A real revelation has come to the fore. My issues were HEAT! I happened to notice that the air blowing out the exhaust vent was exceedingly warm. I started turning the laptop over check out the air intake vents. There was no sign of dust or other blockage. Two things quickly occurred to me. As of recent, since I had been using the laptop more frequently, I would leave it on all the time. When I was done with session I would close the cover and set it on the end table, ON TOP OF A 6 X 9" YELLOW LINED PAD. When I went to use the laptop, in my easy chair, I would set it on my lap with my thighs close together.
In both cases, I was blocking the air intake vents on the bottom of the case causing everything to over heat. I removed the pad from the end table and now bridge the outer edges along my spread legs when I use it. This AMD E-300 is still no screamer but all of the exaggerated symptoms that I had mentioned are now gone.
........You can pick them up for about $10 bucks these days .........
........I have bought those things before to sit under a DirecTV or Dish receiver though. .........