionable, at best.

What is it that makes you think that I have a philosophy to envade North Korea? You can't read my mind or easily characterize my philosophy based on a few emails in an overly simplistic way, as your philosophy would seem to simplistically state that Afganistan is the sole cause of the 9/11 attacks against America and Western civilization. Iraq is situated in a very important area relative to the world's petrolium resources. (Your boat needs energy and so does mine). They, (Iraq), were shooting at our aircraft daily, (the terms of their surrender allowed the US to patrol their air space). Sadam was doing all the things I stated in my first email on this subject, so our country (Democrats Republicans some liberals most conservatives) felt that based upon available information removing a very nasty player, (a sworn enemy of America) from the world's stage in the dangerous and strategic middle East was worth the risk. We still don't know if it will work out or not, and I for one will not root for America's defeat. I would not root for America's defeat if a liberal Democrat were President and took us to war. I root for America, and I am happy we are the strongest Nation on Earth and I want us to stay that way. Respectfully JR

Haut Medoc

Supreme Mariner
Jun 29, 2004
Re: The deed is done!

We still don't know if it will work out or not, and I for one will not root for America's defeat. I would not root for America's defeat if a liberal Democrat were President and took us to war. I root for America, and I am happy we are the strongest Nation on Earth and I want us to stay that way.

I agree with that.....


Mar 7, 2002
Re: The deed is done!

And for Skinnywater, the framers of our Constitution did not consider ideologies that would include suicide/homicide bombings.

The heck they didn't QC.
It's completely fair to say it's been our foriegn policy that disregarded their ideaologys for the last half century is what has US in the position it's in.

The whole idea of a "world's police" is purely void of thier spirit, as is foriegn entanglements.


Supreme Mariner
Mar 22, 2005
Re: The deed is done!


Is there no regard for time? Is it 100% meaningless? I think they were amazing humans too. Are you sure that the original ideology and semantics are 100% valid and understood today? 100%? That was why I commented about income tax elsewhere. Maybe our society would have been as successful, or maybe more . . . or maybe less, under that strict of an interpretation. Who knows? But isn't the document intended to evolve? If not, why any Amendments?


Fleet Admiral
Oct 13, 2003
Re: The deed is done!

I'm starting to wonder about this "framer" worship, too. What kind of gods do y'all think they were? Did they have crystal balls to predict what the world would be like 200, 400, 1000 years into the future?


Mar 7, 2002
Re: The deed is done!

jtexas said:
I'm starting to wonder about this "framer" worship, too. What kind of gods do y'all think they were? Did they have crystal balls to predict what the world would be like 200, 400, 1000 years into the future?

Beautiful exibition of complacency.

It doesn't take a crystal ball to know what corrupts.
The same rules of abuse, power, corruption that applied a thousand years ago still apply, and will a thousand years from now.


Rear Admiral
Apr 13, 2003
Re: The deed is done!

A pointer for next time :)

Post name: The deed is done
Then: Saddam is dead. Is this a good thing overall ??

Then a pole
Don't know.
Don't care.

Sure would have saved a lot of fellers here a lot of typing time! :)

I would have clicked on YES then moved on to the next post.


Nov 30, 2006
Re: The deed is done!

But isn't the document intended to evolve? If not, why any Amendments?
No quite frankly: the document is not meant to"evolve". That is what that Algore and Joe Biden have said that the Consititution is: "a living breathing document", (sounds a little reverent eh?). FDR taught all liberials how to make the document evolve: pack the Supreme Court and other Federal Courts with activist judges that can practice a little "tyranny from the bench". Roe v Wade is one of the most famous examples of just makin' it up out of thin air. They recently decided that any old government entity can decide to condem your water front property if they can milk more tax dollars by building condos or a hotel at the site, (thanks to Justice Souter and the rest of the libs). Amendments are specifically designed to accomidate changes that become necessary but it is an intentionally difficult process. Liberals defeated that wonderfull 20 page document over 75 years ago and their god: (big government), now just grows and grows and grows. Respectfully JR


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: The deed is done!

Link said:
A pointer for next time :)

Post name: The deed is done
Then: Saddam is dead. Is this a good thing overall ??

Then a pole
Don't know.
Don't care.

Sure would have saved a lot of fellers here a lot of typing time! :)

I would have clicked on YES then moved on to the next post.

Hey link, people need a place to get things off their chest.:0:p;)