Service of DP-A Volvo outdrive


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jan 14, 2013
Ok.... decided to start a new thread as I start the service on this DP-? (A or B) volvo outdrive.

I know many of you veterans can do this stuff in your sleep, but being new to I/O's I would really appreciate your patience as I do this and ask questions. This is the best forum I have found on the net for outdrive issues, period.

Ok getting started:

Let me first say that the main reason I started this thread is because I noticed more water in the bilge than normal and found a small cut in the U-joint bellows.

One thing I would love to find is a list of everything needed to begin basic servicing of this volvo outdrive. That way i would not have to make several trips for things I didn't know I needed. If it is not too much trouble, could someone direct me to a simple list of tools, items, fluids I will need (I would rather not be directed to a manual, there is just too much info and I have them downloaded already) I'm sure there are countless others who would need this info

Here is my plan:

1) replace the UJ bellows via upper unit
2) replace any other items while upper unit is off.
3) do a basic service on the drive (will need a basic walk thru or direct me to a link if possible if there is one)
4) troubleshoot any remaining water issues, if they still exist

Ok so I was able to take the cover off of the drive with a phillips, here is a pic.


the first thing I was sort of shocked by is how little corrosion is in there. Maybe I was just expecting more. I then realized that maybe the reason there was no corrosion in there is because of the following :(

The bad news is that I see a pool of milky, oily something in a pool at the bottom.


what is the verdict?


Petty Officer 1st Class
Mar 21, 2012
Re: Service of DP-A Volvo outdrive

Maybe the oil seal on that dark gray cover is leaking? See if there is oil underneath that brass thing that the shifter linkage is hooked up to.

Don S

Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Aug 31, 2004
Re: Service of DP-A Volvo outdrive

The first thing I noticed in your top picture is the linkage is backwards. Needs to be like the red link in the picture below.

second, the washers on the bottom of the linkage (red arrow) are smaller OD than a regular 1/4" washer so it doesn't stop the shifter from going all the way into gear. Should have one washer on each side of the link.

Your leak is probably from the seal on the shift mechanism (green arrow). Common place for a leak on those drives.
Your drive is also full of that milky oil. Comes from the bellows leak, it usually damages the front seal of the upper gear box and rusts the sealing washer.


You need to get the upper off and see what all is wrong, before you order any parts.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jan 14, 2013
Re: Service of DP-A Volvo outdrive

Ok here is the upper unit off....

thanks don, anything else you see incorrect please comment... this is the first time I am taking this the PO was to blame or a bad mechanic.....






I definitely need to change that oil correct? I am assuming it does not come light grey :)

how do i drain this?


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jan 14, 2013
Re: Service of DP-A Volvo outdrive

thanks nicky.... I am new to the drive and especially since it not "original" meaning someone worked on it...i wouldn't know what is supposed to be there or not....without looking at the manual

would love to know part #s on these and if anything is missing....

also... is there anything i should do RIGHT NOW to inhibit corrosion or help the drive not be damaged while the upper is off? i covered it with a towel and plastic bag

in other words ....should i drain that bad oil now.... or wait until I can put it back together?


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jan 14, 2013
Re: Service of DP-A Volvo outdrive

ok here is the parts diagram....

Upper Gear Unit: Drive Dp-A - 7736260 - Volvo Penta

I am assuming I need:

Drain Plug O-Ring -- 2 ---955974
Fill Plug Gasket (Red) ---------- 897682
O-Ring ----125017
O-Ring --925259
bellows 876294

new possible items:
o-ring 925093 (#58)

the ujoints I am just going to hit with corrosionx and see how long they will go.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jan 14, 2013
Re: Service of DP-A Volvo outdrive

ok i see where to the bottom of the lower unit right? should the drive be down or up?

just need what to fill back up with and how much.....

also for some reason I am having difficulty locating the lower gear unit for the DPA. all the Volvo place has is lower gear then a 6 digit does not say DPA

I am asking because I plan to change all gaskets and o-rings that are available.

Don S

Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Aug 31, 2004
Re: Service of DP-A Volvo outdrive

You are going to need the OEM service manual, that is HERE
You will need to set the preload on the double bearing box.

You will need the parts marked in this diagram from your link.


You will also need the whole seal kit for the upper. PN 876266

Ujoints aftermarket PN's can be found in the sticky at the top of the page.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jan 14, 2013
Re: Service of DP-A Volvo outdrive


right.... thanks so much for your help.... although it looks a tad rusty, it spins great.... Executive decision has been made to skip the u-joints right now....corrosion x will do wonders... I know down the line I will have to do it... but I think i have some life left in them right now.

Ok, maybe I should have clarified the o-ring situation.....

I was not looking to dis-assemble the entire upper unit. I was looking to do "all" the o-rings and seals that are "visible" and that could possibly let water in. do i still need the full kit? or just the ones to refit the unit? meaning the:

Drain Plug O-Ring -- 2 ---955974
Fill Plug Gasket (Red) ---------- 897682
O-Ring ----125017
O-Ring --925259

if you think this is silly...and I should just do the entire upper unit....then I will weigh the advice heavily.

i have never pretensioned or preloaded the double box either... i was looking at it in the manual.

Don S

Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Aug 31, 2004
Re: Service of DP-A Volvo outdrive

With all that rust on the ujoints, the surface the input shaft seal rides on gets rusty and takes out the seal itself like sandpaper. I've only rebuilt a hundred or so of those, so I could be way off in my observations.
When that front seal leaks oil out, you you run those upper gears and bearings dry for a time, you learn what it means to loose a gear set that costs $1600 to 1800 for a set, then you add on the bearings etc.

Somewhere I read something about doing it right the first time.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jan 14, 2013
Re: Service of DP-A Volvo outdrive

right on.... bottom line I do not want to do this twice....

I always try to do things by the book.... when possible.... but some of these tools are very expensive

let's just boil this down to one question.....

if I get the seal kit, and all the parts you mentioned....will i be able to do this WITHOUT any special volvo tools? because if not, I'm not sure I want this to turn into a 3 week project....and a huge wallet buster since some of these volvo "tools" are $200+


Jun 30, 2008
Re: Service of DP-A Volvo outdrive

I don't think resealing the upper is a diy job. I would search for a competent tech in your area familiar with woking on the older style VP outdrives. I think you should be able to have it rebuilt for 500-600, including new ujoints.

I would drain the outdrive and get all that water out. It takes 80-90 gear oil.

Also, before spending a bunch of money on the outdrive, I would be checking everything else out on the boat. I have a feeling the water leaking into your boat isn't coming in through the flywheel cover as mentioned in your other thread. check your transom for rot. If it is coming through the flywheel housing, you'll be needing to pull the engine as well to replace those bearing and seals. That is something you can do yourself.

I guess my point is, go over everything and try to determine everything you need before starting something you can't finish.

Do this. reach into the ujoint bellows and try to move the drive shaft back and forth, up and down, etc. Any play in that shaft and the bearings are bad for sure.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jan 14, 2013
Re: Service of DP-A Volvo outdrive

there is a 1/4 inch slit hole in the bellows. I am 90% sure that the water is coming in this way. However I could be wrong.

DIY is the only option for me....

I am a good mechanic.... especially when there is a clear, concise manual. But just not so good when I need a bunch of special tools.

Don S

Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Aug 31, 2004
Re: Service of DP-A Volvo outdrive

You don't need any special tools to reseal the upper. You will need an inch pound dial torque wrench to set the rolling torque but other than that nothing special that I can remember.

Not sure in your pictures, but it looks like the grease in the flywheel cover is not milky, so that would tell me the seal held,and the water did not go through the flywheel cover. Might pull that seal and see if there is water in the grease.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jan 14, 2013
Re: Service of DP-A Volvo outdrive

I don't think resealing the upper is a diy job. I would search for a competent tech in your area familiar with woking on the older style VP outdrives. I think you should be able to have it rebuilt for 500-600, including new ujoints.

I would drain the outdrive and get all that water out. It takes 80-90 gear oil.

Also, before spending a bunch of money on the outdrive, I would be checking everything else out on the boat. I have a feeling the water leaking into your boat isn't coming in through the flywheel cover as mentioned in your other thread. check your transom for rot. If it is coming through the flywheel housing, you'll be needing to pull the engine as well to replace those bearing and seals. That is something you can do yourself.

I guess my point is, go over everything and try to determine everything you need before starting something you can't finish.

Do this. reach into the ujoint bellows and try to move the drive shaft back and forth, up and down, etc. Any play in that shaft and the bearings are bad for sure.

Good news...I cannot budge the drive shaft. it moves not even a .001 of a mm

I hear ya about the tech.

My original plan was to just change the bellows and any other seal that looks in bad shape. Don is 100% right I should disassemble the entire upper unit....


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jan 14, 2013
Re: Service of DP-A Volvo outdrive

You don't need any special tools to reseal the upper. You will need an inch pound dial torque wrench to set the rolling torque but other than that nothing special that I can remember.

Not sure in your pictures, but it looks like the grease in the flywheel cover is not milky, so that would tell me the seal held,and the water did not go through the flywheel cover. Might pull that seal and see if there is water in the grease.

Yes I did notice that.... was quite happy actually. But now I am scratching my head as to the water intrusion.

Can we safely say that the water is not intruding into the bilge this way via the main shaft? It appears I will have to further troubleshoot where the water is coming in then.

As for the drive....let's go over where the most probable cause of the white milky oil in the drive. Was going to order the seal kit in next few minutes from here on iboats... seems they are having a sale.

Can we safely say that seal near the u-joint is most likely to be failing.

here are some more pics .... Need opinions on these....





Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jan 14, 2013
Re: Service of DP-A Volvo outdrive

o BTW.... I think it is important to note....

as I was taking the upper unit off.... I did not see any milky gear oil in the bellows.... when I took clamp off.... it was clear saltwater dripping.... not milky oil.

what does this tell me?

my theory is this:

I caught the bellows tear early, bellows only got a small hole recently and it wasn't like this for a long time. I know because I do regularly inspect the bellows and I never noticed the slit before. ....and although my gear oil is milky, I suspect and "hope" it was not long, or if it was, I might think it may not be from the bellows. How long does it take to get milky like this?

I am actually even wondering if the leak into the outdrive might be elsewhere.... but I would have to defer to those more knowledgeable.

Am I thinking correctly on this?

Don S

Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Aug 31, 2004
Re: Service of DP-A Volvo outdrive

You need to fix the upper, put it back together, put it in the water, get back there and find the leak. You don't want to start fixing things that aren't broke just because there is a possibility of a leak.

Re read captmellows reply about the rotten transom. It's really a common problem in old boats,


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jan 14, 2013
Re: Service of DP-A Volvo outdrive

ok kit is on order.....along with other parts recommended by DON S.

Would really like to know why a clevis pin (942871) costs $10. :) --welcome to volvo

also would love to know if the old one can be reused or what is the logic behind replacing it. My guess is that you can't get it out without destroying it...or perhaps it gets worn badly.

I think all i will need are some snap ring pliers and a torque wrench as far as I can see.

I want to be sure I have any tool needed.... are there any other common tools I will need?

For the record.... the transom in this boat is rock solid. It was kept on a trailer I suspect.

Don S

Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Aug 31, 2004
Re: Service of DP-A Volvo outdrive

also would love to know if the old one can be reused or what is the logic behind replacing it. My guess is that you can't get it out without destroying it...or perhaps it gets worn badly

It's a roll pin, you drive them through the the pin to get them out. Many times you can't get them out of the shift mechanism. Trying to tap the brass shift mechanism usually destroys the shift shaft. If you can get the old one out, you won't need it.
Didn't realize they wanted $10 for the thing, it is metric, but that doesn't cost extra.