Over the hill gang.


Chief Petty Officer
Mar 11, 2002
When....EXACTLY....is it that we are supposed to start the down hill run in our lifes?<br /><br />Not mentaly of coarse, but my ship is starting to creek a little.<br /><br />I used to be able to get up after I sat down, but now it seems that I need a little more time to make it back to the butt kicken position.<br /><br />In the morning it takes a good five minutes for my heels to quit hurten so I can walk without a gimp.<br /><br />I have been having alot of pain in my elbow while swinging my machette at work (although I can still whoop the younguns at it).<br /><br />I can't hear as well as I used to either, my left ear is the worst....Feels like it's full of cotton. My wife says it's selective hearing....Then again after the cane she gave me on my 30th B.Day what does she expect?<br /><br />I'm makeing alot more U-turns In the work truck. Do they have to make those street signs so darn small....maby they should make those letters a little bit bigger, or maby just put them 100ft before the road I want to turn on. Ya thats the ticket.<br /><br />While we are on the subject....When....EXACTLY....did I become a "SIR"?<br /><br />I still put my pants on one leg at a time....I work for a living just like everybody else....so when did I become "sir" instead of "hey dude"?<br /><br />My daughter Is now bounceing around to Brittny Smears singing "I love rock and roll". She would not belive me when I told her that she did'nt write it.<br /><br />Whats with "Flare pants" and how come my daughter keeps corecting me when I call them "Bell bottoms"....I saw em first.<br /><br />The next time My eyeman tells me I've got grey hairs in my beard I'm gonna reach over and pull his only, shown off like a prize rooster, chest hair out.<br /><br />It's not my fault that he shaves with a cat and a bowl of milk instead of a razor....Whys he busten my chops for?<br /><br />By the way...Its not "dude" anymore he says, it's "dog". So I called him "hey dog." and he busts out laughen and said I sounded funny calling him that and I should call him "dude" as always. Little pecker head.<br /><br />For crying out loud....I'm only 34.<br /><br />Dinowood.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Mar 18, 2002
Re: Over the hill gang.

derwood, u still a young buck, not even close to over the hill. Here are some things when you hit my age..........<br />1. You're asleep, but others worry that you're dead. <br /><br />2. Your back goes out more than you do. <br /><br />3. You quit trying to hold your stomach in, no matter who walks into the room. <br /><br />4. You buy a compass for the dash of your car/truck. <br /><br />5. You are proud of your lawn mower. <br /><br />6. Your best friend is dating someone half their age, and isn't breaking any laws. <br /><br />7. Your arms are almost too short to read the newspaper. <br /><br />8. You sing along with the elevator music. <br /><br />9. You would rather go to work than stay home sick. <br /><br />10. You enjoy hearing about other people's operations. <br /><br />11. You no longer think of speed limits as a challenge. <br /><br />12. People call at 9:00 p.m. and ask, "Did I wake you?" <br /><br />13. You answer a question with, "Because I said so." <br /><br />14. You send money to PBS. <br /><br />15. The end of your tie doesn't come anywhere near the top of your pants. <br /><br />16. You take a metal detector to the beach. <br /><br />17. You know what the word "equity" means. <br /><br />18. You can't remember the last time you laid on the floor to watch <br /><br />television. 19. Your ears are hairier than your head. <br /><br />20. You talk about "good grass" and you're referring to someone's lawn. <br /><br />21. You get into a heated argument about pension plans. <br /><br />22. You got cable for The Weather Channel. <br /><br />23. You can go bowling without drinking. <br /><br />24. You have a party and the neighbors don't even realize it. <br /><br />25. People send you this list.

Mike NZ

Petty Officer 2nd Class
Aug 15, 2002
Re: Over the hill gang.

And don't policeman look young now. And that guy in the mirror, you take a passing glance and then this face stares back at you in astonishment. What happened? thats ugly, take a look at yourself old man. Now I know my wife has true love or she's as desperate as me. Come to think of it what happened to that sweet young thing? She has another baby and looks the same size as before. And hair, its coming out of places I never dreamed of. My hairdresser asks if I wan't my eyebrows cut and my ears trimmed. Tea is a hard drink, coffee is like hey lets just loosen right up and cast caution to the wind. I post to people I've never met on Saturday nights. Now this is really scary.........they read it. Mike 43.

Ross J

Lieutenant Junior Grade
Nov 30, 2001
Re: Over the hill gang.

And, and, and......<br />- you remember when "gay" meant happy,<br />- you remember when "cool" meant straight from the fridge,<br />- you wonder if the police are old enough to shave,<br />- you say "thank you" after getting a ticket,<br />- you're doctor asks for your opinion!<br />- you're dentist dosen't ask if you can afford the treatment,<br />- Finally, your wife starts calling you Grandad!!<br />Ross<br /><br />PS - I reckon my downhill slide started when I was 18. My responsibilities became larger by the day and the pressure came on loud and strong. I wouldn't have it any other way.


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Mar 25, 2001
Re: Over the hill gang.

You go out to dinner with a neighbor who is a grandmother and your gandchildren tell you she is too young for you. :D

crab bait

Feb 5, 2002
Re: Over the hill gang.

gettin' old ain't for sissies..!!<br />average man ,,, what 72 ?? 75 ??.. half of that plus one...<br />your just 'bout on track DERWOOD... <br /><br />when did my new doctor look like my high school sweetheart .. i swear she nineteen..<br /><br />hair from my head is startin' to suck down an come out on other body parts with zero predjudice.. <br /><br />i go in soon for my first colonostopy.. <br />can't wait .. at least i'll get my moneys worth... ;) ..<br /><br />but i can still wresle with the best-of-'em..<br /><br />how come the older ya get the BETTER you were..?? <br /><br />CRABBY 48...


Fleet Admiral
Mar 25, 2001
Re: Over the hill gang.

ROF.Derwood, you rely break me down,dood! LOL. Man, I wish you lived a bit closer, so us old fardts could go fishin. You a trip,dog!<br />And they ARE bell-bottoms.


May 16, 2002
Re: Over the hill gang.

Its bad enough to be called Sir but when they start opening doors for you, you know your on the edge.<br /><br />When you bend over to tie your shoes and you find your arms have shrunk since yesterday.<br /><br />When you have to lean on the door to put your pants on to keep from falling down.<br /><br />When you bring ten poles, each tied with different Lures so you don't have to waste your reserves by having to retie.<br /><br />When you think you are getting old you have already past it years ago. Its now just catching up with you.<br /><br />The end is near when can't get in or out of your boat without help............


Vice Admiral
Aug 20, 2002
Re: Over the hill gang.

Now I'm afraid.. :eek: I just figured it out...I scored a 72% on 88spl's list... I'M ONLY 29 FOR CRYIN' OUT LOUD... I love my lawn mower, I just bought a compass for my truck, PBS is the greatest thing since sliced bread, and what did I ever do without the weather channel?... <br />I feel for ya Mr. Dinowood Sir, I mean dude..


Sep 8, 2002
Re: Over the hill gang.

When I was in high school, our football team was named the "Gay Warriors". Of course, I graduated before some of you (who are talking about being OLD) were even born yet (1956). They changed the name in the early 60's due to... well you know why they changed it. I was talking to an old gent a while back at the local cafe, and he asked me if I played football as a kid... I proudly exclaimed that I was a "Gay Warrior". HE knew what I meant, but quite a few young folks overheard me and were dumbstruck. We just chuckled and went about our business.<br /><br /> As for dental work, I can have all mine done by mail order. Who says I'm not "modern"? Plastics play an important part of my life... plastic eyes, ears, and teeth.<br /><br />Since my barber died last year, I've found out that the "hair style" I have is called a "Flat top"; I guess I'm lucky to have enough up there to make it "flat". <br /><br />My doctor told me a couple weeks ago that I need to stop eating red meat, and quit frying fish in shortening... and get this - NO MORE BACK BACON! I politely told this young fella that I've out-lived my barber, dentist, pharmacist, butcher, mechanic, and yes... my first TWO doctors. I exercise every day, I have a resting heartbeat of 50, my cholesteral is 187, I'm 6 feet tall and weigh 160 lbs... he says I'm over weight. I guess since he's 6 inches shorter than me and weighs less than than many fish I've caught, he's the one who's right. Tough to say. I have a horse that's older than he is.<br /><br />PS - Crabby - the colonoscopy isn't something I'd "look forward" to, but I'd recommend being put under before hand. I've had them both ways and I feel a little less "violated" if I just "wake up" afterwards.<br /><br />PSS - and they aren't even bell-bottoms. They were hippy-pants then... and still are :) They were introduced to Canada during the Vietnam war by young people trying to LOOK Canadien. :eek: <br /><br />WOW, I'm talkative after my morning POT of coffee. :D


Vice Admiral
Jun 8, 2002
Re: Over the hill gang.

elderwood,<br />my cousin/best friend and I both turned 40 this<br />summer :eek: like crabby, I look in the mirror<br />some days and notice 3" hairs growin outa my ears.<br />my muzzle is as gray as a 16 pointer, but if I<br />shave I look much younger... say 35. LOL<br />as far as I'm concerned, as long as you are young<br />at heart, who cares!<br />now my cousin went and got a tattoo and dyed his<br />hair blonde and is generally not in good shape.<br />guess I'm lucky...having a 4yr old running around sure helps!<br />I have a fishing partner until I'm 50 now and<br />that's enough for me to stay young a little<br />longer :)


Jun 24, 2002
Re: Over the hill gang.

derwood<br /> you aint old not yet, old is when you remeber seeing the Fintstones in black and white at prime time on friday night, and there was no Pebbles. ;) <br /><br />old is when you could not wait to get your first Red Rider BB gun or pop gun with real corks. :D (I gotone and still have it )<br /><br />old is when Felix the cat had a bag of tricks.<br /><br />old is when Rocky was a squirrel and Boris and Natasha where looking for the Hush a Bomb. :p <br /><br />old is when things that happened when you were a kid are now taught as history in High School. :eek: <br /><br />old is when you can remember the first McDonalds in town and Big Macs where 10 cents. :rolleyes: <br /><br />derwood you aint old you just feeling old. Jeritol will fix that right up and get you moving real quick. :p :p :p


Sep 20, 2002
Re: Over the hill gang.

Hi, gents. I'm new to your particular board, and this thread kinda hit home, thought I would share this as well. How many of these do you remember?? Unfortunatly, I seem to recall most of 'em..... :( These came to mind as well.... <br /><br />Head lights dimmer switches on the floor<br />Ignition switches on the dashboard<br />Heaters mounted on the inside of the fire wall<br />Real ice boxes [Ask your Mom about that]<br />Pant leg clips for bicycles without chain guards. Soldering irons you heat<br /><br /> :D Older Than Dirt Quiz Count all the ones that you remember-not the ones you were told about! :D Ratings at the bottom.<br /><br />1. Blackjack chewing gum<br />2. Wax Coke-shaped bottles with colored sugar water<br />3. Candy cigarettes<br />4. Soda pop machines that dispensed bottle<br />5. Coffee shops with tableside jukeboxes<br />6. Home milk delivery in glass bottles with cardboard stoppers<br />7. Party lines<br />8. Newsreels before the movie<br />9. P. F. Flyers<br />10. Butch wax<br />11. Telephone numbers with a word prefix (Olive - 6933)<br />12. Peashooters<br />13. Howdy Doody<br />14. 45 RPM records<br />15. S & H Green Stamps<br />16. Hi-fi's<br />17. Metal ice trays with lever<br />18. Mimeograph paper<br />19. Blue flashbulb<br />20. Packards<br />21. Roller skate keys<br />22. Cork popguns<br />23. Drive-ins<br />24. Studebakers<br />25. Wash tub wringers <br /><br />If you remembered 0-5 = You're still young <br />If you remembered 6-10 = You are getting older <br />If you remembered 11-15 = Don't tell your age<br />If you remembered 16-25 = You're older than dirt!


Jun 24, 2002
Re: Over the hill gang.

I'm older than dirt, Whats the past tense of dirt? Dust maybe? Turned 51 5 days ago, and I remember alot of those, got 24 of 25. I lived in some pretty poor areas so maybe Im not so ald just not modern. :eek:


Jul 12, 2002
Re: Over the hill gang.

man I must be old! I love my lawn mower, I have a compass in my suv and motorcycle. I sing along with elevator music, and I neve suck my stomach in? most likely becuase I'm 5 11 and 110 pounds (I do the mile in 4:48:27 :) <br /><br />-Oldy


Sep 8, 2002
Re: Over the hill gang.

5'11" and 110 lbs? Maybe my metric conversion is a little off, but what keeps you to the ground when the wind blows? I've had hockey sticks that weighed more than that. :p


Apr 20, 2002
Re: Over the hill gang.

Heck fellows I just realized that I am old this year. I got students that were not fertilized when I graduated high school. Heck my Ranger truck is older than 2 of my students and I think it is "the bomb". I even think a couple of the new teachers (females) are a little young to look at. I also think most of the new male teachers are still boys. What is the worst an older friend called my attention to a sweet young thing and my first thought was "I can't believe her parents let her dress like that in public." and not "Wow she is hot."<br />Now onto something related to this. When exactly do you know you are having your mid-life crisis? I recently took up flyfishing, considering a job change (still in the same field but new assignment), started watching more educational programs and less entertainment only ones, was looking at sports cars and motorcycles, actually considered dying my hair or changing the hairstyle and there have been a few other odd things that have been finding thier way into my head. Does this mean I am already there or does it get worse???


Sep 5, 2002
Re: Over the hill gang.

you know your headed down hill when you start using the brail at the drive up atm.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jan 20, 2002
Re: Over the hill gang.

Heck - I'm not getting old..... but as the years go by.... there just seem to be so many MORE YOUNGER PEOPLE around... :rolleyes: <br /><br />Cigar Man - Great post, welcome to Iboats... especially if you like cigars ;) <br /><br />One of my favourite pastimes (that I won't get too old for in a hurry) is an evening fishing trip with good company, calm sea, plenty of fish biting, a box of fine cigars and a bottle or two of good quality port...