Some big oil fact's ????

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Jan 13, 2006
Re: Some big oil fact's ????

Getting too close to political, here, guys. Careful.

And before anyone starts shreiking that Exxon Mobil is evil for making 10 billion bux in profit in the first quarter, that was on 400 billion bux gross revenues. About 10% annual, which puts them somewhere in the middle of the 500 biggest corps in the world.

Now Now Omr see what you might be doing.....;)

Both side's of the isle are playing the let us stick to business.

We both know you have a dog in the fight, that is your heavy on oil in the commodites market. And your know what that's legal and quite like those 30% returns....for me it's almost laughable....;)

But it is time for a a real business approach to this dilema. Does a businness have a right to a profit, as far as
i am concerned yes it does.

Ahh but does a business have a right to go unchecked??? Sound's like a moral delima does it not. Let's see if your intellict can keep polotic's out of the discussion and derail this thread...;) Let us see if your can defend shooting fish in barrel......and if you can... so be it..i am getting tired of trying to open eye's......:redface:

By the way what's your take on the fed lending broker's money @prime.... that is going to be part of this topic


May 17, 2001
Re: Some big oil fact's ????

Supply and demand is a crock of crap to me. If I saw stations with "Sorry no Gas" then I might believe it. To my knowledge they are still building gas stations and I have not seen any stations out of gas.

My definition of Supply & Demand is like at Christmas time with only a certain amount of the seasonal toys is available that people want. That is when you see people buying the stuff and putting it up for sale at a higher price. Then the consumer buys it if they really want it bad enough.

As long as crude is exhanged on the stock market, it is available. If it wasn't then I could understand the supply and demand theroy would be inline to believe.

I have heard that wells on our own soil still has the windfall tax law placed by Carter. Surposedly they were shut down due to this because foreign oil would not be taxed as windfall. Can some more knowledgable explain this? If what I heard is true, then there are wells just waiting to be opened back up again if this is correct.

During hurricane Katrina, over a 1000 oil platforms were disabled. Not one drop of oil entered the gulf. With this said, why are the enviro wackos point of possible spills being taken seriously? Citizens need to start getting active and remind the minority that the majority is surpose to rule.


Rear Admiral
May 29, 2004
Re: Some big oil fact's ????

Citizens need to start getting active and remind the minority that the majority is surpose to rule.

I agree, but the "minority" is now in charge of the House as well as the Senate. Doesn't that make them the "majority"?


Jul 28, 2004
Re: Some big oil fact's ????

Getting too close to political, here, guys. Careful.

And before anyone starts shreiking that Exxon Mobil is evil for making 10 billion bux in profit in the first quarter, that was on 400 billion bux gross revenues. About 10% annual, which puts them somewhere in the middle of the 500 biggest corps in the world.

When you put it like that. Sure, they're just your average corp. But, what corp out there that make that kind of money. It's not an apple-to-apple comparision.


Nov 30, 2006
Re: Some big oil fact's ????


Now Now Omr see what you might be doing.....;)

Both side's of the isle are playing the let us stick to business.

Nah TG. One side is intentionally restricting supply which increases unhappiness umoung the Kool aid crowd to assist the "change" movement toward greater Central Corntrol. That same side "wants all those profits" to make said "change" permanent.

We both know you have a dog in the fight, that is your heavy on oil in the commodites market. And your know what that's legal and quite like those 30% returns....for me it's almost laughable....;)

Nah TG I'm not long oil! ('Cept what is in me tank).

But it is time for a a real business approach to this dilema. Does a businness have a right to a profit, as far as
i am concerned yes it does.

A right ya say? Ya think the Founders made a typo n' meant "profits" instead of "happiness"? Nah, the "change" side feels they "own" those profits: TG. (Aren't ya payin' attention)?

Ahh but does a business have a right to go unchecked???

Not since Teddy Roosevelt.

Sound's like a moral delima does it not. Let's see if your intellict can keep polotic's out of the discussion and derail this thread...;) Let us see if your can defend shooting fish in barrel......and if you can... so be it..i am getting tired of trying to open eye's......:redface:

By the way what's your take on the fed lending broker's money @prime.... that is going to be part of this topic

Off Topic reply: This Fed (Bernanke) is doin' a great job with hay wire n' bubble gum. You know I've been a bear on housing: TG. The debt liquidation has slowed but it will be relentless before it is over in a few years. We need a banking industry, don't ya think, or ya wanna start at ZERO?

Respectfully, JR



Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Mar 25, 2001
Re: Some big oil fact's ????

When you put it like that. Sure, they're just your average corp. But, what corp out there that make that kind of money. It's not an apple-to-apple comparision.

Nope, it's a dollar to dollar comparison.

Joe's Hardware store is capitalized at $100,000. If he makes $10,000 profit he is making 10% on his investment.

If Big Oil Company is capitalized at $500 gigabux he needs to make $50gigabux profit to make the same return on investment.

As for profit on revenues, Joe might take in $100K and make a $10K profit, and if Big Oil Makes $10 gigabux on $400 gigabux in revenues in a quarter it extrapolates to only 2.5% on revenues.

People don't seem to grasp that Exxon Mobil owners have a half trillion bux invested. They are entitled to the same sort of return on their investment that owners of any other successful company are.


Moderator & Unofficial iBoats Historian
Staff member
May 19, 2001
Re: Some big oil fact's ????

Nope, it's a dollar to dollar comparison.

Joe's Hardware store is capitalized at $100,000. If he makes $10,000 profit he is making 10% on his investment.

If Big Oil Company is capitalized at $500 gigabux he needs to make $50gigabux profit to make the same return on investment.

As for profit on revenues, Joe might take in $100K and make a $10K profit, and if Big Oil Makes $10 gigabux on $400 gigabux in revenues in a quarter it extrapolates to only 2.5% on revenues.

People don't seem to grasp that Exxon Mobil owners have a half trillion bux invested. They are entitled to the same sort of return on their investment that owners of any other successful company are.

Business is business! A buck is a buck. When I worked at a Toyota dealership we were thrilled to make 10.5% last year. Sounds exactly right.
Sep 5, 2007
Re: Some big oil fact's ????

Maybe someone knows the answer.but why is it that when the price goes up at one station ALL of the others seem to know to go and change their price also within minutes.I call it price fixing. For sure some kind of scam is going on for it to happin that fast.The gas stations arent conpedators they are CONSPERATORS.


Rear Admiral
May 29, 2004
Re: Some big oil fact's ????

Maybe someone knows the answer.but why is it that when the price goes up at one station ALL of the others seem to know to go and change their price also within minutes.I call it price fixing. For sure some kind of scam is going on for it to happin that fast.The gas stations arent conpedators they are CONSPERATORS.



Lieutenant Commander
Nov 19, 2007
Re: Some big oil fact's ????

Maybe someone knows the answer.but why is it that when the price goes up at one station ALL of the others seem to know to go and change their price also within minutes.I call it price fixing. For sure some kind of scam is going on for it to happin that fast.The gas stations arent conpedators they are CONSPERATORS.

Exactly why it's illegal... it's clear anti-trust violations, but because oil is so invested in our government, they get to go unchecked. When cerial companies tried this years ago, the govt. flogged them darn near to death. As a result, you can still buy cerial at a reasonable price. But a gallon of gas will cost you more than a big box of cerial.
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Nov 15, 2003
Re: Some big oil fact's ????

I want to make a point that may have already been stated, if so I'm sorry.

We have a legitimate reason to complain about gas prices. To those who say, "Well, in Europe it's 8 dollars a gallon," technically you are correct, but you are leaving out a big part of it. Europe has one of the best public transportation systems in the world. MOST people use it. It's a viable alternative to a car. In the US our PT system is lacking at best. If suddenly half the people who drive to work wanted to take a bus.....well you get the picture. It would literally stop the PT system altogether. Our PT system is designed to haul around poor people who can't afford a car. In Europe it hauls around just about everybody.

So with no viable alternative but to drive to where you need to be, being pinned against the wall with high gas prices really isn't fair.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Mar 2, 2008
Re: Some big oil fact's ????

Maybe someone knows the answer.but why is it that when the price goes up at one station ALL of the others seem to know to go and change their price also within minutes.I call it price fixing. For sure some kind of scam is going on for it to happin that fast.The gas stations arent conpedators they are CONSPERATORS.

I am not 100% on this, but I think it works like this...

When a tanker full of gas leaves the refinery, the price for that gas is already set. The stations set their prices based on the next expected delivery of gas. A fleet of tankers fill up and leave the refinery -> The cost of the gas in those tankers is broadcast to the stations (or parent companies) -> the stations all adjust their prices accordingly.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Mar 2, 2008
Re: Some big oil fact's ????

I would expect to see a lot more violence, and maybe even a murder or two (of elected officials or oil company workers/executives).

That sound you hear is this thread screetching to a halt!


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Mar 25, 2001
Re: Some big oil fact's ????

Just can't leave it non-political, so leave it altogether.
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