One nation under God......Maybe?


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Aug 14, 2003
Re: One nation under God......Maybe?

Mike, I thought that a lower court had ruled the public schools could not recite the pledge with "under God" included. The supreme court is the next step. Justice Scalia recused himself due to public statements he made as stated in the article. I know it is far fetched to think the supreme court will correct this, but one can hope.


May 17, 2001
Re: One nation under God......Maybe?

Why can't they just put this up for everyone to vote on, and then get on with life as it should be. Under God! :D


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Aug 11, 2002
Re: One nation under God......Maybe?

Hmmm...I am part Cherokee, and my ancestors were here long before yours were.<br /><br />I think I prefer it to be "Under the Great Spirit"<br /><br />Or must you pray to a Christain god to be a good American? That must be what the founders meant when they suggested that all should be free to practice the religion of their choice, and they just left out the part about "as long as it is European Judao-Christian in origin"<br /><br />Or perhaps the framers left out the part that says "At some point in time, and maybe we should pick the year 2003, we should have a vote and decide which religion has the most followers, and all others just sit down, shut up, and accept it"<br /><br />Hmm, I guess the old Bill of Rights is simply out of date the way it was written, in this enlighened age.


Lieutenant Commander
May 13, 2003
Re: One nation under God......Maybe?

Yes if things actully were done on a person by person vote maybe things would be right but thats not how our country works. Maybe at one time it was about right and wrong, but now its squeeky wheel gets the oil, dont say or do something that might offend anybody regardless of the truth. In my opinion the very things and type of person that made this country the greatest ever are the ones that seem to be getting the most flak nowadays. My father, My Grandfather, My great grandfather would have laughed at the idea of haveing same sex marraiges......but hey the wonderful Lib Gov. of Calipornia has brought us one step closer to that as a reality. In God We Trust is in our pledge and on our money, It doesnt mean anybody is forcing anything on anybody. Some may say " I dont want to have to look at it" well my answer to that is " I dont want to look at 2 guys holding hands in a public place" but if speak up Im being predjuduce :mad: <br />Well the next thing they say is " well I dont want to have to say the pledge if thats in there....... :mad: :mad: THEN SKIP THAT PART :mad: :mad: Now theres some crossdressing liberal witch that has a problem becuase some Christian based Orgination that helps the homeless has religius stuff in there building.......PLEASE......What I want to know were is Plywoody????? he always sticks up for the ones being so called percicuted for their beliefs but lo and behold when it Christians being percicuted mums the word.Hmmmmmmmmm. :confused:


Re: One nation under God......Maybe?

I do not consider;<br /><br />rampant crime,<br /><br />no ethics,<br /><br />no respect for property,<br /><br />no respect for life,<br /><br />no respect for others,<br /><br />only respect in self as being "enlightened".


Lieutenant Commander
May 13, 2003
Re: One nation under God......Maybe?

Sorry plywoody was writing as you posted,As for your ancestors were here before mine, how do you know what nationalitys I have in me? ....Anyways about the indians being here first,I could give a rip..... Fair or not, they lost a war a couple of hundred years ago to the white(English,french,ect....ect....) man, and now the counrty you live in is America not Indian nations, Although thats a whole different story ole' plywoody....lets stick to the subject the second link ply ole buddy now the Libs. want to come into a privetly run homeless shelter and change the fact of their relious art and such. It now different from me wanting to go down to the indian reservation and ask them to take down their totom poles :mad:


Jul 12, 2002
Re: One nation under God......Maybe?

"God" can be any god? or would we have the choice to say "One nation under Budda/ahamid/ra/GOD???"


Vice Admiral
Aug 20, 2002
Re: One nation under God......Maybe?

One Nation, under Eric Clapton.............. <br /><br />Can I say it that way? Or, do I have to say "under god" and just mean Eric Clapton? :confused: <br /><br /> Think next time i'll say "Eric Clapton" and see who it pisses off.... I mean, after all, Clapton's the only god that i'm aware of.....
<br /><br />My vote, say the pledge as it was originaly written...


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Mar 25, 2001
Re: One nation under God......Maybe?

One more blow for those who would eliminate systematic exclusion of non-Christians from full participation in America.<br /><br />Under Wakan Tanka (Great Spirit) would make more sense.<br /><br />Again, JB agrees with Plywoody. (GOOD GRIEF!!! :eek: ) Can that be??


Mar 4, 2002
Re: One nation under God......Maybe?

Would SOMEONE please wake me up from this reality?<br /><br />WHAT ON EARTH HAS THIS NATION COME TO?<br />Taking God out of our pledge... Come on!<br /><br />If you don't like our culture and ways, then get out for GOD'S sake... You are not being forced to live here.<br /><br /> :mad: <br /><br />Besides...It should read: "ONE NATION UNDER POP TARTS"<br /><br />Get it right! ;) <br /><br /> <br />H.


Lieutenant Commander
Jun 29, 2003
Re: One nation under God......Maybe?

hey PW--<br />--been told that somewhere my irish (scots fore folks?) gave me some Souix blood--?--nebraska way back when--the christian deal is not absolute--please consider that great spirit could be ( and is imo) one unto all religions--it is we mortal men who have devided the great one into our specific "needs" for our recognition of "our God"-<br /><br />--are not all men moved by a great respect for their reverence of a higher power-----<br /><br />--seems to me brother that the pledge can and does allow all to pray to theirs--


Lieutenant Commander
May 13, 2003
Re: One nation under God......Maybe?

Well JB there were people here before the american indians.....( 1000s of years before they came accross from Russia).....A kinda oriental people I believe, If what you and plywoody thought about what "God" should be mentioned in the pledge it should be theirs, But that fact remains this is now America and the pledge doesnt say under one nation under the christian god. It just says God.... The point here is say whatever you want but leave the things that are american alone and the pledge in my eyes is all about america they way my ancestors ment it to be.


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Aug 21, 2002
Re: One nation under God......Maybe?

I Believe ONE NATION UNDER GOD should stand. Although the GOD we beleive in may differ. Whos to say that being a christian is THE RIGHT WAY ? Until death you wont know, for sure. I am Christian, but ive been to other cultures and there beleifs are totally different to this day. Myans, Indians, Africans, Jews, so many different opinions and all beleive they are right, and so do christians. What if you die and there is no heaven, the hijackers in 9/11 had been taught that theyed have 20 virgins awaiting them. Who really beleives that? I believe ONE NATION UNDER GOD SHOULD stand no matter who you beleive GOD is. Even if I dont always agree with it.


Lieutenant Commander
May 13, 2003
Re: One nation under God......Maybe?

I agree with you Rod Knocking.......but how do you feel about the second link...... If somebody was telling a Indian,Jewish,muslum or any other religious homeless sheter they would have take their symbols down the liberals in this country would be up in arms, But you see Christians who follow what the bible says tend to have problems with many Liberal veiws so that in a sense puts them on the other side of the Libs, in essence making them enemies. So in my humble opinion rather than fight for the rights they are losing like any lib would for anybody else, they help to hurt Christianity in anyway they can, including taking their rights away. Its not like you have to be Christian to sleep there just homeless, whats the problem?

Ralph 123

Jun 24, 2003
Re: One nation under God......Maybe?

The New American Pledge of Allegiance- working draft - feel free to edit:<br /><br />I pleged Allegiance, when I feel like it, to the flag, unless I am burning it, of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation, under nothing, meaning nothing, Highly Divided, with liberty and justice for the few I agree with.<br /><br />How's that? Sounds like the real deal these days.<br /><br />Suggestions?


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Mar 25, 2001
Re: One nation under God......Maybe?

Hmmmm. <br /><br />Some argue that "God" is universal but get all bent out of shape when Wakan Tanka is mentioned.<br /><br />Do you have any notion of what Wakan Tanka is???<br /><br />What hypocrisy! What racism! What prejudice!<br /><br />Well, I guess that is the "American way", white Christianity. All others like it or get out.


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Aug 21, 2002
Re: One nation under God......Maybe?

Well Mike if your really christian, you have no enimies. you love the ones who hate you. Jesus-judas... As for other religious symbols I see that as part of there culture. Just as I see a cross as a part of ours, that ,if you think about it, was not ours to begin with,..... Id like to know your thoughts on that. Dennis