terrifying first experience! first time boat owner!


Mar 10, 2006
Re: terrifying first experience! first time boat owner!

Adjuster my ***, that's his problem. Have all of your reasonable damages documented and ready to present. Anything short of your true expenses is the dealer's problem still. Hopefully your cut isn't debilitating or has healed fully.


Apr 26, 2010
Re: terrifying first experience! first time boat owner!

Well first off I hope your alright, and there is no permant damage to your finger. I would wait until Wednesday and if you haven't heard anything go back to the dealership and talk with the owner again. Most business owners are smart enough to realize one bad experience spreads much more fastly than a good experience at there business and also hurts sales. With that being said, I am not sure about your the laws in your area but I know here you are responsible for anything you are towing/hauling, so I am not sure how well the suing option would end up working out for you. I would say that the owner does seem sincery from your previous post, and hopefully it all works out for you and does not discourage you from enjoying your boat.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Apr 26, 2009
Re: terrifying first experience! first time boat owner!

Be patient and positive as you have been up until now. If the dealer was really lip servicing you I doubt he would have wasted his time discussing insurance companies and the such. Given that it is boat show season, he is probably correct that they are a little short staffed and are just waiting for the show to be over.

As a side note I did like the reference to Uhaul and not hooking up the trailer correctly. That exact situation happened to my brother when he was moving into his first house. U-haul guy hooked it up, and my mechanically declined brother didnt get out to check this guys handy work and the next thing you know the trailer is passing his jeep, and then right down an embankment. If that wasnt bad enough a tow truck got involved and he did not agree with how much it should cost to recover this trailer so he puts his jeep in 4wd and goes down and hitches up and on the way back up the hill burns out the trans.

I think the lesson learned here is ALWAYS hook up your own stuff!!! Oh yeah, and dont trust any chrysler tranys made in the mid to late ninetys...


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Dec 2, 2007
Re: terrifying first experience! first time boat owner!

That is a terrible way to start your boating life. Sounds like the dealer is OK. Boat shows are planned way in advance. I have done other types of trade shows, and the entry fee is very high. Let him work the show.

Look at the TRAILER GUARDIAN. I have one and never worry about my trailer popping off the ball.


Petty Officer 1st Class
May 4, 2009
Re: terrifying first experience! first time boat owner!

The first thing you should do is make sure you have the right sized ball on your hitch. The size should be marked on the top of the ball itself and on the coupler on your trailer. They must match.

I imagine the guy at the dealer ship dropped the coupler on the ball and set the latch. But, if your ball was smaller than the coupler, it's a disaster waiting to happen. He should have checked it, of course, and so should you have checked it.

Anyhow, that's my guess as to why this accident happened.



Apr 26, 2010
Re: terrifying 1st exp update!

Re: terrifying 1st exp update!

4/21/2010 - i dont know how to reply to all so i will post a new thread to update all who replied. i truly am not the suing type so i went to the dealership and asked to speak to the manager- we sat down in private office one on one and i calmly explained what happened - i was expecting a fight or for him to say sorry not our problem-however he sat and listened attentively with his eyes as big as saucers! ( i am totally not a confrontational person and avoid it as much as possible!) he said he was sorry and looked at my damaged truck and agreed to fix everything damaged in the incident and also agreed to fix some things that should have been fixed before delivery of the boat/ like a prop lock with no key/ batteries charged/aft light replaced which snapped in the incident/ boat washed and detailed as is supposed to be done on every boat leaving the lot/ and tounge ajusted as this was determined to be the problem as the ball and hitch were both 2 inch. all of the these things were promised by the salesman but one by one were made excuses for or backed off of once paper work was finalized- he sent me to a collision repair shop and they will provide a rental car. so as long as it all happens- this one has a happy ending and yes i did learn a valuable lesson ! thanks to all will keep you updated! and yes i plan to take a boaters safety course asap! ps: the manager i thought i was speaking to turned out to be the owner!

People keep typing in that possibly the ball and hitch aren't the same size, and apparently its already been established that they were


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jul 30, 2009
Re: terrifying 1st exp update!

Re: terrifying 1st exp update!

4/21/2010 - i dont know how to reply to all so i will post a new thread to update all who replied. i truly am not the suing type so i went to the dealership and asked to speak to the manager- we sat down in private office one on one and i calmly explained what happened - i was expecting a fight or for him to say sorry not our problem-however he sat and listened attentively with his eyes as big as saucers! ( i am totally not a confrontational person and avoid it as much as possible!) he said he was sorry and looked at my damaged truck and agreed to fix everything damaged in the incident and also agreed to fix some things that should have been fixed before delivery of the boat/ like a prop lock with no key/ batteries charged/aft light replaced which snapped in the incident/ boat washed and detailed as is supposed to be done on every boat leaving the lot/ and tounge ajusted as this was determined to be the problem as the ball and hitch were both 2 inch. all of the these things were promised by the salesman but one by one were made excuses for or backed off of once paper work was finalized- he sent me to a collision repair shop and they will provide a rental car. so as long as it all happens- this one has a happy ending and yes i did learn a valuable lesson ! thanks to all will keep you updated! and yes i plan to take a boaters safety course asap! ps: the manager i thought i was speaking to turned out to be the owner!

Sounds like it worked out. I would recommend that shop to everyone given how they worked it out for you. Way to keep a calm head.


jack gardner

Seaman Apprentice
Aug 4, 2008
Re: terrifying first experience! first time boat owner!

yes we sue too much 4 sure .if lawyers cant get enough suits they become politicians .ok ck ur bal connections urself u r responsible 4 what u tow because u r driving .i stopped at a roadside rest pulling a travel trailer to isit the mens room .i always visually ck the hitch chains and such feel the wheel berrins 4 heat hot good tip off somethings not right .on way back look at hitch found some degenerate had stolen my pull pin 2 in bar with pin thu hitch .i do have a few different bars wth different drops so reinstalled pin and proceeded down road . 15 miles further found guy on side of road skid marks leading too his trlr and tuck with hitch head in ball but out of reciever .he was scarred s---t and i helped him seams he also stopped at rest area and someone borrowed his pin too guess u never know so ck it ck it and ck it again . ps i now have a locked cross pin all pins are lockers happy boating friend and do it urself ull feel good about it and safe


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Sep 3, 2008
Re: terrifying first experience! first time boat owner!

yes we sue too much 4 sure .if lawyers cant get enough suits they become politicians .ok ck ur bal connections urself u r responsible 4 what u tow because u r driving .i stopped at a roadside rest pulling a travel trailer to isit the mens room .i always visually ck the hitch chains and such feel the wheel berrins 4 heat hot good tip off somethings not right .on way back look at hitch found some degenerate had stolen my pull pin 2 in bar with pin thu hitch .i do have a few different bars wth different drops so reinstalled pin and proceeded down road . 15 miles further found guy on side of road skid marks leading too his trlr and tuck with hitch head in ball but out of reciever .he was scarred s---t and i helped him seams he also stopped at rest area and someone borrowed his pin too guess u never know so ck it ck it and ck it again . ps i now have a locked cross pin all pins are lockers happy boating friend and do it urself ull feel good about it and safe

Huh?:confused: Eye donut sea what ur sa'in.
Apr 21, 2010
Re: terrifying first experience! first time boat owner!

thanks for the info on trailer guardian i looked it up and plan to get one asap - however could not find pricing info anywhere on the site do you know (ballpark) how much they cost? their is a light duty and heavy duty- i plan to get the heavy duty. thanks!


Mar 19, 2007
Re: terrifying first experience! first time boat owner!

Lesson #1: Never, ever, never, never never let anyone else hook up your trailer.
Learn how to do it, learn what properly hooked up looks like and how to fix it if its not.
Double check everything, every time. Although the salesman took it upon himself to hitch up your new trailer, it is your truck and you should have made sure it was right before heading down the road.

If the dealer has any common sense here, he will no doubt make this right, the bad press something like this can cause would be far worse than any law suit settlement.
Also, if he's got an ounce of sense, that salesman should be sent packing, or if not, kept from hitching up anyone else's trailers.

I worked for many years in a Ford truck dealership, I was the guy that dealt with the trailers, hitches, transmissions and any custom rigging that needed to be done or fixed. We dealt with everything from small trucks, to RVs to class 8 rigs. Every new owner got a complete run down and checklist, but in the end I made sure they knew how to hitch or unhitch their rig when they left.
Don't get me wrong, there's some people out there that will never learn and can't be taught but at least when it left the lot it was right.

Anytime you hitch up a trailer, if your not 100% sure it's hitched right and secure, bounce the rig and pull up hard on the hitch, use the tongue jack if you have too. If its latched down, it won't come off the ball with the latch down. I also ALWAYS put a lock or pin in the latch to keep it down while driving.

One thing for certain, its an experience you'll remember and no doubt learn from and one you will most likely never repeat.


Rear Admiral
Aug 2, 2008
Re: terrifying first experience! first time boat owner!

Part of me says shame on you for not learning the basics ahead of buying a boat and trailer. Your story makes you sound unprepared to tow a trailer which means you didn't recognize that was the case since you still towed it away which is a whole other issue. But another part of me says we all have a learning curve to climb and ususally it is longer than the ride home from the purchase. As for all the lawsuit discussion, the dealership has a BOP insurance policy on his dealership. This is a robust policy of which, from what I can gather, would cover each of these situations. Court action would be a last resort not a first response. I'm glad they owned up and made the recovery process easier than they otherwise could have.


Apr 30, 2010
Re: terrifying first experience! first time boat owner!

I seldom post to any forum, but this post caused me to activate my membership here--I've enjoyed the forums for a long time.

I'm an experienced boater, but in March I pulled out of my driveway and the trailer came off the ball. I had it locked and even double checked the lock. Even so, the coupler evidently didn't engage all the way. Now, using the trailer jack, I always just jack the tongue of the boat up quickly to make sure it's pulling the back end of the explorer up, too. It's a quck way to double check the engagement. Or, of course, you can tell my kneeling down, but I'm always wearing shorts, so I just jack it up a few rounds.

This happens to everyone, but you can't let it scare you. Do a checklist: engagement check, light check, safty chains, transsom straps, general condition of boat/trailer. I do this now before I pull out. Good luck--but enjoy your boat!!!


Fleet Admiral
Jul 27, 2007
Re: terrifying first experience! first time boat owner!

This happens to everyone, but you can't let it scare you. QUOTE]

Yes, it DOES scare me, but it does NOT happen to everyone! It happens to the other guy on the interstate and he is usually ahead of me.

I've had to perform a panic stop to avoid another idiot whose rig fell apart. I say idiot because he was going way too fast in the first place. Funny thing as he passed me a few minutes earlier I said to my wife thats an accident waiting to happen. Luckily, I survived. One other time I was rear-ended at a signal, which completely destroyed the boat and did extensive damage to the back of my car.

You got the checklist down right - good for you. I do the same. But the real moral of the story is watch out for the other guy too. Not just onm the road but in the water as well. Just like defensive auto driving, assume the other guy has no clue.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Dec 2, 2007
Re: terrifying first experience! first time boat owner!

thanks for the info on trailer guardian i looked it up and plan to get one asap - however could not find pricing info anywhere on the site do you know (ballpark) how much they cost? their is a light duty and heavy duty- i plan to get the heavy duty. thanks!

I just called them on the phone. I believe I talked to the owner and ordered it over the phone. I don't remember the price. I got the double arm one. Very easy to put on, well made and high quality, easy to use.


Lieutenant Commander
Jul 14, 2009
Re: terrifying first experience! first time boat owner!

I'd definately call the manager/ owner of the dealership. Explain what happened and what remedy you seek.
As far as being able to check the hitch is on the ball correctly;

A. Verify the coupler and ball are the same size...ie 1 and 7/8" , 2" ,
or 2 and 5/16"

B. When you lower the coupler onto the ball, verify the yoke comes down behind the ball. CAUTION NEVER STICK YOUR FINGERS BETWEEN THE COUPLER AND BALL!!!!! You can lean down and visually see the yoke.

C. After the coupler is down on the ball and the tongue weight is on the tow vehicle set the latch to the " LOCK " position and insert the safety. ( the pin or lock that goes through that 1/4" hole on the latch.)

D. Now you can look underneath the coupler and again visually verify the yoke is behind the ball, but pulled up resonably tight to the ball. There is a nut or in some cases two below the yoke that adjust the tension of the yoke to the ball. To tight and the latch won't latch, to loose and the coupler bounces around on the ball, or worse comes off the ball.

E. Hook up the safety chains ( we've already learned how important they are, right :cool: ) and the lights. Verify the lights are working

Take your time, Don't get into a rush, check and double check. I understand being a newbie, but remember the habits you start now will stick with you.
You got off to a rough start, DON'T let it ruin this pasttime for you.:)

Let us know what the dealership does for you.

I crank my tongue jack up a few inches to make sure the ball is secured ..if it lifts the tow vehicle up , the ball is locked in.Then I wind the jack down and stow it....cross your chains...it forms a basket in the event of an uncoupling.


Master Chief Petty Officer
Sep 11, 2008
Re: terrifying first experience! first time boat owner!

I crank my tongue jack up a few inches to make sure the ball is secured ..if it lifts the tow vehicle up , the ball is locked in.Then I wind the jack down and stow it....cross your chains...it forms a basket in the event of an uncoupling.

Hey, if jacking it up works for you.....Cool.
Personally, I don't. Visual inspection has been satisfactory.
You're right, the safety chains MUST by law be crossed.:cool:
Apr 21, 2010
terrifying 1st exp - 4th update!

terrifying 1st exp - 4th update!

i know i should keep the info together but figured if it kept getting buried in the original thread some people might miss it- well its sun night and ive been off work for 8 working days not including weekends- my finger is healed enough to go back to work- i called the owner of the boat dealership on wed 28th of april as requested by the owner due to staff all working boat show- i reached him at about 5 pm - he said he would send someone the following day and he did -thu about 1:30 pm the same young cocky sales man who sold me the boat showed up to take the boat back to dealership and make the minor repairs needed like trailer adjustment as the trailer and boat slid about 4and half inches forward during the accident and a broken stern light and some things that were promised by the salesman to be done that werent like fixing ignition switch removing the prop lock which had no key and and power washing and general detailing of boat which is supposed to be done on every boat that leaves the lot-when mr. young and cocky arrived he was not to happy and it showed - he was trying to be nice while gritting his teeth and obviously holding his tounge he proceeded to show me how to hook up the boat and informed me he would not do it when i picked it up and i dont want or expect him to - he asked me how i hurt myself and told me in a sarcastic way that he only hooked it up when i bought it to help me! he said and i quote" i was only triying to help you and thas what made us half *** liable!" i assume the owner must have chewed him out and made him come- and told him to be nice-but if looks could have killed id have beeen dead! i pretty much ignored him and then he hooked up the safety chains ( not crossed!) jumped in his truck and took off like a bat out of hell! my trailer has low clearance and scraped like hell out of my driveway! as long as they fix it thats fine! heard from their insurance company on thu eve but havent heard back yet i assume i will get a call tomorow mon may 3rd
ins lady only asked what happened and said she would get back to me-ive taken and passed a boaters safety course and have extensively gone over hooking up the trailer with my boat mech friend( 30 years of exp) and he has agreed to go with me to pick it up- i assume the ins co will pay for my truck repairs and lost wages but will let you know-i dont want to cause any mores waves ( no pun intended) between the dealer and i -but i have a nagging feeling to report this cocky sales kid with the non chalant attitude! my mech friend was there when we initially looked at the boat and said afterward " i didnt like him one bit"!) im sure evrything will work out i just dont want this kid to hurt or kill some one in the future! ill update when something transpires.


Apr 26, 2010
Re: terrifying first experience! first time boat owner!

Hey, if jacking it up works for you.....Cool.
Personally, I don't. Visual inspection has been satisfactory.
You're right, the safety chains MUST by law be crossed.:cool:

Ya you MUST cross your safety chains so if your trailer does become unhitched from the tow vehicle the tongue of the trailer will land in the "basket" created by the chains and keep it off of the road, letting you maintain more control over the trailer than if the tongue had fallen all the way down to the road.


Fleet Admiral
Dec 3, 2009
Re: terrifying 1st exp - 4th update!

Re: terrifying 1st exp - 4th update!

yep, you are absolutely right... you should have kept it together