Ohhh I feel the need for a new oil thread


Jan 13, 2006
Well i guess there are no more shortage's and the raw gas supply is back up there............ now that the stk mrkt is in the tub....... now how the hell could that effect oil pricing..........MUCH TO COME............:mad:

OHH now here's a first, lower rate's mean's higher price's..........


Hmm now what's this


Is there a oil shortage or money crunch.............

Ohh geesh look's lie the arab's are speculating on our econ..... perhap's we should speculate on there's



Mar 7, 2002
Re: Ohhh I feel the need for a new oil thread

I only remember hurricanes having an effect on oil prices being used in the last couple of years.

Tail_gunner, remember way at the beginning of Bush/Cheney's first term, Cheney had a number of the top oil executives as "consultants" to form new national energy programs and plans?

I remember many in Congress wanted to know what was the meetings contents and agenda. Cheney basically told them to pack sand/ executive privledge.

I've often wondered myself what "the plan" really was.


Rear Admiral
Apr 9, 2005
Re: Ohhh I feel the need for a new oil thread

The price of oil really isn't as magical as some people think.

When we look broke, oil producers assume we'll have less to spend on oil (and purchase less accordingly)- so the price falls.

When the fed cuts interest rates, it looks like we'll have more money to spend on oil (and purchase more accordingly)- so the price goes up.

Supply and demand guys. Big demand equals big prices. Low demand equals low prices. If you have ten pencils and 100 buyers, you charge a lot more than if you have ten pencils and two buyers.


Jan 13, 2006
Re: Ohhh I feel the need for a new oil thread

Frog ...your not suggesting there a MONOPLOY..............:eek:


Rear Admiral
Apr 9, 2005
Re: Ohhh I feel the need for a new oil thread

No, I am suggesting it is a free market with multiple large international companies competing.


Fleet Admiral
Mar 25, 2001
Re: Ohhh I feel the need for a new oil thread

Boycott citgo -- or smite the chaveaz's (whichever occurs first)


Nov 15, 2003
Re: Ohhh I feel the need for a new oil thread

I wanted to say that there is a legitimate reason for prices to go up when a hurricane is in the Gulf. 25% of our nations oil comes from the GOM, so when an event like hurricanes Katrina followed by Rita hit the Gulf, it really tears up platforms and puts an immediate and noticable dent in our local supply of oil. The amount of damage those two hurricanes did to our oil supply can be fathomed by few.

Where they are currently saying Dean will go shouldn't make more than a small impact on our oil supply, as our main supply comes from the Texas and Louisiana area of the gulf rim. Anywhere between New Orleans and Galveston will result in pain at the pump.


Jan 13, 2006
Re: Ohhh I feel the need for a new oil thread

No, I am suggesting it is a free market with multiple large international companies competing.

Frog this time i will not be adversarial, may i ask what choice do we have....... I do not know what gas is in your city, but here in oregon gas is within .5 where ever you go. There are no choice's....Hell even Texaco has texron now... errrr techron...get the drift...;)


Jan 13, 2006
Re: Ohhh I feel the need for a new oil thread

I wanted to say that there is a legitimate reason for prices to go up when a hurricane is in the Gulf. 25% of our nations oil comes from the GOM, so when an event like hurricanes Katrina followed by Rita hit the Gulf, it really tears up platforms and puts an immediate and noticable dent in our local supply of oil. The amount of damage those two hurricanes did to our oil supply can be fathomed by few.

Where they are currently saying Dean will go shouldn't make more than a small impact on our oil supply, as our main supply comes from the Texas and Louisiana area of the gulf rim. Anywhere between New Orleans and Galveston will result in pain at the pump.

While i understand your reasoning, may i ask you if we can isolate the true reason for the huge price increase's followed with historic profit's never seen before??

1. war
2. oil shortage
3 world demand
4. gas refinery capacity
5.world demand

It is almost laughable, it seem's every quarter there is a New reason for the oil industry to inflate oil pricing.

As to this hurricane RECENT phenom, why all of a sudden does it start happening now, hmm here im ignorant how long have those platform's been off the coast.... i do know that for at least 30 year's it did not have a impact and in the past 3-4 year's it suddenly appear's....:confused:

Haut Medoc

Supreme Mariner
Jun 29, 2004
Re: Ohhh I feel the need for a new oil thread

Yep, next it will be locust attacks for an excuse.....:rolleyes:
They will make up any old excuse to rob the publics's eyeballs out......;)
Gas is .80 cheaper than it was several months ago, demand should be up in the peak summer months.......;)
There is undue influence with an eye for profit & I'm quite sure D!ck was in the thick of it with his little cartel meeting.........
All that profit should go towareds paying of the national debt......
'Course we would need a fiscally prudent CIC, not one that spends like a drunken sailor......:mad:
But this is just MHO.......:p
That is all.......:)


Rear Admiral
Apr 2, 2006
Re: Ohhh I feel the need for a new oil thread

What about dairy farmers? I mean milk is $4.00 a gal. I bet they got together with big oil and leaned how to get 4 bucks for milk.

And I see haut likes ol hills idea of taking the profits from the oil companies. Who else profits do you want to take haut? How about yours? Let's have a law that says you can only keep 20% of all profits made, would you go for that haut? I bet you'd cry like a baby saying it's wrong for them to do that. Same for oil companies, it would be wrong just to take their profits.

If you can make a profit, have at it. What have you done about it besides whine about it?


Jan 13, 2006
Re: Ohhh I feel the need for a new oil thread

What about dairy farmers? I mean milk is $4.00 a gal. I bet they got together with big oil and leaned how to get 4 bucks for milk.

And I see haut likes ol hills idea of taking the profits from the oil companies. Who else profits do you want to take haut? How about yours? Let's have a law that says you can only keep 20% of all profits made, would you go for that haut? I bet you'd cry like a baby saying it's wrong for them to do that. Same for oil companies, it would be wrong just to take their profits.

If you can make a profit, have at it. What have you done about it besides whine about it?

Sound reasoning and prudent thinking, but when your profit cripples a economy, what do you say then... Question why did the fed up the rate's and when? lest see if we can graph some inflation...gas and profit figures...;)

What about dairy farmers? I mean milk is $4.00 a gal. I bet they got together with big oil and leaned how to get 4 bucks for milk.

Now here we have the free market....Here it's 2.79 per gallon and by the way the milk increase is due to oil, any farmer's here want to chime in about fuel cost and fertilizer increase's....;)

Haut Medoc

Supreme Mariner
Jun 29, 2004
Re: Ohhh I feel the need for a new oil thread

Yep, next it will be locust attacks for an excuse.....:rolleyes:

They will make up any old excuse to rob the publics's eyeballs out......;)
Gas is .80 cheaper than it was several months ago, demand should be up in the peak summer months.......;)
There is undue influence with an eye for profit & I'm quite sure D!ck was in the thick of it with his little cartel meeting.........
All that profit should go towareds paying of the national debt......
'Course we would need a fiscally prudent CIC, not one that spends like a drunken sailor......:mad:
But this is just MHO.......

That is all.......:)
Since this is another oil thread.....
I use straight 30 wt......:D


Rear Admiral
Apr 2, 2006
Re: Ohhh I feel the need for a new oil thread

Sound reasoning and prudent thinking, but when your profit cripples a economy, what do you say then... Question why did the fed up the rate's and when? lest see if we can graph some inflation...gas and profit figures...;)

What about dairy farmers? I mean milk is $4.00 a gal. I bet they got together with big oil and leaned how to get 4 bucks for milk.

Now here we have the free market....Here it's 2.79 per gallon and by the way the milk increase is due to oil, any farmer's here want to chime in about fuel cost and fertilizer increase's....;)

I wasn't aware that our economy is crippled. I thought it was quite robust. Am I wrong?


Jan 13, 2006
Re: Ohhh I feel the need for a new oil thread

Since this is another oil thread.....
I use straight 30 wt......:D

High detergent multi grade 20/50 syntheic here, No air filter's on the motor like the news we get, scare's me a bit..... Umm i got that backward's filtered new's and a unfiltered motor.......:p

Ya know that bring's up another issue.........who here has a business where the government and the new's organization's tell your coutomer's that there is going to be a price increase and it's your fault and then your get to make the largest profit in american history.......:eek:

Now you know why i use high detergent oil....;)


Nov 30, 2006
Re: Ohhh I feel the need for a new oil thread

Sound reasoning and prudent thinking, but when your profit cripples a economy,

TG, I know facts don't matter when you normally otherwise rational people are bashin' yer favorite boooooogy man.

Domestic BIG Oil that is actually "small oil" cormpared to the rest of the world, n' has sub par margins at the top of their cycle, (NOW).

If ya think, (which no one does when they are rantin' about their favorite booooooooogy man), the main driver in price is not profit but the COST of the commodity, (n' regulations to protect the enironment or MANY TIMES: protect some incombant pols). We pay fer our oil with dollars. The Chinese accept our declinin' dollars to build the huge capital structure fer their future. Don't know how long they will corntinue to do that, (look out Mrs Jones when they change their minds). Why does Hugo have ta do that? HE HATES US, and he won't. Jus' a lil' food fer thought fer all you Einsteins who have the real simple matter, (simple as any video game: ya know) all figured out.

what do you say then... Question why did the fed up the rate's and when? lest see if we can graph some inflation...gas and profit figures...;)

What about dairy farmers? I mean milk is $4.00 a gal. I bet they got together with big oil and leaned how to get 4 bucks for milk.

Now here we have the free market....Here it's 2.79 per gallon and by the way the milk increase is due to oil, any farmer's here want to chime in about fuel cost and fertilizer increase's....;)

If ya let Hillary take the BIG BAD OIL COMPANY'S PROFITS 'cause of yer IRRATIONAL hate of small oil, jus' who will be strong enough ta protect you if Hillary gin's up the experts on Homosexuality ta take yer money n' assetts? Don't count on the Cornstatution, Hillary, Obama n' Edwards know how ta beat that piece of terlet paper!!!! Hint: BLACK ROBES!!! Jus' a lil' food fer thought. I'm tired of defendin' small oil. Carry on! Respectfully, JR ps If you n' Haut n' people who suspend logic get yer way n' distroy the domestic oil energy, (where the small industry moves off shore [where they actually get to drill] or more likely: BIG GUBMINT takes over because I got news fer Haut: people do not work n' invest to have Socialists take their assetts n' profits away), jus' think how the Saracens r' Hugo will treat ya in the future when ya wanna take that boat out. Think: people!!


Rear Admiral
Apr 2, 2006
Re: Ohhh I feel the need for a new oil thread

Quote TG:"Now here we have the free market....Here it's 2.79 per gallon and by the way the milk increase is due to oil, any farmer's here want to chime in about fuel cost and fertilizer increase's...." end quote

Now I'm not a farmer, but I do live an area that is huge on farming and raising beef. What I'm told is that the price of CORN has skyrocketed due to the ETHANOL craze some to be in, the cow is fed corn, hence the big price increase. The beef is mostly free range, except when at the feed lot, so the increase in meat is not as high as the price of milk.


Vice Admiral
Oct 12, 2003
Re: Ohhh I feel the need for a new oil thread

Some people are willing to surrender their freedom for 21 cents a gallon. (Just wait to see what gas is priced at when government gets involved.) Hope isn't gone, but its packin to leave town. :(

The government makes 3 times what the oil companies make on each gallon, where's the outrage? Just another vehicle to divide and conquer.


Jan 13, 2006
Re: Ohhh I feel the need for a new oil thread

If ya let Hillary take the BIG BAD OIL COMPANY'S PROFITS 'cause of yer IRRATIONAL hate of small oil, jus' who will be strong enough ta protect you if Hillary gin's up the experts on Homosexuality ta take yer money n' assetts? Don't count on the Cornstatution, Hillary, Obama n' Edwards know how ta beat that piece of terlet paper!!!! Hint: BLACK ROBES!!! Jus' a lil' food fer thought. I'm tired of defendin' small oil. Carry on! Respectfully, JR ps If you n' Haut n' people who suspend logic get yer way n' distroy the domestic oil energy, (where the small industry moves off shore [where they actually get to drill] or more likely: BIG GUBMINT takes over because I got news fer Haut: people do not work n' invests to have Socialists take their assetts n' profits away), jus' think how the Saracens r' Hugo will treat ya in the future when ya wanna take that boat out. Think: people!!

Actually OMR that is what really is starting to burn my A@se, the Repub's blew it big time and i mean big time. What really is beginning to take hold of my thought's is the lib's have crazy social value's and absurdly CONSERVATIVE business value and just the oppisite for the Conservative's that is consevreative social values and crazy liberal values for business ethic's a virtual damm wh@re house for the luv of god what a world....;)


Nov 15, 2003
Re: Ohhh I feel the need for a new oil thread

TG I'm not saying that the hurricanes are the only reason it goes up, just a legitimate reason.

Oil prices are set on the world market. Nothing Exxon or Chevron can do to drive up or down prices. What dem wit dems seem to forget is the cost involved in sucking it out of the ground, refining it into a usable product, and then transporting it to you. Whenever Shell or Exxon spends a half billion on a dry hole, I don't hear anybody feeling sorry for them. We only get mad at them when they make money. They invested in the infrastructure to drill, refine and distribute petroleum products. People forget the cost of that.

Last time I checked every business is in business to make money. Why are we harping on Exxon for doing just that with a product that they have no control over price? What would happen if Exxon decided to pack up and leave, saying they were tired of people bitching about their profits and they desolved? Someone else would move into their spot and become the next Exxon. What if all the multi-billion dollar oil giants decided to pack up and jump ship? How does walking to work sound?

Better shut up and be happy they are so willing to invest in alternative sources of oil for us.