Re: Personal Flotation Devices
I'm a bit surprised that everyone has their rules about wearing a PFD when underway pretty much alike, but several also mention drinking while boating. Not sure about where yall are, but the man don't take kindly to the boat operator doing any drinking here. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE to tie one fairly often, just not when I'm responsible for the safety of others on the water. I do my summer fishing at night so I am waiting to launch while others are coming in from a day on the water and I see it a lot. Some guy yelling at his wife about her backing the trailer in wrong because he is too drunk to get the boat on it. Another time I saw a guy flop right off the bow of his boat into the river trying to hook up the strap. And the two drunken idiots that were miles from the ramp they launched from in a 12ft jon boat with a 5hp motor and no gas that I towed in because the were trying to paddle against the tide in the main channel. They pounded one beer after another the whole tow. Oh, and lets not forget the middle aged woman standing on the bow of a pontoon coming in with a beer in her hand. She managed to slurr out " Yall need to hurry up and get the f**k out of our way!" just before her husband clanged a pontoon against the dock, narrowly missing the other boats lined up waiting on their trailers. Sorry, if this is off topic and a bit of a rant, but it's a peeve of mine. Just keep in mind that along with making sure your life jackets and other safety gear are in order you should also make sure nobody has "too" good of a time out there as a part of being a responsible captain.