So, what did you do today?


Staff member
Sep 26, 2009
I almost have the back lot free of boats if you feel like mowing more😃

I'll have to pass. With all the rain we've had I'm waaaaay behind schedule.... But, thanks for offering.......:facepalm:


Rear Admiral
May 8, 2012
southkogs thats a om-10.I am partial to the russian cameras.I have a kiev a4,zenit et,praktica ltl,and a zenit 19.Ilust after a leica but its 20 grand so thats all i will be doing.The older german /russian glass is so nice.I just started back into film this winter and actually have a mamiya/sekor that im shooting black and white with.Im learning to use and trust a wesson light meter that unlike the old camera meters does not lie and those old meters are a marvel of early high tech.
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Rear Admiral
May 8, 2012
WIMUSKY i got an excellent tripod from amazon for 23 bucks.I believe you,d like it.Single guys messy house,lol. Its actually a very good quality tripod.Amazon Basics brand.


Jun 17, 2012
Those are scary. Every time I watch one I think how many $$ if cradle strap snaps.

​we replace the straps every 2 years depending on the wear. And yeah when we pick the large ones, the lift makes noises but we are pretty careful. Been doing it 10 years now. I've watched videos of lifts dropping boats, mostly the gantry ones fail. Never dropped one yet! Dang, I cursed myself.......


Staff member
Jul 7, 2010
Seems like a majority of people pic Nikon over Cannon. Not sure why. I've owned Cannons.....
Nikon glass historically has been better. Lens quality (from days gone by) has generally been Lieca on the top, and Ziess and Nikkor fighting it out for #2. But that's not as critical anymore. Even the Sigma lenses that used to be kinda' bottom tier shoot pretty nice stuff.

82rude - I noticed all the Russian cameras. I've never shot on any of 'em. Dad shot pro when I was a kid, so he always had a Hasselblad and a Leica around. I did most of my pro shooting on my Minoltas (even using Starblitz lenses quite a bit). My Lumix camera that I have is a Panasonic camera, but the lenses are all Leica.

I haven't used a light meter in who knows how long, except for an app I put on my iPhone. When I was learning to shoot, dad required me to learn to judge my exposures just by looking at the environment (outdoors only - didn't have to learn this inside). About 2 dozen rolls of Tri-X, and I had it enough to get solid images. Within a year, I was allowed to start using a light meter. Cool part is that even to day, if i had to I could probably still eyeball an exposure enough to get a decent shot.


Staff member
Jul 7, 2010
... to add a little:

Last year on our trip to Arizona, I decided not to take a camera and limit myself to using the iPhone for all of my photography. The lenses in the 5s are every bit as good as the lenses in my old Minoltas, and all I really had to concern myself with was the exposures where the computer would struggle to figure out what exposure setting to use. Turned out pretty well ...



Staff member
Sep 26, 2009
Nice pix. Most cell phones these days take phenomenal pix..... It's almost frustrating to the guy that spends big bucks on equipment......


Rear Admiral
May 8, 2012
​we replace the straps every 2 years depending on the wear. And yeah when we pick the large ones, the lift makes noises but we are pretty careful. Been doing it 10 years now. I've watched videos of lifts dropping boats, mostly the gantry ones fail. Never dropped one yet! Dang, I cursed myself.......

Spend my career in the steel industry and i operated a 400ton steel ladle crane for a while.236 tons of molten metal.Had some interesting adventures that would probably give the average guy a heart attack.Not a job for the faint of heart or careless people as you could kill many people instantly and horribly .This is a file picture but my beast was very similar.Needless to say the cables were very closely monitored.


Staff member
Jul 7, 2010
... It's almost frustrating to the guy that spends big bucks on equipment ...
"Almost"? 70% of the photographs (roughly, forget what the actual number is now) online are shot on mobile devices. The iPhone seven actually gives you a focal angle more like a medium format camera from the dual lens setup. It's nuts how good the things are.

Digital photography is really what killed professional shooting for many people. You can't make the living at it like you used to.

BUT ... the needle tilt between the good stuff and the really great stuff is still the photographer. I can't find the photo posted anywhere online, but years ago I met a photographer who shot for National Geographic. He was out biking in South America (can't recall where) on his off time from a shoot. He saw a shot he liked while riding down hill - just something for his scrapbook - and yanked out one of the old disposable plastic film cameras. Took a hip shot without stopping the bike.

Won a Pulitzer for the shot. :cool:


Staff member
Sep 26, 2009
Ok, "very" frustrating.........Maybe I posted these b/4, it was the 1st playoff series this year. I showed the pic of the puck going into the net, I held the shutter down, to the guy I was sitting next too. He should his wife and said, "what a lost art". Because of all the cell phones..... If the pix are blurry, it's because of the transfer from PB to here...... Had to show a pic of UMDs Miska too who is headed to the NHL as a freshman.... I was using my long lens.... I use only Manual Mode.........



Staff member
Jul 7, 2010
Good stuff! You were callin' your own exposures or using a light meter? Shooting sports is a trick unto itself. I have one (somewhere in a box) that a buddy of mine shot of a dragster ... caught the tire rubber folding as it was taking off from the start.

Do you have RAW settings on your camera?


Staff member
Sep 26, 2009
Thanks. No meter. Callin' my own........ I "think" I do have RAW..... Never used it, obviously.... Lol

Ok, 1 more..........



Rear Admiral
May 8, 2012
Well im going to tick off some people sooner or later so here goes.Big difference between digital and film is digital allows you to be lazy.Shoot away till you get one right.If not photoshop .For people like me that is amateur its really a godsend but a good film photo beats a good digi anytime .Us humans are mostly a lazy bunch and would prefer to shoot and worry later vs thinking about composition
etc.JMHO Im not directing this at anybody here just a general observation about the average smoe.Ive given up and joined the digital crowd back in 2010 or so but still prefer or enjoy a good film photo blast and the wait to see what ive produced which so far hasnt been that great but im still relearning.Years ago i took a shot at the zoo in toronto of a hippo just surfacing and you can actually count the water droplets being sprayed from his nose.That took a lot of patience and the more i think of it the more im convinced it was a nat geo type of photo it was that nice .I should see if my old ex girlfriend would allow me to have it or at least copy it.I took it with a praktica ltl and a tamron zoom macro back in 1979.Funny what we consider dead or dying is slowly embraced by small groups of young kids .My niece and several of her friends are into film shooting .My daughter hates automatic transmissions ,and lots of kids have turned to vinyl records enough so that some record pressers have reopened!We have become a digital society but its not always for the better i believe.Well this caveman is finished ranting lol.
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Staff member
Jul 7, 2010
Undoubtedly - halide or even better chrome - is still the best image capture there is. I would say it as more of a "right tool for the right job," than a laziness issue. Digital capture has some distinct advantages particularly in low-light capture. Regardless, you can ALWAYS tell a photographer who understands photography vs. someone who just knows how to make a digital camera work.

Musky - play with RAW if you can find it on your camera. Or try shooting sometime capturing in RAW format, and then bring it into something like Lightroom. JPEG has color capture limitations that film never did. RAW captures a wider color gamut and allows for some more refined adjustments. Think of RAW sort of like the darkroom (in which Ansel Adams said 50% of photography takes place).

I used some Photoshop settings that emulate RAW adjustments on one of your darker images:
If you'll forgive my taking the liberty, what I learned in making a couple of VERY minor adjustments actually even suggested how to tweak the shot next time to be even closer to perfect right from the lens. I've learned a lot when I shoot this way.


Staff member
Sep 26, 2009
No doubt, a little tweak completely changes the image. I should have lightened it with my camera adjustments. The further away I shot, the darker the image. This was my 1st time shooting a hockey game..... Did some basketball in the past.... Lightroom? Yeah, most people use it to tweak their photos. I've never used it and trying to stay out of there and get the proper shot in the field. My buddy feels the same way. I think that's when people do get lazy. Shot isn't right, they'll fix it in Lightroom....

Here's one I took this spring. it was cloudy. I left the shutter open for 1/2" to blur out the ripples...... Granted, I'm an amateur.... I just started getting into it a little last year........



Staff member
Sep 26, 2009
Here's one I shot across the river with a doubler, 600mm. I was trying to manual focus. It's tough when the image is small on the live view. I'll stop posting pix now..... :) We need a picture Topic....:lol:

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Rear Admiral
May 8, 2012
southkogs what does raw do exactly?WI it took me 7 years to figure out i could take black and white photos on my nikon d3100,lol.To get back on subject today i went and bought a plug for my clean out under the sink so i should find the old one soon,lol.How you lose one in a 3x4 area is beyond me totally.