Politics Forum?


Lieutenant Commander
May 13, 2003
Re: Politics Forum?

I think it would probably add alot of stress to our Mods.......And I know they are paid very well (sarcasm) but it would keep them too busy. In all honesty I believe if people stayed more civil to each other this wouldnt even be an issue.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Feb 6, 2005
Re: Politics Forum?

I don't have to respect anyone's view. That is my right. That is what our troops fight for.


Lieutenant Commander
May 13, 2003
Re: Politics Forum?

At the same time Brett this is not a public forum they (iboats) dont have to let us even have a forum and they defenetly dont have to let us have DSC so in truth on their site the make the rules, they decide your rights on this forum, so whether you respect someones veiw doesnt matter but you should be respectful of others period. For instance No flamming ....I dont agree with many on here but I know not to disrespect others and if others cant get a grip I would be willing to bet that this place that we all love and visit quite often may go away or at least change so none of us will have what we do now.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Feb 6, 2005
Re: Politics Forum?

Someone stated that their opinion had to be respected.<br /><br />Wrong.<br /><br />There is a huge difference in being respectable socially and not respecting someones opinion. I am not talking about social skills here. <br /><br />What I respect is the right to have and express an opinion.<br /><br />Yet I don't expect my opinions to be respected by those who disagree, and neither should you.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Feb 6, 2005
Re: Politics Forum?

No biggie,<br /><br />Just wanted to clarify what I wanted to say.<br /><br />Edit:<br />Respect opposing views, that doesn't mean you have to agree, but at least repect the differeing view. After all, isn't that one of the rights that our servicemen and women have fought and died to preserve for the American People? <br /><br />Unbelievable. This guy has no idea what our country is about.<br /><br />They fight for our right to hold and express our own opinions. I don't have to respect anyone's opinion. I have that right to dissent.


Rear Admiral
Jun 27, 2004
Re: Politics Forum?

Too bad all the disagreements don't go that way......i agree with an above statement you made mikeandronda, that if we could be more civil this wouldnt be an issue. Problem is in the past weeks how many threads have been posted directly complaining about the DC posts of late?? It would seem that not too many are grasping that realization. <br /><br />I would hate to see this section of the forums go down the tubes because of any of this. unlike others who call the recent political rants a "phase" or say it will eventually slow down, i cant agree and i think they are fooling themselves......Doesn't really look like there will be a shortage of political controversy anytime soon.


Rear Admiral
Jun 27, 2004
Re: Politics Forum?

LOL yup....he's my favorite player of all time. I met him twice, and he was a great person. I've been searching for an avatar of his to use and finally found the right one and figured out how to use it.

Kiwi Phil

Jun 23, 2003
Re: Politics Forum?

Personally, I believe there is nothing wrong with a discussion on Politics.<br />What I am getting jacked-off with is, so many threads have 'politics' introduced in to them, not as a general topic, but as a means of demeaning some person because their views are not acceptable to first person.<br />There are 'culprits' who don't seem able to control themselves. Pity they can't stick to the subject in question and be civil and polite.<br />I console myself with the belief this is probably the only place in their lives any one would ever take notice or pay ANY attention to them. <br />Cheers<br />Phillip


Lieutenant Commander
Oct 18, 2003
Re: Politics Forum?

......and then you've got those of us who don't know much about American Politics.........like the government :D


Mar 16, 2002
Re: Politics Forum?

What I am getting jacked-off with
ah hah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha hah aahahah hahahah hah h hah hah hahaha hahaha :eek: :eek: :eek: :D :D :D :D


Mar 18, 2003
Re: Politics Forum?

Politics are great to discuss, its how we educate ourselves and are able to see all sides. It's the personal attacks against other members when their opinions differ that upsets me.


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Mar 25, 2001
Re: Politics Forum?

The most recent "war" here has been about who has been at fault for imperfect handling and behavior in the aftermath of Katrina.<br /><br />Many many C&P of inflammatory, self serving statements that looked at one slice of the big picture from one angle and drew bottom line conclusions. These angered others and prompted counterattacks, leading to thinly veiled personal insults.<br /><br />Like the last "war", over the election, it will fade and we will be embarrassed by our own behavior.<br /><br />Stating a well thought out opinion is anyone's right. Disagreeing in a well thought out and civilized manner is, too.<br /><br />Let's all stop C&P-ing and/or quoting politicians and journalists and THINK FOR OURSELVES. Let us also remember that these are our friends we are addressing; if it came to it you would die for their right to be wrong.. . .um, er.. . misinformed. :)


Fleet Admiral
Oct 13, 2003
Re: Politics Forum?

I wouldn't like to see a separate political forum for this reason:<br /><br />I have seen other political forums (fora?) that come up as search results, and my observation is they come in two flavors:<br />1. Everybody thinks the same, so you never hear other perspectives or opinions.<br />2. They are full of hate & personal insults.<br /><br />I fear an iboats politicoforum would become one or the other, and neither appeals to me.<br /><br />Docksidechat debates historically are civil enough. We represent every region of the US & bits of Canada, plus Europe, Australia & even parts of the African continent. I get points of view, opinions, sides of issues I would never have thought of. Links to sources of information I didn't know about. My opinion has been influenced by comments I read here.<br /><br />I fear that if political posts are moved to a separate forum, those discussions will lose the diversity of thought and experience of participants who might otherwise have contributed.<br /><br />Feel free to agree, disagree, debate, debunk or ridicule anything I type, but you don't have to question my motives. You don't have to tell me I don't care about America. You don't have to label me a winger (left- or right-). You get the picture.


Supreme Mariner
Mar 22, 2005
Re: Politics Forum?

I will never understand the supposed problem. Dockside Chat means just that to me. I could absolutely see my friends (who don't all share my political or religious opinions) sit down on a real dock and chat about politics and religion. So what?<br /><br />Leave it alone and just understand that discussions can get heated even on a real dock. So far I haven't been thrown in . . . :D


Petty Officer 1st Class
Sep 30, 2004
Re: Politics Forum?

Right on jtex!<br /><br />And like JB said, if you want a specific forum for politics, they have those on other sites. I don't think we need a separate forum here, even though much of what gets disussed on DC is politically infused. <br /><br />I am not a politics junkie, so I don't even want to bother with those other sites. I do, however, like to skim the threads in DC because I think we have a lot of very intelligent members from all politcal parties who participate in them. It's no big deal for me to disregard the collossal amounts of B.S. in those threads and just pay attention to the good points that each person can and does make. It's nice because I can get some political culturing in DC, while trying to figure out why my merc blew up in another forum. It's up to us to post what we want to discuss in DC. <br /><br />It's also up to us to decide whether we want to read a thread or not. No one has ever forced me to read the entire thread of any topic, anywhere. I have started to read a thread and then realized that it was a waste of time. So, what did I do...I ignored that thread. SImple as that.


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Mar 25, 2001
Re: Politics Forum?

Good thoughts, BassCat.<br /><br />I, and the other members of the Mod Squad don't have the option to not read controversial and inflammatory threads. We agreed to do so when we accepted the appointments.<br /><br />The tough part is to try to stay cool when what I read outrages me, and try to treat what I see as hogwash the same as what I agree with.<br /><br />Lately, I am seeing hogwash from both sides of the aisle over Katrina, along with a few level-headed attempts to defuse the lynch mobs. Nobody knows the whole story, yet the finger pointing and accusation continues in both directions.<br /><br />I think our rules about civil and polite discourse are all the censorship that is justified on this forum. <br /><br />Perhaps a temporary ban on C&P and quotes of inflammatory material is justified, requiring members to have and express only their own thoughts in a civil manner. <br /><br />It sure would ease the Mod Squad's job not to have to read all that rabble rousing political rhetoric from professional rabble rousers.<br /><br />I think that Nate and Pony, et al have a legitimate complaint. I just think their proposed solutions would be unjust overkill.