

Petty Officer 3rd Class
Apr 11, 2011
photo[1].jpgphoto[2.jpgOkay so recently I redid the stringers and floor on my 16ft flats boat and when I tabbed the floor up onto the transom I didnt go high enough onto the transom and it just cracked off. I have a few questions.
1. Can I make fillets between the floor and transom and put tabbing between the floor and transom directly to beef up the transom?

2.How do I lay the tabbing between the floor and transom? Do i start with a wide sheet and just get progessivly smaller with 1708 fiber? Thanks

3. Between the floor where the new one was layed and where the tabbing was cracked If I stand with all 220lbs of me on the prop with the engine tilted all the way up I can see about 1/16inch of flex barely even noticable so will a good tabbing job beef up this transom well? I kno the transom wood and everything is solid.



Lieutenant Commander
Aug 30, 2010
Re: Tabbing!

1. Yes
2. Just the reverse, start smaller and get larger
3. There really shouldn't be any flexing....

Now my concern is that you said your tabbing cracked off?? This sounds like an improperly prepped surface and a bad layup to me. Hoe far did you tab in? Should be about 8" or so on the first layer and the 12" or so on the second.


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Apr 11, 2011
Re: Tabbing!

Well I didnt do the top of the floor but what the guy did was he just layed one huge sheet of fiberglass for the floor and just cut it a little oversize so the tabbing for the floor to the transom was 3 inches up on the transom. The reason why the transom is flexing about a 1/16 of a inch im pretty sure is because of the bad tabbing job..... so I plan to do it right and beef it up the right way.


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Apr 11, 2011
Re: Tabbing!

Well I wanted to but I was just a new subject on tabbing and how to do it so I figured I would make a new thread for it so it would be easier....

Yacht Dr.

Vice Admiral
Feb 26, 2005
Re: Tabbing!

Well I wanted to but I was just a new subject on tabbing and how to do it so I figured I would make a new thread for it so it would be easier....

There was some goodies on that last thread you had..



Petty Officer 2nd Class
Oct 26, 2006
Re: Tabbing!

1. Yes
2. Just the reverse, start smaller and get larger

You can do it either way, starting big and getting smaller is easier. The idea is to taper off the strength of the tabbing. I like doing it this way because you can give more attention to the first layer prep for the best bond (which will be mechanical) and you dont have to worry about resin rich areas at the edges of the tabbing under the top layers.