Re: The danger's of a liberal mind.
lol Cherrypicker, eerrr I mean QC,
I don't disagree with any of them quotes. But I do disagree with you if your applying them to this Iraq war.
First of all seven percent unemployment was back in the day when we counted all unemployed. During the Reagan admin, in a an attempt to make the economy look better than it actually was, they decided to only count those on unemployment. Those whose unemployment benefits ran out they considered chronic unemployed and didn't count. I'm sure if we counted
every unemployed person, we'd be in double digits.
Most of them quotes you presented were in the context of protecting our Country from another. OBL didn't represent another country. Afghanistan did give him a safe haven and we went in a changed regimes, with every Dem voting in favor. I defy you to give me one example of a Dem not voting to protect our Country when attacked by another country.
QC quoted JFK,
"The cost of freedom is always high, but Americans have always paid it. And one path we shall never choose, and that is the path of surrender, or submission. - (also sounds warmongerish)"
Firstly, the premise that our freedom is in jeopardy only holds true when frightened people are willing to put our constitutional rights on hold to give them a perceived amount of comfort.
Secondly, John Kerry asked the American people to pay a price for the war and it got shot down. He simply ask that we pay for the war, not our children and grandchildren. Right now the only people paying any price for this war is our servicemen and women and their families. In WWII everyone knew we were at war because they paid a price everyday, with gas rationing and recycling drives. The only price most Americans have paid is $1.99 for the "support the troops" bumper sticker.
BTW, QC this might be a cheap shot, but don't think it didn't go unnoticed that upon graduation your son went straight to the college admission board. If this war is such a noble cause, you should have taken that boy of yours be scruff of the neck and marched him right down to the nearest Army recruitment office.
Sorry to start this post lighthearted and end on such a sour note.