Teenagers and anger


May 17, 2001
Re: Teenagers and anger

I don't want to defend this kid at all, but I am confused how this is assault if he didn't mean to throw it at you. Does not excuse at all, but isn't intent the basis for assault?

I agree with you QC,,,I look at it as me being in the wrong place at the wrong time. His intentions was to throw the utensil in or at the sink. If he did this kinda action at home, I would think it would be considered domestic violence. At the work place,,,,, I don't know what it would be called?


Jun 19, 2002
Re: Teenagers and anger

If someone was upset and speeding in a 400 pound car and ran you down. would that just be ax-accident in your mind or that of your loved ones. If one is reckless and injures or kills someone in the process..........


Supreme Mariner
Mar 22, 2005
Re: Teenagers and anger

Yeah oj, I think that's reckless endangerment or gross negligence, but I don't think assault. I am just talking the strict legal definition, not how I'd want to assault the perp with intent to kill my ownself . . . :eek: I am sure this is different state to state, but I was just on Federal Jury duty and they had to prove intent for us to find him guilty of assault . . .


Jun 19, 2002
Re: Teenagers and anger

Yeah oj, I think that's reckless endangerment or gross negligence, but I don't think assault. I am just talking the strict legal definition, not how I'd want to assault the perp with intent to kill my ownself . . . :eek: I am sure this is different state to state, but I was just on Federal Jury duty and they had to prove intent for us to find him guilty of assault . . .

Yes Im curious now and searching the net.....


Mar 11, 2008
Re: Teenagers and anger

i gotta say not all teenagers are like this.. but 98.9% of them are... im 18 and i wouldnt have thrown it and i have one of the worst anger problems i know of... and if i had thrown it and hit someone id be next to he guy in a flash apologizing for being such an idiot.. but i agree on how some parents dont punish their kids just to make them happy.. and whats with 12 year olds having phone even 10 year olds... why do they need them.. my mom gave us a phone for our 16th birthday only so that when were in the car and it breaks down we can calll.. but not a day b4 would she give us one...

People these days just have no respect..


Mar 11, 2008
Re: Teenagers and anger

oh i and i think its gotta be some kind of negligence.. maybe contributory negligence.. but i dont know that mcuh about law


Staff member
May 29, 2003
Re: Teenagers and anger

I think you are right on this QC ... reckless endangerment, but not assault.

Stupid? yes! Should he pay for his actions? YES! Should he lose his job, etc.? YES! Prison time? I'm not inclined to that, unless he has previous run-ins. But hopefully with restitution, to you, Mickey D's, etc, and a good punishment from Mom and Dad, he will learn his lesson and control his temper. If not, next time would not be as nice ...


Vice Admiral
Aug 27, 2007
Re: Teenagers and anger

SS Mayfloat said:
From what my boss said, the kid told his parents that I grabbed at his behind and he punched me in defense. Duh,,,,,,,,no friggen way jose'.....NOT ME! Of course the video proved that.

Sexual harrasment/assault is no laughing matter. In some states grabbing of someones behind is considered sexual assault and if convicted of it... you can be labled a sex offender the rest of your life. This kid, claiming that you grabbed him, should be beaten and hung. That is nothing to joke about.
In either case, I would personally file an assault charge and have the kid arrested and incarcareted. Kids today are not the same (and i'm only 30).

When I was 27 I was arrested for assault with intent to injure. I was walking outside of a convience store when 2 16 year olds tried to rob me. 1 of them had a knife. The 1 that had the knife took a swing at me. I was able to grab the hand with the knife and grabbed his neck with the other hand and pinned him to a wall. I broke a few of his ribs, his jaw, and his eyesocket. The other kid ran off, strait to daddy, to say i beat up his buddy for no reason. The store manager called the cops. With the first kid unable to speak, (and see) I was arrested on the spot (and roughed up a bit by the SOB's) even as i pleaded my case.
A week and half later I had it all straightened out (thanks to security videos) and all the charges were dropped. I got a nice apology from the DA and cheif of police. But the kids parents still try to sue me. Long story short that didn't fly either. But kids today.... treat em all as adults. I'd do it all over again if i have to. They seem to think they can get away with anything...
Sep 5, 2007
Re: Teenagers and anger

A guy 24 years old that works with my son became angry at his job so he hits his fist against a heavy steel cooler and breaks it.( His wrist not the cooler,) what a dumb arse. He missed 2 weeks of work and was almost fired. I would have fired him on the spot.


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Jul 17, 2007
Re: Teenagers and anger

If I would have done that my pops would have been taking me out to the wood shed for an attitude adjustment,and I would not have done anything like that again.Promise you.

On top of the adjustment,I would have worked night and day doing whatever to pay back the bills.

I have a 16 year old(so far good kid) if something like this happens he and I will visit the wood shed.

The teen is not to blame,its the parent !

If ive offended so be it.



Apr 10, 2004
Re: Teenagers and anger

If I would have done that my pops would have been taking me out to the wood shed for an attitude adjustment,and I would not have done anything like that again.Promise you.

On top of the adjustment,I would have worked night and day doing whatever to pay back the bills.

I have a 16 year old(so far good kid) if something like this happens he and I will visit the wood shed.

The teen is not to blame,its the parent !

If ive offended so be it.


Your darn right sir!


Lieutenant Commander
Nov 19, 2007
Re: Teenagers and anger

Have the court officer drop a summons off with the parents for a few hundred grand for actual damages, pain and suffering, and slander, then see if they don't wear his hide out. Yeah I know you wouldn't get that much, at most a couple to a few thousand, but that wouldn't scare the parents into acting responsibly for once in their lives. Whatever you do though, make sure that security video is burned onto at least 1 dvd for safe-keeping. Even if you don't plan to follow through with legal action, it is the only thing that you can defend your character with against his slander.

The police can't really do much criminally in this case, since he didn't have criminal intent, unless he tries to file a police report stating what he told his parents, in which case he could be incarcerated for filing a false report. Oh, and let me tell you, just in case you don't pay attention to the news, teens filing false police reports to get their way, is the new fad.