Teenagers and anger


May 17, 2001
I'm off work today thanks to a fit throwing teen. While at work, apparently this teen wasn't happy with the way he was told to do his job. He dropped a sauce gun (stainless steel chaulking gun type utensil) and was told to go wash it with sanitizer. Instead of him walking back to the dishwashing area, he threw it back at the sink. As he was throwing it, I stepped around the corner right into its path. It connected with my mouth breaking my partial plate and busting off my eye teeth.

What really torques me off is that the little &*@%><turd didn't show any remorse at all. No "Sorry" or anything. Needless to say he was fired on the spot by the store manager.

Then now for the part that really angers me,,,,,,his parents called me and blamed me for getting hit. Uh,,,,,,I didn't throw the utensil and why should I be blamed? I know back when I was a teen, my dad would be warming his leather belt on my behind and not threating the victim.

I only went into the store to replace a part on a deep fryer. I didn't expect to be sitting in a dentists chair the rest of the day getting dental work done. I'm not sure who is going to pay since it happened on the job. Workers Comp or the parents of the teen. I feel that it should be the parents and the teens responsibility to pay the bill.

My boss is checking into this sticky situation as not to create more of a legal mess than what it is already.

Sorry for the rant, but parents who back their teen for bad actions are just as bad as the teen IMHO.

Now I'm off work for the day and weekend. What stinks is that I had major plans on getting my boat ready for the water since the weather is somewhat decent.............SS


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Aug 25, 2002
Re: Teenagers and anger

They have no respect anymore.
The parents don't seem to care as long as they are out of their hair and the reason they are mad at you is becuase he got fired and now they have to work hard at getting him another sort of job so he won't be bothering them at home.
Sad, but the truth.


Chief Petty Officer
Jul 16, 2007
Re: Teenagers and anger

yup agreed, Parents are not being good parents any more it seems...
and its terrible being a responsible, good natured, well behaved teen because naturally most people expects the opposite and I don't blame them.
needless to say I get alot of grumbles and looks at the ramp simply because of my age
even though I am more experienced and prepared than most people I see...I'm usually on and off in less than 3 mins.
but sorry to hear about your eye hope justice comes around for him!


Moderator & Unofficial iBoats Historian
Staff member
May 19, 2001
Re: Teenagers and anger

That really stinks. It's obvious the kid has issues.

Maybe a small lawsuit will stir the parents up.

If it was the other way around and you hit the kid ..... I would bet you would have been sued and probably charged with reckless endangerment.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Feb 27, 2008
Re: Teenagers and anger

I agree. He should pay for it out of his pocket or the parents pay. You could take him to small claims court or get ahold of Judge Judy to teach him a lesson. LOL. She would tear him and his parents up for not wanting to pay for his stupidity. The sad thing is the kid will never learn if the parents act the same way as the kid.


May 17, 2001
Re: Teenagers and anger

Sure would like to take that whole family fishing with extra anchors and no rope.........At least that is the way I feel right now :D

Haut Medoc

Supreme Mariner
Jun 29, 2004
Re: Teenagers and anger

You should have called the cops & had his *** arrested......
You can file a civil suit against either him or his parents for 'pain & suffering' depending on his age, & it is still not too late to get the police involved, maybe it might help him & his parents see the big picture.....
Or maybe the little bassturd needs a head knockin' of his own.....;)


Vice Admiral
Dec 5, 2007
Re: Teenagers and anger

You were injured while working so workers comp will cover the injuries. Its up to them to recover their costs if they feel that they should. On the other hand, even with restorative denistry, you have sustained an injury that will forever change your mouth, just because some brat decided to throw a temper tantrum. That gives you just cause to file a lawsuit and I would say that the outrageousness of the parents should remove any remorse you might have in doing so.


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Nov 11, 2005
Re: Teenagers and anger

i think you should talk to the police, and the prosecuting attorney. he assaulted you, whether meaning to or not. he needs to learn the consequences of loosing his temper NOW, not after he kills someone. the judge will usually then order restitution. whether to you or if workmans comp insurance pays, to them.

seven up

Petty Officer 1st Class
Jun 4, 2006
Re: Teenagers and anger

Certainly hope you are back to normal soon.

I can only mirror what tashasdaddy has already written.

Best Wishes


Chief Petty Officer
Aug 27, 2007
Re: Teenagers and anger

You should have called the cops & had his *** arrested......
You can file a civil suit against either him or his parents for 'pain & suffering' depending on his age, & it is still not too late to get the police involved, maybe it might help him & his parents see the big picture.....
Or maybe the little bassturd needs a head knockin' of his own.....;)

Or, on the criminal side of things - this is called assault.


Must... resist... must... resist... can't ... stop...
Good thing the sauce gun wasn't filled with butter.















Then it would be assult and buttery, a more serious charge.

(prepares to get boo'd off the stage).



Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Aug 25, 2002
Re: Teenagers and anger



Supreme Mariner
Mar 22, 2005
Re: Teenagers and anger

We just had a neighborhood Parent throw her 15 YO daughter a "Lingerieave", which I understand is a combo Lingerie party and a Rave . . . This Mom continues to promote risky behavior by her daughter. Apparently the High School girls were dressed in Lingerie and boys were allowed to come too. There was alcohol etc.

How is this relevant? There was an older teen, around 19 or 20 trying to get in and one of the teenage boys (16) tried to stop him. The older kid went across the street, broke a beer bottle, threw it at the other kid and it hit him in the face . . . 200+ stitches across his cheek, nose, jaw, lip, etc. :eek: There was criminal charges threatened against the Mom and a possible lawsuit, but I think it has all cooled. I seriously wish this Mom would get her due :mad: We refer to her as "Mother-of-the-year" around here . . . :rolleyes: What kind of Mom throws a party that's theme is sexy nighties and drugs for a 15 YO daughter?


Supreme Mariner
Mar 22, 2005
Re: Teenagers and anger

My 19 YO was the one who . . . naaaaaah :eek: :p My 14 YO missed it somehow, I think we may have been out of town . . . I don't remember, but sadly for him, and good for me, he wasn't there.

BTW, this 15YO (Party Mom Girl) could pass for 20 easy. She should be locked away for the next 10 years, not throwing lingerie parties . . . Cops have been to their house for her parties more than once. Dad left a few months back. Bad situation, my 12 YO is good friends with her little brother. If you met this Mom, you'd gladly let your kids go to her house, I did. Heck I let her take the kids for ice cream and we didn't hear from them for over 5 hours. That's a lot of ice cream . . . Mom's hot too, and appears very sweet so that's another tough one for me. Hard for me to hate hot soccer moms . . . Definitely a book-by-it's-cover lesson; she just seems nice, and trustworthy.

Sorry for the hijack . . .


Feb 19, 2002
Re: Teenagers and anger

You should have called the cops & had his *** arrested......

You can file a civil suit against either him or his parents for 'pain & suffering' depending on his age, & it is still not too late to get the police involved, maybe it might help him & his parents see the big picture.....

Or maybe the little bassturd needs a head knockin' of his own.....;)
My thoughts exactly. Why isn't the sob in jail on assult and battery charges?


May 17, 2001
Re: Teenagers and anger

Well, if you have a business,,,,,make sure you have cameras,,,,,,and lots of them. My boss called me a bit ago and gave me the updated scoop.

They called the parents of this 16yo into the main office of our stores to review some video. After the parents reviewed the tape,,,,they agreed to pay and compensate me for my injury. During this reviewing, there was a detective there as well. :D :D and :D !!!! Parents called in the kid and then showed him from 3 different camera angles of his actions. Then they showed him helping himself to more than his allowance for food while working his shift. Then there was a clip of him using his fist on a cooler door. Yep,,,,he dug himself a big hole!

Being 16 makes it rough to handle as an adult in this case. However,,,,,he is going to juvenile hall.

Looks as if my injuries and then some will be taken care of and his punishment is in order.

From what my boss said, the kid told his parents that I grabbed at his behind and he punched me in defense. Duh,,,,,,,,no friggen way jose'.....NOT ME! Of course the video proved that. I wasn't ever within 20' of him. I just entered the store and turned the corner,,,,,and bam!

I was planning to eventually get a denture plate, but not this soon. Geeesh,,,guess you could say that I came out on top. My insurance and myself won't have to pay a dime this time :D

Parents should always hear both sides of the story before defending their young. Looking like fools in front of others can be shameful when proven wrong. BTW his parents did apologize,,,,,,I imagine that I will get one from the kid when he gets his freedom back,,,,,,just going to have to wait and see on that part...........SS


Supreme Mariner
Mar 22, 2005
Re: Teenagers and anger

I don't want to defend this kid at all, but I am confused how this is assault if he didn't mean to throw it at you. Does not excuse at all, but isn't intent the basis for assault?