Ruger LCP vs. S&W Bodyguard


Fleet Admiral
Jul 8, 2010
If I remember right 4473 came around after the Brady act, which was 1994 and the FBI background check started in Nov 1998, I know the form has changed over the years, I remember the first time I filled one out, it was only like 4 questions, now a days it is 14 questions you have to answer, so it is becoming more of a burden and with the proliferation of computers to do everything, all of the information is stored in a self serve database and a human only looks at it if there is a flag raised during the check.


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Back in the day (1977 to 1983) when I had a Firearm store in Pasadena, there was no check for purchases of long guns, only the 4473 form which stayed in possession of the store. When I closed the store out (thank you Jimmy Carter) those 4473's, for both hand guns and long guns, were turned over to the ATF. They also got my log books. If any firearm turned up in a crime, LE would go to the Mfg with the make and serial number.. The Mfg would tell the ATF what wholesaler they sold it to and when. Then the ATF would go to the wholesaler and find what licensed dealer they sold the gun to. If the store/dealer was still in business, the ATF would go to the store and consult their logbooks. From there they would be able to extract the filed 4473 form that showed the buyer. They ATF would then go looking for the buyer.

If the store/dealer was out of business, the ATF would then go to their own repository to access the necessary information.

There were no databases.


Fleet Admiral
Jul 8, 2010
There is not suppose to be a database of guns, but there is a database of crimes and backgrounds on every single one of us, and I have an extensive one because of my military service, which is why a delay yesterday really surprised me as I have only had a couple of speeding tickets in my whole life! Close to 30 years of my life belonged to the Federal Government! When I worked in the Pentagon, I was trusted with the Nations Secrets and I get delayed to buy a gun, two weeks after I bought another gun! Come on folks!


Aug 18, 2013
Mt the delay could be because the system is overwhelmed due to there being a lot of gun purchases going on. After the administrations anouncements on tuesday I'd say gun sales have gone up dramatically. Seems like every time the administration makes a decision on gun control, people make a mad dash to the gun store.


Jun 21, 2007
The delay may have been because of the timeline. I bought one of the LCP customs and went back to buy another from my friend that owns a gun shop. He said to wait because it is a hassle when you buy within a certain timeframe. I have never been delayed and he uses the online check.


Fleet Admiral
Jul 8, 2010
What is so funny, is I have a FFL and SOT as a manufacture and never use it to buy guns, I just go in like any other customer, and this particular gun does not have enough margin in it to buy it wholesale and wait for it to get her, so I figured I would just go to the local dealer and pick one up because I want it to do some modifications on a design I am working on. It is not a big deal a friend of mine was with me and he was also delayed, we bought our AR's the same day, so they are probably just overloaded right now, I will just go pick it up on Tuesday and go forward, my wife and I have just laughed about it. This is the 3rd gun I have purchased in as many weeks, because I picked up another M16 NFA gun 3 weeks ago from one of my men who called and is going to pass away from cancer and wanted to make sure someone that would appreciate it would get it. That one, I had to use my FFL to purchase and fill out the paper work or I would have had to wait about 6 months to take delivery of it.
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