Restoring my MFG


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Oct 31, 2007
Re: Restoring my MFG

Looks like ya got a good start on it. Is the roof fixed?

Hey Ed ..... sorry to hear about your set back but just think of it as practice sharpening your skills for when you get back on the boat.

Well Ed, Looks like you have the floor on the run! Was it all plywood? Maybe go with marine grade if it wasn't before. Those things are so weight-fussy. good luck man!

Thanks guys..... This past weekend I got all the nasty floor framing out. Whew......New 5/8" underlayment going in this weekend... Now I can get to the Head at night. with out walking on 2x4's...he he....


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jul 18, 2010
Re: Restoring my MFG

Thanks guys..... This past weekend I got all the nasty floor framing out. Whew......New 5/8" underlayment going in this weekend... Now I can get to the Head at night. with out walking on 2x4's...he he....

Well, with the 2x4's you had other options for the head...Ciulda been worse...My septic system was destroyed by an incompetent contractor...Think about the ramifications of thatone...on second thought...Don't!


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Oct 31, 2007
Re: Restoring my MFG

Oh Lookie what I got .......................Finally came back from the chromer


I may be side tracked with my R/V but I am still in "the groove" with my boat!


Supreme Mariner
Nov 16, 2011
Re: Restoring my MFG

WOW ! those look terrific Ed ! Now you got me thinking on chroming mine instead of painting white like original. Do they do all the prep work for the chrome?

Jon Sob

Master Chief Petty Officer
Jun 11, 2011
Re: Restoring my MFG

That's awesome Ed ...... those are really going to dress her up.


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Oct 31, 2007
Re: Restoring my MFG

Chrome job looks nice Ed! Where did you send them off to?

WOW ! those look terrific Ed ! Now you got me thinking on chroming mine instead of painting white like original. Do they do all the prep work for the chrome?

I am pretty pleased with the way they came out. It was something I wanted to do ever since I got the boat. Always seemed like Murphy's' law got in the way, The truth is, I got tired of seeing them in a box just sitting in the shop. So, I just did it!
As we all know, these MFG deck fitting are hard to come by. So, I was reluctant to ship them anywhere. I found a local company and delivered them myself. I used a company called Nu-Chrome. To their credit, they did what they said they were gonna do. However, their reputation is somewhat less than Stella...I found this out after I dropped off my parts... Made me nervous. Lots of unhappy customers,

But all went well for me, and I'm happy to get them back. Hoping to squeeze in some boat time soon.:D


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jul 18, 2010
Re: Restoring my MFG

Looks great Ed. Can't wait to se em on the boat.