got me!
My first post was poking fun of you....then....I noticed where you were from... and thought I would help out. I went searching! I was curious!
Just goes to show...I'm never to old to be fooled.
I'll be watching your posts. I just may have some advice.
Back in the day we had this new tech working on a defective preamp board. One of the guys told him he spotted the problem, all the resistors were in backwards. There were hundreds of through-hole resistors on that board! He spent hours swapping them around and wouldn't you know it, the board worked afterwards. No one could convince him it was a gag! It backfired on us because he kept trying that as a solution whenever he ran into a problem board. IIRC he didn't last long...
and every device has a gonkulator to blame
Unless, of course, it's the sydoflasm, which is difficult to seat. When not properly seated, it will usually interfere with the efficiency of the adjustment valve; which in turn, could easily lead one to believe that the gonkulator's to blame. Gotta take your time, and think things through before jumping to conclusions
Safe and happy boating always!!!