Might be worth looking into. I mostly use this Toshiba (which is acting very well this morning) for surfing. It looks like you could get into a Chromebook for not much more than the cost of an SSD and RAM upgrade.
I changed the hard drive on this HP Pavilion a couple of years ago. It had Win7 on a 7200RPM SATA HD. Now it has WIN10 on that same 7200 RPM HD. Every now and then I swap the HD in and do an update.
With the SSD, I installed OpenSUSE 42.2 Linux. It works perfect and boots in seconds (instead of minutes)
If you only want to use the computer for "surfing", you might consider Linux (Mint, Ubuntu, Fedora etc.............. Chrome is Linux by the way.....)
You also don't have to call MS and ask Bill Gates if it's ok install on a different HD.(or different computer for that matter)
For surfing and email, it's flawless. You can buy a 256gb SSD from Newegg and many others for around $100.
Oh, forgot to also say, it's FREE (like free beer)