Should I have stopped?


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Apr 29, 2009
Re: Should I have stopped?

if it is feasable to stop i will stop and see if people need help. even a cellphone call for help can turn someone's disaster back into a happy day. the only time i dont stop is heavy traffic on a interstate. in some places like freeways in big cities like chicago it is illegal to stop for such things. in those cases i call the local 911 and report the breakdown via cellphone if the person is not already recieving assistance.

its just ingrained in me to help folks in distress.

it is better to be the one person that helped than the thousand that drove by while someone died.


Petty Officer 1st Class
May 29, 2008
Re: Should I have stopped?

No way would I have stopped, and in this situation it would have been silly to do so. He was getting passed and dude's tire the time the op could have stopped he would have been WAAAAAY past. Plus, since it had just happened as he was passing, how do any of you know that the guy was in distress? This guy could have had a spare and a quick change can't know because it 'just' happened.

Now, if you see someone up ahead of you on the shoulder that looks distressed...IE throwing hands in the air in frustration , etc., then I would think stopping would be polite.


Chief Petty Officer
Feb 24, 2003
Re: Should I have stopped?

I wouldn't have stopped. Usually, if its a guy, there's not a lot I can do that he can't do have stopped and assisted women, families etc when its obvious they need help.

I have my truck & a tow strap and have pulled more then a few stranded mothers w/children out of the ditch during a bilzzard.

I would hope if my wife & kids were in a ditch that someone would help them as well...BUT...its always a gamble if they'll let you.

A guy giving me attitude...well, that would be a test wouldn't it.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jul 15, 2009
Re: Should I have stopped?

I would have stopped and offered help AND also to discuss his attitude about me getting stuck in the fast lane.

best case, he declines my help and apologizes for his rude behavior.
ok case, he acccepts my offer for help and apologizes for his rude behavior.
worst case, he gets smart and I give him a forearm shiver to the forehead:D j/k


Mar 19, 2007
Re: Should I have stopped?

It would depend if stopping was really a help or just creating a bigger traffic hazard.

If he just had a flat, any sensible boater should be able to quickly handle that. A second vehicle on the side of the road in rush hour traffic would most likely only endanger more people.


Lieutenant Commander
Dec 13, 2008
Re: Should I have stopped?

Towing a boat I would not stop either way. You are just a big 'ol road hazard with a trailer behind you.

If the guy was tailgating and got the blowout after passing and giving 'the eye', I would likely have waved on the way by, maybe even given a goodbye honk. I'm not saying it would have been the right thing to do, but given my distaste for tailgaters, especially if I were towing, I would be miffed.

All things being equal, I likely would not pull over for anyone if I didn't feel safe doing so. The side of a double lane incline is not one of those 'safe' places. 'Safe' also includes feeling safe about the person on the side of the road. People are allowed to be jerks and criminals nowadays, for a multitude of reasons, and although 10 years ago I would pull over for anyone, the number of loonies seems to have just exploded in recent years.


Petty Officer 1st Class
May 11, 2008
Re: Should I have stopped?

It is real easy and USUALLY logical to get mad when somebody is tailgating you and think about what an a-hole they are because they have no reason to be in that big a hurry. I will shed some light from the other side. I was in a HUGE hurry to get somewhere just over a year ago. Most people reacted favorably by getting out of my way when flashing my high beams, etc to get their attention so that they would see me and move over. Yes - I was driving MUCH faster than I should have been and I don't deny it for a second. I was going well over 100 MPH in metro Atlanta interstates. As I said, most people moved - one did not and held me up at least 5 - 7 minutes. Had he have not been an A-HOLE and held his ground, denying my access to get around him and being the BIGGEST JERK I HAVE EVER ENCOUNTERED, I would have gotten to see (and maybe talk to) my Dad, if only for a minute BEFORE HE PASSED AWAY. I WILL NEVER FORGET THIS!

It forever changed the way I look at these aggressive, hurried drivers. They may be going faster than they should, maybe being somewhat erratic, whatever, but we from our position in another car just really have no idea WHY they are in such a hurry. Get out of their way. First it is safer and second, you don't know what is at their destination.

Sorry to have vented here, and, FWIW I probably would not have stopped either.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Mar 26, 2005
Re: Should I have stopped?

Let me start by saying I ws in the CG Auxiliary as an unpaid volunteer for 26 years. I helped many, many boaters on the water or at a ramp. ( Although I will not use jumper cables on a dead battery at a ramp). I've run across nice, thankful people and afew a-holes.
Would I stop for a stranger, while towing my rig? No. For a buddy, yes.
I have some problems with my last trailer. broke a brake drum hub in I-4, twice. Did anyone else stop to help? NO. One of my buddies did stop, but I needed more than what we could do. (Insurance piad for the wrecker who brought what I needed after phoning me.)
Then, I bought a new trailer. I also carry a 3 ton floor jack, spare mounted on a holder on the trailer and a second one in the SUV for longer trips, chain and bolts, spare bearings, grease, and a grease gun, spare buddy bearings, and both BOATUS and Progressive roadside service, etc.
Nobody stops, I don't care....