Should i be concerned??


Seaman Apprentice
Dec 21, 2009
Re: Should i be concerned??

well ive had her out a few times now and shes running strong ive got about 6 hours on er only thing im noticeing is that the oil pressure gauge jumps around some times and i read on here somewhere about it but cant remember what causes it.. my gas gauge used to jump around before the new motor and the belt was a little loose so i tightened it and it stopped but the last time i checked the belt it seemed fine but ill try tightening it and hope it stops otherwise what causes it to do that? Also what damege would it cause to idle for like 20 minutes at a time with only around 6 hours on the break in? ive read mixed statements and thoughts on it being totally fine to run it normally after a short period of time verse the 20 hour procedure i mean alot have said the only reason for break in is for dummys with a new boat to learn how to drive it before they just go out wot and dont know how to control it ect. and that as long as everyting was set to specs on install there should not be a problem and if something is going to go wrong it will/should right away.. i understand the setting of the rings and what not but as people have stated as well they should be set within hours and not take nearly 20 hours to do so.. Im not trieng to start a big controversy just rambling i guess but mainly just wondering about the idleing for periods of time.. Thats my update and thanks for any info guys


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jun 23, 2009
Re: Should i be concerned??

Punctuation would be nice- I have a headache!


Seaman Apprentice
Dec 21, 2009
Re: Should i be concerned??

Punctuation.. whats that? just kidding sorry i was tired and im not good with Punctuation to begin with either. Are you sure your headache wasnt from booze :D


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jun 23, 2009
Re: Should i be concerned??

No, I wish!:D Just a late night...apologies.


Senior Chief Petty Officer
May 28, 2009
Re: Should i be concerned??

On the rare ocassion that I have someone do some kind of work for me, I like to show up and watch. Not to bug them, but to learn. I know most people don't like someone watching over their shoulder while they work, and I don't either. I just tell them to pay no attention to me being there, I was just in the neighborhood and thought I'd come by and see how it's coming along. Usually I can tell very quickly whether they are doing what they are supposed to, and I just slip off and leave them alone. If they aren't doing what they are supposed to, then I start asking questions. Unless you are an idiot, most folks realize that sometimes things take a little longer than expected, and most won't mind if you just tell them the truth, but if you tell little fibs because you think that's what I want to hear and string me along, then I will sit there and watch you every chance I get until you get the damn thing done. People will usually tell you the truth after they find out that you don't want to hear any bull crap and are a reasonable fella, and in most cases, you'll probably have a better working relationship after that. On the other hand, when you are in that kind of business, sometimes you have to do work for some real unreasonable jerks, and it becomes easy to tell fibs to keep those kinds of people out of your shop. Pardon the long post. :)