I've worked really hard most of my days, and after posting earlier about carrying 70ish pounds, remembered about a year ago.... this one time at band camp.. We had our usual morning meeting, got our assignments, and then everyone scrambles for tools and equipment. Really excited and looking forward to the job I was given, went down in a hole to grab the welding machine from the day before because I had spent 2hrs repairing it.
I also needed to commandeer a lift, so, I was really scrambling. These aluminum MIG welders weigh close to seventy with a full roll of wire. Plus a twenty foot whip across my left shoulder, my right hand on the handle; it's an awful lot just traveling flat ground. Never mind a rope, I've one handed a ladder before... lol.
My feet were ten rungs up and I saw my hand miss the next rung!!!

It was over quick! :lol: Landed flat on my back on scaffolding, bounced and went down two more feet to the next scaffold. My chin was mashed into my chest, hard hat still on and against some panels. Focusing, looked up and there was a co-worker and the Project Manager. They had seen the whole thing and were in more shock than I was! I heard the PM yell at my buddy, "ya think he's..." Bear says, "....old people usually die when they fall"
I was maybe twenty feet below them and they couldn't see me so well because it was dark down there, but I burst into laughter when I heard Bear's comment!!! and could see the relief on their faces. Took it easy until lunch, but did finish the ten hour day.
and they called me Humpty Dumpty from then on....