Ruger LCP vs. S&W Bodyguard


Fleet Admiral
Jul 8, 2010
MT - I get ya', and I'm a pretty good shot even in awkward conditions. And frankly, I don't even really disagree with what you're saying.

My wife is an instructor and she teaches females self defense classes so they can learn how to shoot, which gun is good for them and the information they need for a CCW in our state. Unfortunately, in the 30 years we have been married she has had to use her gun in two different situations and they each resulted in 1 shot, one threat eliminated. I would not want her mad at me!


To sit and talk with her, you would never suspect she is armed, she is a small woman, only 5'3" and quiet, but man o man watch out!


Staff member
Jul 7, 2010
Amazing that for all the time I lived in Detroit (proper) and all of the places I've been ... I have yet to ever (God forbid) be in a situation where I would need it, or could have gotten to it (even wearing it). The perspective she has is well worth learning from for a guy like me.

And ... my wife (who has zero interest in shooting or carrying) can shoot straight as an arrow with anything you give her. I know exactly what you mean :D


Supreme Mariner
Jun 26, 2011
southkog, "The gun shop dudes are all pushing me toward the Bodyguard, but all the guys I'm talking with are leaning toward the Ruger. And I really like Ruger firearms."

Sometimes the gun shops get a really good deal from the manufacture on certain guns and make a lot more profit selling them. So if they do seem to be pushing one certain gun, they are making a lot more money from that gun at that time. I've seen it too. So buy what YOU want. Skip all the hoopla from everybody else. It is your choice and decision. JMHO!


Chief Petty Officer
Oct 4, 2011
I carry the Ruger LCP as my all time carry, just know its limitations as it is a short range gun. I have a pocket shoot thru holster that looks like a wallet or cell phone when it is in my pocket, easy to pull, easy to fire in the holster or out. Lightweight and the Admiral doesnt mind shooting it, she doesnt like the 9 MM i have and my dad has the Micro 9 which has a lot of kick due to the short barrel. My dad just bought the Ruger LCP with the Laser sight, I dont have the laser on mine.


Supreme Mariner
Jun 26, 2011
I carry the Ruger LCP as my all time carry, just know its limitations as it is a short range gun. I have a pocket shoot thru holster that looks like a wallet or cell phone when it is in my pocket, easy to pull, easy to fire in the holster or out. Lightweight and the Admiral doesnt mind shooting it, she doesnt like the 9 MM i have and my dad has the Micro 9 which has a lot of kick due to the short barrel. My dad just bought the Ruger LCP with the Laser sight, I dont have the laser on mine.

Harritwo, I see a few folks talk about LASER sights on such defensive guns. But in reality, I don't think the LASER sight would assist in such an adrenaline flooded situation if need be. I mean I don't think enough time would allow a person to even think about turning the LASER on. But that is just my opinion. And so often the smaller lighter the handgun, the stronger the main spring has to be to counter act the blow back cycling action of the gun for the next shot. And because of that spring, it can make it really hard to pull back the slide initially to chamber the first round. You either have to have a heavy slide, or a heavy main spring... JMHO!


Staff member
Jul 7, 2010
I looked at the LCP with the Crimson Trace. I'm not opposed to it, and think it has a "cool" factor. But I'm not concerned about getting it either. I agree with GM that in a defensive situation I'm probably not gonna' have time to look for the laser anyhow, but my bigger reason is that the way I've trained to draw to a modified "Weaver" stance, I'll typically have a hand over where the laser would be :rolleyes:


Fleet Admiral
Jul 8, 2010
Glad you were able to pick up the gun you were after, it is a nice one, now I have to say, I am not impressed with the new computer system the government is using for background checks, two weeks ago, I picked up a new AR, no problem, let me escort you to the cashier, today, I went in to pick up a .40 S&W and my check came back delay! So what has changed in the last 2 weeks, it seems it is a crap shoot these days!



Supreme Mariner
Jun 26, 2011
I only wish I had invested some large money in the gun manufactures stocks before somebody made their TV speech about wanting to control guns. As usual, the manufacturers are running wide open to try and cover the demands. Such a stupid game!


Staff member
Oct 25, 2011
I only wish I had ingested some large money in the gun manufactures stocks before somebody made their TV speech about wanting to control guns. As usual, the manufacturers are running wide open to try and cover the demands. Such a stupid game!

Ingested? :rofl: ^^^ :facepalm:

You fixed the typo before I could GM, but not before I quoted you ;)
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Supreme Mariner
Jun 26, 2011
Ingested? :rofl: ^^^ :facepalm:

Fixed the typo for ya GM ;)

I thought I went back and changed it before it got posted. Oh well, my finger don't always type what my little brain is thinking. :facepalm:


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Glad you were able to pick up the gun you were after, it is a nice one, now I have to say, I am not impressed with the new computer system the government is using for background checks, two weeks ago, I picked up a new AR, no problem, let me escort you to the cashier, today, I went in to pick up a .40 S&W and my check came back delay! So what has changed in the last 2 weeks, it seems it is a crap shoot these days!


What did you get for an AR, MT? I have seen some pretty good prices on some derivative ARs,
I did not know that they did background checks for long guns. Maybe I am just out of the loop.
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Fleet Admiral
Jul 8, 2010
What did you get for an AR, MT? I have seen some pretty good prices on some derivative ARs,
I did not know that they did background checks for long guns. Maybe I am just out of the loop.

Hey Boom, picked up a DPMS AR, nice little gun for the price, The big C had them on sale right before Christmas, I have really enjoyed it, I was just surprised that my check today came back delayed! Hell I am a FFL holder! Give me a break!


Fleet Admiral
Jul 8, 2010
Here is the one I got Boom, Nice little gun, also picked up a thousand rounds of ammo to go along with it.



Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Here is the one I got Boom, Nice little gun, also picked up a thousand rounds of ammo to go along with it.

Sa'weet, MT. You didn't respond to my comment about insta check for long guns? BTW, I guess you sadly might not have any reason to visit the Vancouver area anymore?


Fleet Admiral
Jul 8, 2010
Sa'weet, MT. You didn't respond to my comment about insta check for long guns? BTW, I guess you sadly might not have any reason to visit the Vancouver area anymore?

I am sorry Boom, don't give up on me yet, my sister still lives in Vancouver and my mother in law/father in law, and my wife's sister, brother and her daughter live in Portland, so I know for a fact my traveling back to the area is not over!

As far as insta check, we have to fill out a form 4473 everytime we purchase any gun here in Montana, including long guns, we have no waiting period here for any gun, but we still have to pass the BG check to take it home, which is what was so pissy today, I walked out the door with the AR only a few days ago(Christmas) and today they delayed me, go figure!

As far as meeting up, you are more than welcome to come over my way, we will always have a comfortable place to put friends up!



Staff member
Jul 7, 2010
Good lookin' AR MT. I've heard good stuff about DMPS, but I've never shot one.

My background check went pretty fast and easy - though it seems that I've gotten stuck with a check of some sort every year for while now. HOWEVER, I'm thinking the process was considerably different than when I bought my 9mm several years ago.

When did they start using F4473, anyone know?