Guess I should clarify, I continue to try and post pics in other threads from time to time, but if it doesn't work, I'll try here just to keep the problem known
Okay, I can recreate what's going on for ya' AD. - - I downloaded IE 11 and gave it a whirl. I was getting the same error no matter what I did. The developer dudes are gonna' have to answer that one.
Wonder if this will ever get fixed. Also wonder if it has something to do with google trying to take over as the only browser. OSO just did some changes and it has a pop up that doesn't seem to be able to make it stop. It all works fine with chrome but has an issue with IE
Did some research today and found out the MS is no longer supporting IE11 except with Windows 10. My guess is even W10 will have support issues in short order.
So guess I'm going to load chrome (against better judgment) and deal with Google capturing data for their use. After loading chrome the pics should work and will report back, but really don't want to load it, did once before and didn't trust it
AllDodge Not sure it'll help, but I've quit using the Windows 10 built in browser (MS Edge) and have been using Mozilla Firefox instead.. Seems to work pretty good (pics too.. lol)
Up to you, but it's another option that isn't Chrome if ya want...
Posted 2 pics downloaded Large on my last thread, sometimes both are visible some times not, when not, only shows 2 small color squares where original posted pics used to appear. Is there any tech explanation for it ?