<PLEASE HELP> 14' 6" 1952 McCulloch aluminum oxidation due to paint stripper

Jul 24, 2015
<PLEASE HELP> 14' 6" 1952 McCulloch aluminum oxidation due to paint stripper


Hey guys,

I'm obviously new here and this is the first aluminum boat restoration project I've ever undertaken. I bought her for $150 and a 1987 Johnson 28 SPL for $100, started stripping paint before I knew what I was doing and think I may have messed up. Getting swamped at work I side shelved this project for about a week and a half now. Unfortunately, today, when I came home I went to look at my new/old baby and to my horror there were small areas where rust dot (beads) had formed! I was using Aircraft stripper. Attached are some pictures to show you where and how stupid I was; any help/advice would be appreciated. My plans are/were to strip all paint off and put on "Sharkhide" aluminum polish/protector. 20150724_173845.jpg
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Honorary Moderator Emeritus
May 24, 2011
Welcome aboard.

Want the good news first? It isn't rust. It looks more like the stripper dried on the aluminum.

Try some more stripper on a spot and see if it softens the old stuff so you can get it off.

Are you planning on polishing the hull and then using the Sharkhide?
Jul 24, 2015
That's great news! It rains here quite a good bit and I was using a cutting blade on my old steering column so was afraid I'd started some chemical reaction. What would you suggest? I'm guessing strip/polish/protect? Thanks again!


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
May 24, 2011

Exactly. If you put sharkhide in the search box on top of the page. you will find more than a few polishing posts in threads.


Supreme Mariner
Jun 26, 2011
Commodore_cutts, first thing I have to say is :welcome: to iboats...great having you aboard...

I see a few things worthy to point out. First I see a really nice boat project. The boat has some great lines and I think it will look very nice refinished as well. Second, aluminum doesn't rust, so there is no rust forming on the hull. Third, when you get around to the trailer, that boat seriously has to be move forward a lot on the trailer. Presently it looks like 1/4 to 1/3th of the hull is sitting off the trailer without any support. That needs attention. As for the removal of the paint finish, what you are using is probably the best paint stripper around. But it may take a few coats to get most of it removed too. Then the sanding efforts takes over. Don't get discouraged because once you get it ready for either polishing OR another paint finish, you will have a nice smile on your face knowing you did it yourself... :thumb:
Jul 24, 2015
Hey guys,

It's been a while! With my job, projects, and school it's taking me more time than I'd like to finish her, but I've come a long way... The boat wasn't a McCulloch (although I like that name better) from what the original boater's registration claims it is a 1959 Falcon. Somehow the original owner found it among paperwork the other day and sent me a picture, which is forthcoming. Other than that - any advice for transom work, zinc anodes, sealing seams, and paint ideas for the unpolished sections would be appreciated!
Boat2.jpg Boat3.jpg Boat4.jpg '62 boat registration.jpg Boat1.jpg


Oct 25, 2009
Great job C_C you have her looking real good, I think Falcon is a better name than a clunky old McCulloch shainsaw:D
Jul 24, 2015
Thanks dozerll ! I was thinking about doing a navy blue on the center deck panel, fins and bottom.


Supreme Mariner
Dec 29, 2009
You can also do "Faux Paint" wood Grain!!!! This video shows it on wood but it works just as well on aluminum. IF you have some patience!! You can buy a piece of flat aluminum @ Home Depot and PRACTICE till you get good at it!!!! Even thought you're using water based Latex paint you can shoot some automotive clear coat over it when you're done and it'll last a LOOOOOONG Time!!!!

Jul 24, 2015
I was thinking vinyl like on a 70's station wagon actually.

Haha I'm no Clark Griswold. I want this puppy to look like something NASA cooked up with Aquaman. The 1/4" wood was a sound idea for the bow that way if anyone wanted to lay out on it they wouldn't get their buns burnt haha The polished areas are for sure staying polished and the parts where it's a yellow/bronze I was planning on just sanding lightly and painting (possibly a Navy). As far as the stern goes, the only sure bit is I want a Sailor Jerry styled pinup of a girl sitting on an Ocean Bouy starting to take her top off - I have a friend who is a killer artist doing that work pro bono...
Jul 24, 2015
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