Should I have stopped?


Lieutenant Commander
Jul 15, 2009
On the way to the lake last week. Got caught out in the passing lane on a steep grade (I know...I shouldn't have tried it). Anyways, a fellow boater was behind me pulling his fishing rig. He was obviously not happy having to wait on me. 2 minutes later, after giving me the evil eye "POW"...his driver's side trailer tire exploded right in front of us.

We got to the office and a gentlemen was talking about his buddy and blowing a tire on his rig. I told him I saw that and he asked me why I didn't stop to help.

What would you have done?


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Aug 16, 2006
Re: Should I have stopped?

I wouldn't have stopped either.


May 29, 2009
Re: Should I have stopped?

I hate people who get mad just because they're delayed like 5 seconds getting to their destination. If he was in such a hurry to make it to the lake, he should have been better repaired and been able to change that tire in a flash! At least that's how I'd look at it:D

I would have kept on going too;)


Jan 25, 2008
Re: Should I have stopped?

About a 99% chance I wouldn't have stopped either. I have stopped before to lend a hand, but there's a 1000% chance I wouldn't stop for someone who was giving me an attitude


Chief Petty Officer
Oct 24, 2008
Re: Should I have stopped?

I always try and stop to help a fellow boater broke down on the road. I also try to help out women that are broke down. I have had women not want my help because of being scared so i put out a flair and thin im on my way. I would hope that someday if im broke down someone will stop to help me.
That said i think i would even stop to help someone out that i unavoidably ticked off. You never know i might see him out on the lake and need his help.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jun 7, 2009
Re: Should I have stopped?

About a 99% chance I wouldn't have stopped either. I have stopped before to lend a hand, but there's a 1000% chance I wouldn't stop for someone who was giving me an attitude

Agreed 1000%

People that drive with that kind of attitude really tick me off, if that had been me I would have been hard pressed not to slow down then point and laugh...


May 29, 2008
Re: Should I have stopped?

I definitely wouldn't have stopped to help since the other guy gave ya attitude by holding him up on his way and a possible confrontation. It's a flat tire... you should always have a spare and a means to change it. Sounds to me like Karma just bit him in the azz!!! :D


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Nov 10, 2007
Re: Should I have stopped?

i rarely stop to help anyone. but feel guilty about some. when it comes to young and middle aged men having to do some side of the road repair i often think about how i'd feel. . way too much pride to except help from strangers.

Navy Jr.

Senior Chief Petty Officer
Sep 14, 2007
Re: Should I have stopped?

Knowing me, I would have stopped and offered assistance.

Chances are he would say he was okay and could handle the situation himself, and we'd be on my way; but if he did accept our help, it might be a teaching moment for him to think twice and curb his behavior the next time he is held up by another boater in the fast lane.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Apr 23, 2008
Re: Should I have stopped?

Its a toss up.

These days, some people are absolutely ignorant and evil, and even if you are trying to help them, they will act like animals and be complete assholes.

I tend to take to the notion of being prepared for anything so i dont EVER need help with anything mechanical on my rig. Unless my life or the life of another is in danger, i prefer no one to bother me when i am fixing a problem, and i sure as hell wont ask for help unless its a matter of life and death.

I would not have stopped for anything. That evil eye he gave you may have been the first step towards a road rage incident and the blown tire could have been the last step that sent him over the edge. If you woulda stopped, he just might have blown your head off right on the side of the road. You never know, in the world today, people have done worse for no good reason.

Stay to yourself, stay safe in my opinion.


Vlad D Impeller

Mar 30, 2005
Re: Should I have stopped?

You should have stopped, i know that i would, so what if he got a bit ticked off at your driving?

Nowhere in your post was it mentioned that the fellow engaged in what could or would be determined as "Road Rage" behaviour.

The evil eye? Geez! That's what rubbed you the wrong way?... The way i see it is, you were embarrassed at yourself for holding up the traffic in the passing lane.

Not a valid excuse in my book for not coming to the aid of a fellow boater who was clearly in some distress.

I'm therefore in total agreement with Navy Jr and HAV2FISH.


Lieutenant Commander
Jul 15, 2009
Re: Should I have stopped?

It wasn't the evil never occurred to me to stop and help whether I had gotten attitude or not. I'm in agreement with Rajun. I try to be as prepared as possible and a simple blowout isn't going to put me in much distress. And I wouldn't have the expectation that someone would stop and help me change a tire. All part of the boating game. If someone's life was in danger that's different.

I was a bit embarassed that I got caught out in the passing lane. But once I was out there I was committed. 2 seperate issues to be sure.


Supreme Mariner
Aug 10, 2006
Re: Should I have stopped?

What I find really amusing is when someone is riding your tail for a while then speeds past you on the roads we take to the cottage and back you usually see them 2 or 3 vehicles ahead of you at the next red light in the next town. They gain so little by it all.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Apr 23, 2008
Re: Should I have stopped?

Stop and do what??? Change his tire?
I could see it if it's raining...I could park behind him with the flasher on. If it's dark, I could hold the flash light. But during day light?? That's why I have roadside assist insurance. But what do I know, I light rope burns :eek::D


Master Chief Petty Officer
Jul 23, 2008
Re: Should I have stopped?

Stop and do what??? Change his tire?
I could see it if it's raining...I could park behind him with the flasher on. If it's dark, I could hold the flash light. But during day light?? That's why I have roadside assist insurance. But what do I know, I light rope burns :eek::D

If he didn't have a spare, he'd have to leave his rig on the side of the road and go get a new tire. It'd be nice to have someone there to watch your rig while you were gone. I'd be mighty nervous about leaving mine on the side of the road unattended. I stop for motorcyclists, and solo travellers in need of assistance. There's been more then one broken bike on the back of my truck.



Petty Officer 1st Class
Aug 30, 2008
Re: Should I have stopped?

What I find really amusing is when someone is riding your tail for a while then speeds past you on the roads we take to the cottage and back you usually see them 2 or 3 vehicles ahead of you at the next red light in the next town. They gain so little by it all.

stop right there, this guy get what he deserved, sure you should not be riding in the passing lane, but it sounds like the OP just got caught out there ( it happens to all of us while towing ), a responsible boat guy trailering his boat should have seen this and not rode up on his azz ( tailgating ) what happens if you had to stop suddenly or there was a road hazzard ???

when his friend asked why didn't you stop, you should have said your buddy drives like an Azzhole and I don't help people like that....


Petty Officer 1st Class
Nov 7, 2007
Re: Should I have stopped?

i wouldnt have stopped .
i have needed help in the past, and given it, {towed a guy in off the lake this week] but on the side of the road is a different thing. depends where you are too.


May 27, 2009
Re: Should I have stopped?

if the guy had not givin the tude to you first, id have stopped and helped. But since he set the tone already hes on his own.
You reap what you sew,,
It never hurts to be nice, but.... he could have shown a little respect too.