Should I keep the Volvo 280?


Petty Officer 1st Class
Apr 1, 2013
Currently rebuilding the decks and fixtures in this boat 85 Bayliner 2150 Capri 5.0 litre. We bought this as a running boat with a cooked interior. Anyways not having trim on the outdrive is giving doubts about whether I should keep it and either run a engine bracket and a more modern outboard or try to find a more modern outdrive to replace it. The motor is fine but I'm deep into the boat right now so power options could be open. Either way any upgrades are going to involve transom rebuild work.


Rear Admiral
Sep 27, 2012
Since you have to rebuild the boat ( cooked interior on a Bayliner pretty much a guaranteed rot box ). Stringers and transom are gone as well as the decks/ fixtures. I would swap to a Mercruiser while you have it apart. AQ stuff as long as it is GM engined, is 'ok'. Parts and such can be found, but a Mercruiser is a far better drive.. Volvo SX of course would be better but will be harder to find something complete.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Apr 1, 2013
Yeah it's a gm small block. We used to have a boat salvage yard here in town that you could turn to, but he's gone now. I haven't actually done a transom check yet but that would be covered during a upgrade astern. What mercruiser bravo 1? Could I run a alpha on a boat like this? Its just a single engine boat. I have saw the conversion adapter for 280 to mercruiser but I'd probably better off putting in a new transom and reglassing the hole.
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Petty Officer 1st Class
Apr 1, 2013
Stay with the 280 and add trim tabs. You would spend more than the boat is worth converting .
Thats another consideration to think of. I just don't want a outdrive that will get me stranded if for instance I end up a few miles out doing some fishing. It's possible with the 280 folks have ran them for years I understand, but finding good parts and keeping it running to spec is what concerns me mostly. I am not looking at worth for resale I'm going more for get it right run it a few years and sell it still with life in it and the next guy will buy it with no regrets other than all the outdated electronics.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Apr 1, 2013
What are the major things that go wrong on a 280? What are the no no's?


Rear Admiral
Sep 27, 2012
280's are just old.. Getting someone to work on it will be a chore and parts are expensive... If you go Mercruiser R/MR/ Alpha Gen 1, you can find the stuff in a cheap rotted boat if you look.. Anyone will work on a Mercruiser

If the 280 is mechanically sound you could stay with it, I just don't like them


Petty Officer 1st Class
Apr 1, 2013
I'm just weighing my options. I guess I could and probably will employ a kicker motor. After the OMC Cobra and my friend out in CA blowing something in his outdrive 20 miles out has me a tad gunshy. The OMC was my fault for not filling it the correct way (that's why asked about the nono's.). Water ain't like land if it breaks and your in the ocean you could end up very Very VERY late for dinner.


Supreme Mariner
May 7, 2008
IF??? you own a boat then you should get towing insurance.

The Volvo 280 and all the others are probably the best drives
there is.
Worked at a Bayliner dealership in the 80's to mid 90's
They showed a test done with the Volvo, Mercruiser and OMC
Hooked the drives to a 350 Chevy and started them and let them
The OMC broke after 50hrs. The Mercruiser died after 250hrs.
The Volvo they had to shut down after 1000 hrs. because it wouldn't fail.

I wouldn't spend another dime on the present setup.
Find a boat with Mercruiser already in it.
Unless you get a 290 with hyd. T@T

Lou C

Supreme Mariner
Nov 10, 2002
The solution to your situation is dependent on the answer to these questions:
Do you have any good independent mechanics who will work on them?
Will they accept using parts that you have supplied?
If the answer to both is yes then I’d keep it.
If the answers are no then converting to a Merc or Volvo SX makes sense. Especially if you have to rebuild the transom anyway.

I have an OMC Cobra that is still running great I’ve never had trouble with it and can do the shift cable set up myself. I could have converted it to a Volvo SX but parts cost total would have been approx 3500-4000 total. I instead bought a good freshwater used Cobra for $900 and a good freshwater used complete transom mount for $450. I may never need the parts but if I do it won’t cause me to lose a season. If I don’t need them then I will put them back on eBay and sell them off.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Apr 1, 2013
The solution to your situation is dependent on the answer to these questions:
Do you have any good independent mechanics who will work on them?
Will they accept using parts that you have supplied?
If the answer to both is yes then I’d keep it.
If the answers are no then converting to a Merc or Volvo SX makes sense. Especially if you have to rebuild the transom anyway.

I have an OMC Cobra that is still running great I’ve never had trouble with it and can do the shift cable set up myself. I could have converted it to a Volvo SX but parts cost total would have been approx 3500-4000 total. I instead bought a good freshwater used Cobra for $900 and a good freshwater used complete transom mount for $450. I may never need the parts but if I do it won’t cause me to lose a season. If I don’t need them then I will put them back on eBay and sell them off.
I do all my own mechanical work. So the working on it isn't necessarily a issue. Trim is kind of a hang up but the once or maybe twice I'm going to be in big water it won't be a major issue. Like the OMC though knowing the ins and outs of the drive could make it last a long time. Sbc motors are just that and easily obtained. Whatever I don't spend on the main drive I can spend on electronics and perhaps a decent kicker..


Petty Officer 1st Class
Apr 1, 2013
IF??? you own a boat then you should get towing insurance.

The Volvo 280 and all the others are probably the best drives
there is.
Worked at a Bayliner dealership in the 80's to mid 90's
They showed a test done with the Volvo, Mercruiser and OMC
Hooked the drives to a 350 Chevy and started them and let them
The OMC broke after 50hrs. The Mercruiser died after 250hrs.
The Volvo they had to shut down after 1000 hrs. because it wouldn't fail.

I wouldn't spend another dime on the present setup.
Find a boat with Mercruiser already in it.
Unless you get a 290 with hyd. T@T
290 is duo prop? Is the transom cutout the same? Would the engine have the same placement in the hull?


Petty Officer 1st Class
Apr 1, 2013
Another thought... Could I make up for the lack of engine trim with a set of trim tabs. That lenco auto tab system looks like it could make the lack of trim on the 280 a non issue or at least less. If just have to pick a pin setting and see where it takes me.


Supreme Mariner
May 7, 2008
Trim tabs would make the ride and take off better.
But tilt would help performance.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Apr 1, 2013
In a 21 ft boat with a cuddy view much performance does a guy really need? We have a seadoo for screwing around. If a volvo 280 is a "near" bullet proof outdrive and a set of modern automatic trim tabs would make up for its inequities for a season until I could source a much better powertrain. It would be money well spent aye?

Scott Danforth

Grumpy Vintage Moderator still playing with boats
Staff member
Jul 23, 2011
Find a complete 290dp drive to replace the 280. Then upgrade the motor to a 383 stroker


Petty Officer 1st Class
Apr 1, 2013
Find a complete 290dp drive to replace the 280. Then upgrade the motor to a 383 stroker
Man those 290's must have some awesome stuff inside people think they're made of gold. For that price I could go out board for a few thousand more and be good forever.

Scott Danforth

Grumpy Vintage Moderator still playing with boats
Staff member
Jul 23, 2011
you have to look and be ready. I scored a complete second 290DP from transom shield to lower for under $800 had to be in the right place in the right time.

Lou C

Supreme Mariner
Nov 10, 2002
Yep there are deals out there I’m thinking its guys in freshwater regions parting out rotted 30 year old boats. I collected enough Cobra stuff to keep me going for years. For a minimal investment really.