Texas Maid goes out tomorrow


Rear Admiral
Aug 29, 2001
Re: Texas Maid goes out tomorrow

Wow, actually made one gearcase out of a coffee can full of parts...thanks to the Johnson service manual. Then pulled the lower leg off the RD-19 and put the gearcase on it after checking the pump/impeller, sealed the geardcase and waiting for the sealer to cure. Maybe tomorrow I'll get brave enough to mate the lower unit to the RD-20 powerhead/leg. Discovered the RD-20 has no thermostat, maybe there's one under the thermo housing on the RD-19. Another good day in the shop.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Oct 26, 2006
Re: Texas Maid goes out tomorrow

What a great looking boat. I really like those 50's era OB's. I wonder how many of Today's motors will be still around in 2058. I'd love for you to be able to keep the twins. Keep us posted.


Rear Admiral
Aug 29, 2001
Re: Texas Maid goes out tomorrow

Yeah, I really like the twins...gonna do some scouting and see what it would cost to do the lower unit extension on both. Working on the bigger motors (30 hp +) is ragging me out. It'll work itself out.

Ron Everson

Petty Officer 2nd Class
Apr 18, 2003
Re: Texas Maid went out today...mixed results

Re: Texas Maid went out today...mixed results

Your boat looks just like my 1961 16' Texas Maid Fiesta that I sold a few years back. The top deck of mine was painted baby blue also, as was the metal fin on the side. The rest was painted white (by brush, with lots of streaks). Mine had a hatch in the forward deck, and the fins on the top of the sides at the stern were more pronounced. The transom was cut low, so a short shaft motor was needed, with a funky splash well that could sink the boat if a wave came over the back, and it could! That boat looked good in the water, and had good lines for handling waves from the front. Hope you enjoy yours as much as we did ours.



Rear Admiral
Aug 29, 2001
Re: Texas Maid went out today...mixed results

Re: Texas Maid went out today...mixed results

Hey Ron,
Yeah I looked high and low for a Fiesta before finding the Impala, the Fiesta's smaller cousin. Couldn't pass it up, but really wanted one with that top hatch on the front deck. Gotta get her powered, the fish are calling.