Why would nobody make the BBQ'ers at the bottom of a ramp move?
You/me don't have any authority.
I forgot to mention a good one.
On the Larson's maiden voyage, I took her out alone. Early Friday morning. I figured I'd beat the rush.
Well, I did.
I launched the boat, went to park the truck/trailer rig. When I got back, I found three kids playing in the boat with parents standing on dock. Every switch on the dash was on. Thank God I had the keys! I felt like going ballistic but did not. I thought about offering them a ride but the parents were so ugly about it, I decided not to.
On a positive note. I launched the Larson again-alone. I got back to the dock to find two older couples standing on the dock admiring the boat. They, very politely, asked me a few questions about it. I did offer them a ride, they went along and had a blast. After about an hour, i dropped them off at the adjacent restaurant and they offered to buy me breakfast. I respectfully declined because I wanted to go drown some worms.