Re: show your boat
ok, i finally got a pic of my boat. i love this thing. as soon as i get back from Iraq, you won?t be able to get me out of it. i was home on leave and my wife, kids and i went to Florida. ended up going to the bass pro shop in Destin and come across this beauty. it was a 2010, with a v8 Q7 sf. the boat was discounted 1000 for being a 2010 model and they had 2011's on the showroom floor. Then he called his boss and got another 1000 knocked off. so i ended up getting it for 29,000. And they threw in 800 dollars worth of boating gear. lifejackets for the whole family. The good ones, not the ugly orange ones. emergency equipment, flares,....everything i legally needed to get in the water. I guess it was meant to be, since getting promoted. My wife agreed we could get a boat. It was just by chance we came along this one.